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Brief synopsis' of the most popular classical music compositions by

Felix Mendelssohn...

aka Jacob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
German, Hamburg 3 FEB 1809 ~ Leipzig, 4 NOV 1847
Stage Works, Piano Pieces,
Oratorios, Orchestral and Chamber Works,

Works List

  • Mendelssohn A Midsummer Night's Dream

  • Mendelssohn Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, No 1 in g, Op 25

  • Mendelssohn Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, in e, Op 64

  • Mendelssohn Hebrides Overture
    He was traveling about in the waters off of the Scottish coast near the Hebrides Islands when during rough seas, the travelers took refuge near the popular Fingal's Cave. While there he was inspired to write his Hebrides Overture.

  • Mendelssohn The Marriage of Camacho, Op 10
    By the age of 20, FM had written 7 operas but audiences showed no interest in them. The 6th of his operas was wtten in 1825, produced in Berlin on APR 29, 1827. Not too popular it was based on an episode from Cervantes' 'Don Quixote'.

  • Mendelssohn Octet in E flat Op 20
    Composed in 1825 at the age of 16. Often played at his home in his younger years and at concerts in Leipzig during his tenure there around 1835. According to an instruction on the manuscript the octet was to be played in the style of a symphony. It is frequently performed by a string orchestra.

  • Mendelssohn Piano Concerto No 2
    Completed in August of 1837 and dedicated to Ignaz Moscheles, pianist, composer and Mendelssohn's good friend. It was composed for the Birming'm Music Festival and had it's FP in that English city on September 21st 1837 with the composer as soloist.

  • Mendelssohn Ruy Blas, Op 95

  • Mendelssohn Sym No 1
    Numbered in order of publication. The first after the twelve early youthful works, was written at age of 15 in 1824 It was the first written and published .

  • Mendelssohn Sym No 2 Lobgesang
    Song of Praise Op 52
    Designated as a symphony-cantata by Mendelssohn this work was composed to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Gutenberg's printing press. Performed in Leipzig on June 25, 1840 by the Gewandhaus in St. Thomas'. Mendelssohn was 31 years old.

  • Mendelssohn Sym No 3 in a, Op 56 Scottish
    Started in 1829, Finished in 1842 from reminicences of an 1829 scottish journey. A highland reel is suggested in the main theme of the work. Dedicated to Queen Victoria.

  • Mendelssohn Sym No 4 in A Italian
    His impressions from a southern Italy visit in 1830. Written in 1831 in Italy at age of 21, it was published four years after his death under the Italian title. You will hear the Italian Salterello and Tarantella in this work.
    He called it a very 'sportive' piece. It represents his travels to Rome, Naples, Capri, Sorrento and Amalfi. His fourth published symphony it is actually his third written as an adult. There are 12 early string symphonies he wrote as a teenager.

  • Mendelssohn Sym No 5 in d, Reformation Sym.
    Second major symphony he wrote beginning in 1829 and rewritten in 1833, but not published until the 1860's.

  • Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in e, Op 64.
    He was 27 years old when he started this work, 35 years old when he finished this work in 1844.
    There are about 75 versions of the work available on record or CD as listed in Schwann's Opus catalog. One of the top violin concertos it is in the repertoir of every leading soloist. It was written for Leipzig virtuoso Ferdinand David, who premiered the work in March of 1845 at a Gewanhaus music concert in Leipzig. One of the most melodic concertos for violin it begins almost at once with the main theme..

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