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Indoor Rick--in association with Presents
Indoor Gardening

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Grow lovely flowers

With good products and normal care (Fertilize , Weed , good soil or dirt) your indoor garden should give you beautiful buds and flowers. To encourage budding use a timer and gradually shorten the amount of exposure to light. Within a few weeks your plants should start to bud. Within a few more weeks each bud will give you a beautiful flower to enlighten your home. Indoor gardens by there nature don't have as much problems with weeds so weeding is not as time consuming. If you do see a weed pull it right away (the only good weed is a dead weed). Remember if you see one weed today there will be yet another weed tomorrow, but it is not as bad as outside gardening where you must weed weed weed and weed. Unless you have an extreme weed problem do not use weed killers as they are bad for your plants.

The size of the pot a plant is planted in should vary with the size of the plant, some fast growing plants require a new pot as often as every two months. For most plants though one new pot a year is enough. When deciding on the size of the pot always remember that the plant will grow into the pot. So a pot that is too big is better than a pot that is too small. For many plants a rule of thumb is a pot half the height of the plant or to put it another way the plant should be twice as tall as the pot is wide.

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