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The Simple Life

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Welcome to the simple life. To emphasize the point there are no frills or fancy fixtures here. Enjoy!

Take a tour. Using this site is simple. It is all about you, your needs and who you can trust. Get more out of life and work. There's even a special to help you. Become a Champion Cheapskate. Make time pay. Discover way to use the Internet to get useful freebies, free coupons and make $101.

Think back. Remember the good old days when your grandparents and parents had a comfortable lifestyle, most likely on just a single income. They had it all- health, home, car (or horse & buggy), TV, phone, radio, secure job, guaranteed social security, etc. . . .and seemed so much happier and had far fewer worries than we do. (CAUTION: Objects appear larger in the rear view mirror.)

How'd they do it? Why do we have so many "money" troubles today? Especially since we make so much more than they did. We're more "civilized" and have more of everything. We're more productive. We even have computers, the Internet and all sorts of newfangled gadgets to help us. But that's the problem!

Too much of a good thing. We've literally become fat, lazy and complacent. We have more needs! We're more materialistic, self-indulgent and are exposed to more (yes, there's more to buy!). We've become a global village of binge buyers where everything from cameras to credit cards is disposable. And we live on Internet time (at the speed of thought) with a steep learning curve.

EXCLUSIVE: Live the simple life today. Get your Tightwad Tips by Arthur Hawkins II. Send $5US ($8US international) to: Information Research Lab 9824 Western Avenue, Suite 144, Dept. AngelSimple, Evergreen Park, Illinois 60805, USA. 100% Money-Back Guaranteed!

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