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What differentiates Optimist Clubs from any other volunteer opportunity is simple -- Optimism. And Optimists take their upbeat approach and work every day to make a difference for themselves and the people around them. Optimists are people who believe that through positive action in their communities they can create a better tomorrow.
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A Message from our President
John Fumagalli
Hello and welcome to the "Club FUN" website. As President, former vice-president and a charter member of the Optimist Club of North St. Louis, County I'm here to say that I am very proud of our club, our members and our successes over the past two years. I invite you to join us in our quest. We meet twice a month, on the second and fourth Tuesday from 7-9pm at Meyer's Lounge in the Cross Keys Shopping Center in Florissant, MO. We have fellowship, exchange ideas on raising FUNds and we then follow through and actually raise the FUNds, while having FUN, that we can later donate back to our community to benefit youth.
We formed 'Club FUN' in December of 1998. The Optimist International slogan is ' A FRIEND OF YOUTH', twenty-six men and women under the direction of our former president Charlie Fumagalli got 'Club FUN' going to do just that and we are still doing it every month. Again I urge you to join us. I guarantee you the self-satisfaction and FUN that you will encounter will be well worth your time and efforts.
We have supported different municipalities (Florissant, Bel-Ridge, Ferguson and more) that have events for youth such as Breakfast with Santa, Bicycle Safety, Halloween parties etc. We have experienced the typical growing pains of any new club or organization. We are continually learning how to become more successful and more FUN and I again encourage you to join us. New members bring with them fresh and new ideas which can only enhance 'Club FUN' which has been proven with the new members that have joined 'Club FUN' in the past two years.
Optimistically yours, John Fumagalli
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Purposes of the Optimist Club....
bullet To develop optimism as a philosophy of life;
bullet To promote an active interest in good government and civic affairs;
bullet To inspire respect for law;
bullet To promote patriotism and work for international accord and friendship among all people;
bullet To aid and encourage the development of youth in the belief that the giving of one's self in service to others will advance the well-being of people, the community, and the world.
Mission 2001 Logo
Optimistic days until the EMO District Conference.
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Material Copyright © 2000 Optimist Club of N. St. Louis Co.
This document maintained by Steve Medlock