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We are a Dutch company,dealing in improvment of energy use. At present we offer two products Microclean and Microtherm.

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MicroClean a << friendly>>chemical liquid which will dissolve all kinds of deposits in water supplied pipe systems without causing any damage to seals or any other parts of the systems. After completion MicroClean can easily and safely be disposed of into the drainage system.A full test has been carried out and safety data sheet prepared, by Norks Hydro As.

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Micro therm- a processor controlled boiler regulator - which will adjust the boilers burning cycles to optimise efficiency and still produce heating all times Prior to sale, a test would be carried out with the Micro Therm Diagnostic computer program - which will clearly show how the boiler is working with out and how it should work with a Micro Therm connected and the potential energy savings - this test will assist you in the decision making process.

Micro Therm and Micro Therm Diagnostics have been tested by the Norwegian Boilermakers association, this test report - which is very favourable, is available for your information. The products have also Norwegian official EMTEK approvals 1995.

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