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The Easy Way To Yard Sales & Auctions

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Auctions and Yard & Garage Sales Made Easy

Let's get right down to business. Obviously you're interested in making money by selling or reselling items. So enjoy this site!

Sales should be a fun way to make money, especially if you're just selling a few spare items. Cash in at garage and yard sales, auctions and FREE (online) classified ads and e-commerce sites. Simplicity is the key even for auctioneers, resellers and restorers. But you must plan carefully to maximize success.

See Successful Sales Strategies for how to a create successful sale (a "to do" checklist is included). See Buy For Resale for tips to expand your sales with purchased goods and Payment Options. See the Champion Cheapskate Training Center for frugal lifestyle tips. See Overview for a general overview of this site. And feel free to share your comments with me.

For more specialized topics see how to publicize your sale, how to negotiate with customers, how to set prices, where to buy resale items and what to do with leftovers.

So what do you sell? Any item is fair game (collectibles, toys, books, computers, programs, videos, music, food, clothes, tools, appliances, furniture, etc.). Emphasize solutions, fun, convenience, entertainment and protection, and not mere items. The only limit is your imagination. Be creative.

Do-it-yourselfers can repair, restore, refinish and make even more money. And remember the sum of the parts (cars, computers, bikes, etc.) is often greater than the whole. Unlock hidden value with Leveraged Sell Outs (LSO).

Turn your sales into a money-making business. Get your very own personally autographed copy of "THE Self-Employment Resource Guide," ISBN 188129-715-2. Send $29US (international $33US) postpaid to: Information Research Lab 9824 Western Avenue, 144, Dept. Surplus, Evergreen Park, Illinois 60805, USA. If you order today you get a FREE report.100% MONEY Back Guarantee! The Self-Employment Resource Guide

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21 Successful Sale Strategies

Here are 21 tips for successful selling:

  1. carefully select items you want to sell

  2. location, location, location:

  3. sell only items attractive enough to buy. Repair, restore or refinish if necessary

  4. schedule the sale at an appropriate time:

  5. set prices ahead of time:

  6. make it easy to for people buy from you

  7. sell more:

  8. price negotiating tips:

  9. target your market. Know exactly who is most interested in buying what you have and what they'll pay to get it. See customer database for more

  10. let people know you are having a sale: Publicize, Promote, Market and Advertise. Get the word out to those most likely to buy:

  11. create a Customer Database

  12. build a loyal following. Give people reasons to continue buying from you. Stay in touch with them. This is important if you plan to have additional sales

  13. visit competitors and other sellers. Check out what are others are doing:

  14. work out issues like set up, presentation, storage, delivery and guarantees before the sale

  15. don't forget about your costs: fees, expenses, rent, transportation, repair, etc.

  16. protect yourself:

  17. there's strength in numbers and profits. Create scale or "super" sales and synergy:

  18. check to see if you need any permits or licenses, especially local

  19. review sale items again prior to the sale. You don't want to accidentally mix in any family heirlooms, priceless antiques, one-of-a-kind items or necessities

  20. know what you are getting yourself into before the sale. Step back and review the process

  21. Don't have time then donate items to a worthy cause. Check with your accountant about tax deductions/credits

Sales should not only make money, they should be fun! But if no one knows about the sale how can they come or buy? Get the word out with simple, cheap and effective guerilla sales tactics.

Preparation is the key to good sales. Use the 21 step checklist above as your road map to successful sales. Avoid problems and rake in the dough. Remember your objective is to sell (and make money) not end up with a ton of unwanted junk. Take these steps.

Discover other money-makers. Get your personally autographed copy of "Street-Smart Ways To Generate Income." Send $11US (international $15US) postpaid to: Information Research Lab 9824 Western Avenue, 144, Dept. Surplus, Evergreen Park, Illinois 60805, USA. If you order today you get a FREE report. 100% MONEY Back Guaranteed!

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8 Things to Do with Leftovers

"If at first you don't succeed. . .try, try again"

If you can't sell everything try this:

  1. have another sale(s) and try other venues

  2. piggyback on someone else's sale (private, online, retail, resellers, flea markets, etc.)

  3. swap & exchange with friends, businesses, relatives, neighbors, associates, etc.

  4. turn lemons into lemonade. Look for creative and innovative ways to use or present leftovers: mix & match, restore, repair and refinish

  5. start using these underappreciated gems. Why buy new stuff?

  6. give suitable items as gifts, perks and incentives

  7. donate remaining items to worthy causes (a possible tax deduction/credit)

  8. never give up! Keep trying to sell

Don't be afraid to experiment. Develop creative ideas of your own. Remember anything is better than being stuck with a bunch of unwanted junk.

Be $treet-$mart. Get your personally autographed copy of "Street-Smart Ways To Generate Income." Send $11US (international $15US) postpaid to: Information Research Lab 9824 Western Avenue, 144, Dept. Surplus, Evergreen Park, Illinois 60805, USA. If you order today you get a FREE report. 100% MONEY Back Guaranteed! Street-Smart Ways To Generate Income

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How to Buy for Resale

Hold on! Before you buy anything see if you already have what you need. Check your closets, basement, attic, garage, shed, boxes, crates, storage areas, etc. Repair, refinish and restore when necessary. Also barter and swap & exchange with people, firms and organizations. Start with those you know including friends, suppliers and current customers.

When you buy to resale make sure you:

For more see where to buy resalable items.

Turn your sales into a money-making business. Get your personally autographed copy of "THE Self-Employment Resource Guide." Send $29US (international $33US) postpaid to: Information Research Lab 9824 Western Avenue, 144, Dept. Surplus, Evergreen Park, Illinois 60805, USA. If you order today you get a FREE report. 100% MONEY Back Guarantee! The Self-Employment Resource Guide

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15 Places to Buy Resale Items

We've covered how to buy and sell. Now it's time to talk about where to buy. Here are 15 places:

  1. direct from the source (manufacturers, inventors, crafters, etc.)

  2. sales of all kinds online and off

  3. auctions

  4. governments (agencies, divisions, etc.)

  5. liquidations and foreclosure sales

  6. overseas (take advantage of cheap labor and raw materials. WARNING: avoid child labor sweatshops!)

  7. resale, thrift & second-hand shops

  8. garage & yard sales and auctions

  9. flea markets

  10. salvage & surplus stores

  11. junk yards

  12. bulk sellers

  13. raw material suppliers wherever you find them

  14. groups, clubs, organizations, associations, churches

  15. friends, relatives, associates lets you name the price on travel, hotels and cars.

Where you buy can literally save you hundreds, $1000s or even millions. Shop around. Learn where the bargains are. Negotiate favorable prices and terms. Make sellers bid for your business. Search out quality. And always look for a better deal.

Buy smart. Give yourself an edge and extra profits. You can't afford to overpay, buy the wrong items, buy excessive amounts or make other costly mistakes when you buy to resale.

Always remember your objective is to make money not lose it, go into debt or get stuck with unwanted junk.

Use other money-makers. Get your personally autographed copy of "Street-Smart Ways To Generate Income," ISBN 188129-724-1. Send $11US (international $15US) postpaid to: Information Research Lab 9824 Western Avenue, 144, Dept. Surplus, Evergreen Park, Illinois 60805, USA. If you order today you get a FREE report. 100% MONEY Back Guaranteed! Street-Smart Ways To Generate Income

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Garage & yard sales, auctions, classifieds, resale, thrift & second-hand shops, fire sales and flea markets are a shopping paradise, even online. Create your own and use those of others. Also save money by shopping there.

Yes, this is how eBay and other e-commerce auction powerhouses started. Use these and other alternative selling venues to get paid and get rid of your surplus and unwanted items at the same time. Don't forget to combine the different types of sales (online & off) for added success.

Any item is fair game. Unusual and downright weird items should fetch a premium price. Clean out your closets, basement, attic, garage, shed, boxes, crates, storage areas, etc. Sell what you (and interested parties) make, restore, repair and refinish. And buy suitable items and resale them.

Want specifics? See how to publicize your sale, how to negotiate with customers, how to set prices, where to buy resale items and what to do with leftovers.

Sales should be fun, quick, easy, and of course, profitable, especially if you're just selling your own items. It doesn't have to be complicated, exotic or extravagant. Remember the key to success is to create and follow a sales strategy.

Start slow. Begin with something simple like placing FREE classified ads (online) or posting notices in your neighborhood (grocery stores, apartment buildings, chat room, trees, schools, etc.). Also consider selling through a reseller, i.e., resale shops, auctions.

Once you get your feet wet you can move ahead full blast: Have multiple item sales on a regular basis and incorporate the many kinds of sales (online & off). You may even want to purchase additional items, buy in bulk, work with multiple vendors and add payment options.

Keep your sales simple and enjoy the rewards! Don't be afraid. It doesn't take much time or money. Start now!

Get your personally autographed copy of "Time Tactics Survival Guide" by Arthur A. Hawkins II. Send $19.99US (international $23.99US) to: Information Research Lab, 9824 Western Avenue, 144, Dept. Surplus, Evergreen Park, Illinois 60805, USA. You get FREE delivery if you order today. 100% MONEY Back Guarantee! Time Tactics

A Frugal Living Net Link

A Spare Time magazine (May/June and Summer) two part "Yard Sale" feature

A Creative Downscaling tip source

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