Dream Catcher Aviaries
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Dream Catcher Aviaries

SafeSurf Rated All Ages


Hello! Welcome to Dream Catcher Aviaries! After some necessary time away, we are now open again! We're conducting a MAJOR overhaul of the business so expect some changes.

We had a very distressing incident occur not too long ago. Apparently, a family of raccoons broke into our aviary and, as a result, we lost several birds. Almost $4000 worth. The only silver lining here is that we located TWO dead raccoons near the aviary the next day. It seems our Amazons did not go down without a fight.

Initially I had decided to close the business for good. I was so depressed and upset! But, after some soul searching, I decided to give it a go again. I just couldn't bear to part with my remaining 'children' anyway! How do you sell something that calls you 'Mama'?

So! I am going to restock and rebuild my inventory of toys, cages, and other bird care and aviary supplies. Until then, I will include some FAQ on this site pertaining to begining an aviary, care, and training of our fine feathered friends. If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, please write! As I rebuild my inventory, I will put it on the page.

We look forward to seeing you again!


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    We take in any abandoned, unwanted, unmanageable, abused, or neglected birds. We will pick up birds within a 200 mile radius of Houston, Texas or arrange for transportation.

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