Nex Web Development
Net extremes

XOOM's Web Clip Empire 150,000...setting the standard for webclips, this unparalleled value of 150,000 pre-screened, royalty-freeweb clips comes in a six CD-ROM set. Included in this set are: over75,000 animated GIFs, over 5,000 music/sound files, almost 14,000 photos, videos, and Javascript "rollover" buttons, and much, much more! Take your web site building to a new level for only $39.95.

The Web Page Power Pack. HTML templates, Internet utilities,graphics and animation utilities, and 10,000 new animations combine to make this CD-ROM title a fantastic value at $39.95! The following utilities are included in this CD-ROM: Ulead GIF Animator, Ulead SmartSaver (GIF reduction software), ByteCatcher Pro (a full-featured FTP client), Anawave WebSnake (great for building site maps and finding broken links), and more!

Here is a list of sites offering Free Graphics for use on your web pages

25,000 FREE!!! Cool Graphics: Clip Art, Backgrounds, Animations, Icons
A+ Art Free Clipart Icons Backgrounds Buttons Bars Animate .gifs Photos
Animated GIF
Animated GIF Gallery
Animated Gif's
Animated Gifs 1
Animated Pages! The MicroMovie MiniMultiplex
BADGER'S Animated GIF Gallery
Barry's Clip Art Server
Buttons, Cubes & Bars
DrD Animated Gif Archive
Free Art
Free Web Graphics by Lauren
Gerry Reid's Visitor Counter and Animated GIF Collection Index Page.
GIF Animation on the WWW
Icons and Their Meaning
Johnny's Web Graphics -- Main Page
MediaBuilder Home Page
Moby's Icon Archive
MR Animated Gif's
Paul's Home Page
Relian Photo Library
Royal Frazier's GIF Animation on the WWW : Mirrors
Terrazzo tiles for you
Texture Land
the 1st Internet Gallery of GIF Animation
The Animated Gif Page
The ART Center
The Backgrounder The Backgrounds Archive
The Clip Art Connection
The Icon Browser
Web Graphics to Go
