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Gulf War Syndrome: Introduction

Events that lead to the current Gulf War Syndrome
Persiam Gulf War Persian Gulf War or Gulf War,Jan.–Feb., 1991, armed conflict between Iraq and a coalition of 32 nations including the United States, Britain, Egypt, France, and Saudi Arabia. It originated with Iraq's invasion of Kuwait on Aug. 2, 1990; Iraq then annexed Kuwait, which it had long claimed. Iraqi president Saddam Hussein declared that the invasion was a response to overproduction of oil in Kuwait, which had cost Iraq over $14 million when oil prices fell. Saddam Hussein also accused Kuwait of illegally pumping oil from Iraq's Rumaila oil field.
Gulf War Syndrome: Culprit Remains a Mystery Six Years Later Although the Persian Gulf conflict ended in 1991, some eighty thousand veterans of the war are still suffering from unexplained health problems including chronic fatigue, joint aches, memory loss, rashes, bleeding gums, tumors, and intestinal and respiratory illnesses.
Frontline: Last Battle of the Gulf War: Analysis: Causes of Gulf War Illnesses Here is FRONTLINE's guide to the best of what is known about these risk factors as well as valuable material to evaluate the continuing debate over the two major theories: chemical agents and stress. Panels of scientists were asked to review everything known about any toxin vets might have been exposed to in the Gulf - from tropical infections to chemical weapons.
Frontline: Last Battle of the Gulf War: Interviews Dr. Stephen Joseph led the DOD's medical investigation of Gulf War Syndrome. He explains the complex epidemiological issues involved in determining what is behind the veterans' illnesses. He also discusses why there is resistance among the public, the media and members of Congress to accept the findings of the scientific panels.
Frontline: Last Battle of the Gulf War: Veterans Paul Hanson is on active-duty in the Army, based at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. Paul and Connie Hanson have two children, Amy and Jayce. Jayce has severe birth defects and the Hansons are convinced they are related to Paul's service in the Gulf War.
CNN - Pentagon says it hid drug risk from Gulf War troops - Sept. 26, 1996 WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Pentagon said Thursday it made a "conscious decision" not to tell U.S. troops that they were being given a drug to protect them from chemical weapons attacks. The drug, which the Pentagon called "investigational," was intended to help ward off the effects of chemical weapons that the U.S. feared might be used by Iraq during the Persian Gulf War in 1991.

Gulf War Syndrome: Official Response

·Statements & reports Committee Members' Statements (1/9/97 Hearing) Hearing on Persian Gulf War syndrome before the 105th congress. January, 1997.
Committee Members' Statements (1/29/97 Hearing) This is the second hearing in Washington that the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs held during the month of January, 1997, on the issue of Persian Gulf War illnesses.
NGAUS Newsstand NGAUS Asked to Help With Gulf War Illness Outreach. Pentagon officials have asked the NGAUS -- and several other military associations -- for help in reaching Gulf War veterans. They want to speak with those who are either suffering service-related illnesses or who might be able to help answer vexing questions about the sources of the mysterious ailments plaguing thousands of Desert Storm participants.
V.A. Illness Page Gulf War veterans who need assistance in locating their nearest VA Medical Center or who have general health questions regarding Gulf service may call toll-free

Gulf War Syndrome: Medical Research

·Clinical studies GWS WASHINGTON — Jan. 8, 1997 — Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas have concluded that some Gulf War veterans are suffering from three primary syndromes indicating brain and nerve damage caused by wartime exposure to combinations of low-level nerve agents and other common chemicals.
Gulf War Syndrome Questions & Answers The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Answers to Commonly Asked Questions on the Gulf War Syndromes Q. How can I get copies of the 3 papers on the Gulf War syndromes by Dr. Haley and colleagues that appeared in the January 15, 1997, issue of JAMA?
Timeline of Gulf War Syndrome Studies The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Timeline April 1994 UT Southwestern researchers begin investigation of Gulf War veterans' illnesses. Drs. Robert Haley and Tom Kurt attend NIH Consensus Conference on the subject.
CDC. Persian Gulf War Study Fact Sheet - January 3, 1997 The University of Iowa College of Medicine, in cooperation with the Iowa Department of Public Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that Persian Gulf War military personnel from Iowa reported significantly higher rates of certain medical and psychiatric conditions than their counterparts in the military who were not deployed to the Persian Gulf.
The Tuite Reports The Tuite Reports Return to the Persian Gulf War Syndrome Lobby. ChronicIllnet is proud to have Mr. James J. Tuite, III, the former congressional investigator under Senator Donald Riegle, continue his pursuit of determining what happened to the troops while deployed in the Gulf and how their exposures are tied to their present illnesses and those of their close family members.
SEMEN In the beginning, when the soldiers still were in their countries they received multiple vaccines and adjuvants to defend them against Persian Gulf illnesses and biological attacks. Their immune system began to work making antibodies against different agents than they were vaccinated.
Clue to Gulf War Syndrome found - Wednesday, April 17, 1996 Gulf War veterans who suffered fatigue, memory loss, headache, muscle weakness and a host of more severe symptoms upon returning home from service were unknowing victims of American defenses. That is the conclusion Duke pharmacologist Mohamed Abou-Donia and a colleague reached after observing similar symptoms in chickens from the combined effect of three chemicals given to soldiers in the Gulf War.
CNN - Scientist finds nerve damage in Gulf War vets - Mar. 27, 1996 A scientist studied 14 British veterans who had complained of unexplainable symptoms and found a common link. His study, published Wednesday in the prestigious Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, found evidence of dysfunctions in the nervous systems of the ill veterans, who were compared to 13 healthy civilians.
Release_10.html RESEARCH TEAM IDENTIFIES GENETIC MATERIAL IN GULF WAR-ERA VETERANS. Mounting Scientific Evidence Shows Gulf War Vets Were Exposed to Chemical Agents. Tampa, FL, October 7, 1996.
Research on Gulf War-Associated Neurologic Illness
·Who's to blame? Gulf War Syndrome Defined -- Evidence and Conclusions. The primary source document for this paper is the May 25, 1994, 198-page, U. S. Senate Report "U.S. Chemical and Biological Warfare-Related Dual-Use Exports to Iraq and Their Possible Impact on the Health Consequences of the Persian Gulf War".
IMMUNIZATIONS & VACCINES: Stop Adverse Reactions -- IMMUNIZATIONS & VACCINES: Stop Adverse Reactions -- The Thinktwice Gateway -- your main entry to New Atlantean Holistic Books and the Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute. Both sites offer extensive selections of valuable information.
Captain Joyce Riley: Gulf War Syndrome "Gulf War Syndrome Biological Warfare Conducted on U.S. Military Members, and Corporate Bio-Genocide Levied on the Planetary Population". A Lecture By Captain Joyce Riley in Houston, Texas on January 15, 1996 Transcript by Leading Edge Research Group.
GULF WAR SYNDROME COVER-UP Spec. 1st Class Dean Lundholm, of the National Guard's 649th Military Police Company, was assigned to guard duty at the Hafar Al Batin POW camp near the Iraq-Kuwait border. He was in the shower when the Scud landed.
You Don't Have to Be Sick (Issue #15) A cover-up of immense proportions is under way in the U.S. Defense Department, with the complicity of the media. It’s about the origin of Gulf War Syndrome (GWS), a disease similar to chronic fatigue syndrome and with 31 different symptoms.
Workers World Nov. 14, 1996: Gulf War Syndrome Two ex-CIA employees broke into the major news media in late October by going public with what they call a "government cover-up" of GI exposure to nerve gas during the 1991 Gulf War against Iraq. The story got covered in the big-business media, with major stories in the Oct. 30 New York Times and the Nov. 11 Newsweek as well as on television.

Gulf War Syndrome: Conspiracy Theories

·Probe special reports ·Senate hearings Senator Lieberman's Position on Gulf War Illness Thousands of veterans of the Persian Gulf War have reported suffering a wide range of symptoms, including fatigue, skin rashes, headaches, memory loss, and joint pain, that may be related to their service there.
Committee Members' Statements (1/9/97 Hearing) UNITED STATES SENATE COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' AFFAIRS Sen. Arlen Specter, Chairman Charles Battaglia, Majority Staff Director James R. Gottlieb, Minority Staff Director Hearing on Persian Gulf War Illnesses (1/9/97) Statement of Chairman Arlen Specter (R-PA) Statement of Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC) Statement of Senator James M. Jeffords (R-VT), and others.
GULF WAR SYNDROME COVER-UP 1st Class Dean Lundholm, of the National Guard's 649th Military Police Company, was assigned to guard duty at the Hafar Al Batin POW camp near the Iraq-Kuwait border. He was in the shower when the Scud landed.
GWS Cover-Up During the Gulf War, Americans were entranced by the overwhelming military superiority exercised by the United States during Desert Storm. After long weeks of waiting to find out how high the casualty figures would climb during the opening round of the New World Order, relatives and friends breathed a sigh of relief when the Iraqi armies were stomped by a margin of about a thousand to one.
Gulf War Syndrome Were Gulf War troops exposed to chemical and biological weapons during Desert Storm? Why have the military and the government been so reluctant to offer assistance to Gulf War veterans and their families?
·Official news pgfacts.html The Persian Gulf Veterans Coordinating Board was established in January 1994 to work to resolve the health concerns of Persian Gulf veterans, including active duty personnel and reservists with Gulf service.
Official news 97163. Clinton Seeks Answers to Handling of Chem Weapons Info 97163. Clinton Seeks Answers to Handling of Chem Weapons Info. By Douglas J. Gillert, American Forces Press Service, WASHINGTON -- When did the Army know about chemical weapons at Khamisiyah, Iraq, and what did it do about them?
DOD sets up Gulf War illness reporting line -- The Department of Defense has set up a toll-free number so people who served in the Persian Gulf region can report incidents they believe may have led to medical problems. Military and civilian members who were in the Persian Gulf region as early as August 1990 can call the Gulf War Incident Reporting Line at 1-800-472-6719 from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. EDT.
pgfacts.html The Persian Gulf Veterans Coordinating Board was established in January 1994 to work to resolve the health concerns of Persian Gulf veterans, including active duty personnel and reservists with Gulf service.
97165. DoD Airs Case Study on Gulf War Investigation 97165. DoD Airs Case Study on Gulf War Investigation By Douglas J. Gillert American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON -- The first DoD case narrative on Gulf War illnesses, released Feb. 25, describes U.
97195. Clinton, Cohen Address Gulf War Illness Issues 97195. Clinton, Cohen Address Gulf War Illness Issues By Douglas J. Gillert American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON -- President Clinton has ordered federal agencies to take three new actions in their investigation of Gulf War Illnesses.
97174. Defense IG to Investigate Missing Gulf War Logs 97174. Defense IG to Investigate Missing Gulf War Logs By Douglas J. Gillert American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON -- The DoD inspector general will lead an investigation into missing chemical weapons logs from the Persian Gulf War.
NGAUS Newsstand NGAUS Asked to Help With Gulf War Illness Outreach Pentagon officials have asked the NGAUS -- and several other military associations -- for help in reaching Gulf War veterans. They want to speak with those who are either suffering service-related illnesses or who might be able to help answer vexing questions about the sources of the mysterious ailments plaguing thousands of Desert Storm participants.
DOD concludes: No single Gulf War illness -- There is not "a" Gulf War illness, according to the Defense Department. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Stephen Joseph told Pentagon reporters Aug. 1 that 10,000 "systematic clinical evaluations" of active-duty people and their families leads him to conclude that "no single disease or syndrome is apparent.

Gulf War Syndrome: Resources

Bookstore Browse and purchase books about the Gulf War. Use the Search Engine to look for titles and topics you are interested in.
·Organizations Untitled Document NORTHWEST VETERANS for PEACE HOME PAGE Revised on 7-18-99 Position Statement - Northwest Veterans for Peace was founded during the buildup for the Persian Gulf war when a small group of veterans got together in a hallway, outside an anti-war activist meeting, where they talked of their shared experiences and concerns over 'just another war'.
Gulf War Veterans of Wisconsin has moved to This Internet resource is provided as a service of Gulf War Veterans of Wisconsin. This resource was created especially for Wisconsin veterans of the 1991 Persian Gulf War, but should also serve as a valuable source of information for veterans of other areas and eras, and all those with an interest in Gulf War Syndrome and related issues.
You're Visiting Military & Army Access This is the 1st Amendment at its Best! The Web site of Mother, Wife and Army Vet Heather Moore. Dedicated to the Soldiers that still serve, have served .Let us not forget those Americans that fought in the forces to guard our country and way of life, some, giving their lives in it's defense.
Veteran's resource pages
American Legion
Gulf War Vets in Canada a href=
Disability Net: Soap Box - UK Gulf War Vets a href=
