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Making the Glasses

In these first pictures I'm trying a method for making the lenses that Stone posted on the AOL board. I tried every kind of glue that I had in the house, but none dried clear. If I can find something that does dry clear, this method would work very well. Ideas anyone?

Talk about getting stuck! I spent days trying to get glasses that were half-way decent. I had no gold wire in the house, so I thought I was being very clever by using the wire from a twist tie. The only problem was that I couldn't get the gold to stick to it. I tried clay over the frames, clay over the wire before I shaped the frames, and the gold powder mixed with Fimo gloss painted directly on the wire. I finally ended up dipping the wire in white acrylic paint and then coated that with gold powder mixed with Fimo varnish. I thought you might get a kick out of seeing some of the disasters. :)