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STOCK. We are proud to introduce you a first-time ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SUBSCRIPTION for a new international public company: UNITED INVEST GROUP S.A.  You have the opportunity to be a fonder stockholder, with all the advantages. You can use the online order form to subscribe and order a copy of the detailed business plan. We shall answer upon receiving your order with other details, if needed. The deadline of the subscription period is on the 30th of June, 1998. After this date  we'll inform all the subscribers about the results of the subscription, send the stock certificates and invite them to transfer their assets. Please follow this link to read the subscription offer. 
ACTIUNI. Avem mândria sã vã supunem atentiei prima SUBSCRIPTIE INTERNATIONALÃ ONLINE pentru o nouã societate pe actiuni: UNITED INVEST GROUP S.A. Aveti ocazia de a deveni actionari fondatori, cu toate avantajele aferente. Puteti folosi formularul online pentru a subscrie si pentru a comanda un exemplar din planul detaliat de afaceri. Vã vom rãspunde la primirea ordinului Dvs. de subscriptie oferindu-vã detalii suplimentare dacã le veti solicita. Prioada de subscriptie se încheie la 30 iunie 1998. Dupã aceastã datã vom informa toti suscriitorii despre rezultatul subscriptiei, le vom trimite certificatele de actionar si îi vom invita sã-si depunã aporturile. Vã rugãm sã urmati acest link pentru a citi oferta de subscriptie. 
Public Subscription Prospect

GENERAL EXPOSURE. Romania is crossing now a very important period, the privatization. This period, the new legal and economic conditions, offer an excellent business environment for a profitable new registered company, with a not too high capital but with a very important return rate. The knowledge of the romanian reality and of the Romanian resources in one of the most important elements of the business plan. The possibility to rise high profits growths tremendously in an international company based in Romania. The advantages for this kind of company are far more attractive than any other kind of business: no taxes for 10 years for certain activities, governmental support, concessions, profit export and much more. On the other hand, the possibility to import free of taxes the assets of the fonders -machinery and equipment- and the advantages granted by the Romania law for the fonders - a plus of up to 60% of the profit in the first five years-  are also attractive advantages.
ACTIVITY. UNITED INVEST GROUP S.A. is designed to organize and exploit a large touristic and commercial network, in a large circuit, both national and international. The existing capacities in the country are by far most productive than in the actual organization. These capacities are ready to be used in a network, if this network should exist and UNITED INVEST GROUP will organize exactly this network. A large number of mountain and sea side resorts, balneo-climatic spas, middle age castles (and, of course, Dracula's castle too), hotels and restaurants, are ready to enter a profitable circuit. Even a railway and a pleasure train will be utilized.  On a long term basis, these capacities are taken for a very little value or even concessions are easy. We have all the necessary elements to do so. Thus, is avoided the investment in buildings and utilities, a real graveyard of capital. The manpower in Romania is very little expensive, a monthly $100 is more than the average salary. Also the food is not at all expensive and the company is going to organize its own resources, farms and processing utilities. We are currently interested to increase the degree of usage and occupancy  of these premises and business facilities, and based on the solid economic studies we made, to develop more profitable investments within these areas.
Organizing  this touristic "empire" in the most favorable conditions and with minimal expenses, the company will offer excellent tourist services for both foreign and Romanian clients. The commercial network includes stores, restaurants, hotels, duty free shops. Import of certain goods is tax free and the export is sustained by the government. Besides, a transportation network will be active too, with parking lots and garages. The cars, trucks and vanes will be imported as assets. There are also banking advantages. The company has commercial agencies in other countries.
CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS. The total value of the assets is calculated at $4,000,000, to cover all the necessities of the company. This extremely low value is capable to cover an activity that, in other countries,   would take a tenfold value. The capital is shared in 4,000,000 stock, of $1 each. Subscribers have two possibilities: to transfer cash or to bring in machinery, cars, trucks, coaches, even second hand but legally evaluated.
There is not a minimal subscription, but for values under $100, subscribers will add a $5 shipping charge.
The first year of activity, the gross profit was calculated at $12,000,000 - three times the investment- and for the next two years at $20,000,000 and $15, 000,000 (the third year some investments have to be made).
STOCK EXCHANGE. After the first year, the company's stocks will be traded on the stock market and the profit for the fonders is expected to be very important.
SUBSCRIBERS. Interested parties have to fill in the order form bellow with all the required information. The value of the subscribed stock will be confirmed by e-mail. After the deadline (June 30, 1998) all the subscribers will be notified about the results of the subscription:
a) If the subscription will exceed the project capital, the subscriber will be consulted and the Company Act should be modified.
b) If the subscription does not cover the project capital, the subscription period will be extended
The required capital completed, all the subscribers will be sent a "Certificate of Shareholder" as the Romania Law stipulates and the subscribers will be invited to transfer the assets.
After the transfer, the firs Board Meeting will be organized and the Administration Board will be elected.
This is briefly the subscription action. For interested parties, we will send a complete Business Project upon request. To avoid requirements based only on curiosity, each Business Project will be sent for a fee of $50. This Business Project will be submitted on a confidential basis solely for the benefit of interested investors and is not for use by any other persons.  Neither may it be reproduced, or copied in any form.  By accepting delivery of this plan, the recipient acknowledges and agrees that:
i) the recipient will not copy, fax, reproduce, or distribute this Confidential Business Plan, in whole or in part, without permission;
ii) all of the information contained herein will be treated as confidential material.  Agreement executed by the recipient prior to, or contemporaneously with, its receipt of this Confidential Business Project.
Brief Content of the Business Project
I. Executive Overview  
A. Summary of Business & Business Model  
B. Visual Trace -  The Entry Product  
II. The Company  
A. Product and Service Strategy 
1. Application Development 
2. Application Quality, Test and Deployment 
3. Application Integration and Utilization 
B. Technologies  
C. Value Proposition 
1. Improved Products 
2. Developer Productivity 
3. Product Quality 
4. Development Cost 
5. Time to Market 
D. Management Team 
E. Organization 
F. Patents & Copyrights 
G. Risks 
III. Market Analysis 
A. Market Description 
B. Target Market 
1. Seats 
IV. Competitive Analysis 
A. Competition 
B. Barriers to Entry 
C. Import-Export Advantages 
V. Products & Services 
A. Product Line Plans
1. Visual Trace 
2. Visual Tester 
3. Visual Service 
B. Future Product & Services Plan 
C. Service and Support Plans 
VI. Marketing & Sales 
A. Sales Strategy 
B. Partnering & Bundling Opportunities 
C. Sales Cycle 
D. Pricing Strategy 
E. Marketing Communications 
VII. Finance 
A. Financial Overview 
B. Income Statement - Base Plan 
C. Balance Sheet - Base Plan 
D. Statement of Cash Flows - Base Plan 
E. Revenue Sources - Base Plan 
F. Expense - Base Plan 
G. Funding Requirements 
H. Additional Revenue Streams 
VIII. Glossary 
A. Overview of Development Process  
B. Definition of Terms 
IX. Appendix 
A. Resumes 
B. Visual Trace Screen Shots 
We are ready to send you any other information besides the Business Project and we will be pleased to register your subscription. 

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Address1 Address2
I hereby testify that I subscribe a number of
stocks, of a total value of assets  
Subscription will be in  Comments, questions:
, I also want to receive a Business Project in the conditions stated above and I send a money order of $50 for my copy. (If you don't need a Business Project, type "NO" in the box above). 
Press below only if you are NOT using a JavaScript-enabled browser
 If you order  a copy of the Business Project,  payment of $50  will be made by money order, made payable to: INFO SERV MANAGEMENT LIMITED,  with the the mention:" For United Invest  Group B.P.". The money order will be sent to: ISML, P.O.Box 1-4, 4300 Tg.Mures, Romania
INFO SERV MANAGEMENT LTD is a business consulting company, located in Targu Mures, Romania and registerd under No. j/26/154/1994 under Romania law. Head office: B.Bela st. 3/21, 4300 Tg.Mures, Romania. Mail address: P.O.Box 1-4, R 4300 Tg.Mures Romania. Phone: 40-65-141966 Fax: 40-65-166449 INFO SERV MANAGEMENT LTD has conducted the the studies for  of the United Invest Group Business Project and is entitled to organise this international prospect.

  Our marketing agency is going to develop a worldwide research network The information will be processed and stored in our databases and will be used for our clients and for different marketing projects, international marketing and export trade, Foreign Business Partner Research Program. In this respect, we need market research agents, located in whatever place in the world. The job is attractive, without a nine-to-five program, without a boss, even without the need of a frontstore office, but very rewarding. For details, terms & conditions, follow this link.  
OFERTÃ DE MUNCÃ Agentia noastrã de marketing dezvoltã în prezent o retea de investigare a pietei. Informatiile sunt procesate si stocate în baza de date pentru uzul clientelei, pentru diferite proiecte de marketing, marketing international si activitãti comerciale de export, în Programul de Investigare a Partenerilor Strãini. În acest scop, avem nevoie de agenti de investigare a pietei - operatori de marketing- din orice parte a lumii. Munca este atractivã, fãrã program obligatoriu, fãrã sefi, chiar fãrã un birou, dar este deosebit de avantajoasã. Pentru termeni si conditii, urmati acest link.

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