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Welcome to Elitesports Premium Consulting

Don't worry as long as your interested in making the easiest money you'll ever make your on the right page.
What ever you do please be sure just to read through this small site so you can take full advantage of what you've found! Now to get down to business, what we here at Elitesport do for the public is use our professional statisticians, and all all the late breaking sporting news and intangibles including weather, injuries, how each team performes in different conditions, etc. to chose the sure bet favorite for you every time!

Now don't go away angry because this involves placing bets, what it involves is MAKING MONEY, WE GARUANTEE IT!!! We're so confident you'll win big money by placing the bets we tell you to that if you don't we'll give you -DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK!!!

So this is how it all works, we take a realistic approach to sportsbooks, your not going to pick the winner of every game no matter who you are, that's why we pick normally on average about 4 to 5 games per day depending on how many games their are. We pick what we call are the SURE BET games of the day. We give you in-depth analysis on all our sure bet choices on what we feel makes them the favorite in each of the games selected. We provide picks to the 3 most widely viewed sports in the United States, they are, MLB, NBA, and NFL.

We provide you with a link to a licensed sportsbook if you don't already have one. Now this is the garauntee we expect you to place down flat $50 (the dollar amount is really all up to you as long as it's between $6 and $500 we just say $50 for the sake of our own calculations) bets on our sure bet selections. If after 30 days your not at least +$200 dollars you get the next 30 days of picks absoletly free, if you didn't make at least all your money you pay'd for the membership ($60) you get the next 60 days for free. It's that simple you will make money!!!

Before you decide to become a member e-mail me and put Elitesport in the subject area and I will give you a seven day trial period of our service, no credit card number, no membership agreement just an interest in making easy money. Than watch us pick winners for one whole week and decide for yourself if it would be a profitable investment, after your trial period is over we'll send you what you would have made assuming you placed $50 dollar bets on all our picks, along with the information on how to become a full time member.Our membership is cheaper than any other membership you'll find on the net, We charge a flat rate of $60 dollars a month. With this each morning you will be e-mailed all of the days sure bet selections along with a complete analysis on each pick.


Every week I receive letters and E-mail from our winners much like these.....

" I've always thought gambling is a sure loss in the long run everytime, but through placing the bets you've told I sometimes make up to $200 dollars extra each day, and not one month have I been down!" -N.Shermen OH.

" Each morning I wake up look at your daily Sure Bet picks and place my bets at my sportsbook, and you've done a wonderfull job of picking winners so far, you don't even need to know the slightest thing about sports, I know I don't but I do know I win,Thanks!!" -D.Allen CA.

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