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How To Subscribe
What Do You Benefit
Payement Methods
How To Get Additional Hours

The Internet is the latest invention that is covering the world, so we decided to put it in your hands.


How To Subscribe

Not as complicated as you think, the easiest way to subscribe is at Nar Computers, just buy a CD that contains everything you need (Browser and Configuration) + 5 hours free + our help in installing the software,completing the system configuration and signing you up to the Internet +Technical support , for only 50 $.

What Do You Benefit

A complete access to any Homepage on the Web, and an e-mail address are granted to you automaticly once you have subscribed. So you can Download all the programs or games available for Downloading through the Web.

Payement Methods

The payement method that is most used is Pay as You go, every 5 hours you use cost 20$, and you can use them whenever you want. The second popular payement method is Subscription #2, every 20 hours cost 40$, but you must use these hours during a month. Other payement methods are also available, for more informations contact us.

How To Get Additional Hours

You can get additional hours by buying Cybercredits,every Cybercredit costs 20$ and it grants you 5 hours if you buy only one. Of course if you buy 2 Cybercredits, for example, for 40$, then you can take advantage of the Subscription #2 payement method and get 20 hours to use during a month.

Last updated on 17/11/97