[(Sunday, July 20th) On Sunday, July 20th after NAWF's Sunday Destructionwrestling show's cameras went off the air and fans begin to exit the building, "Broken" by 12 Stones blasts through the buildings P.A. system and a man with slick jet black hair, a light khaki brown suit with a soft-green tie comes walking down the aisle. NAWF fans, most not knowing who he is, simply walk back to their seats to see what happens next. Only a handful of fans (mostly internet smart marks) in the crowd recognize the man known as Scott Sullivan. Sullivan makes his way to the ring, through the ropes, as a banner appears on the NAWF video screen that looks like...]

S. Sullivan is handed a nearby microphone, he taps it once to see if it has sounds, and begins to speak as almost a dead silence is heard throughout the crowd with little mumbling noise)

Sullivan:Good evening. As I can tell by the looks on your faces, many of you don't know who I am, ergo you don't know why I'm hear. I know many of you are tired, your voices are gone from screaming all night at the talent and matches that the NAWF has provided for you tonight, and your probably hungry, so I will not keep you long. What I have to say is not directed towards you the fans, but to the NAWF Wrestlers themselves. I know your backstage right now, and I know none of you know who I am, or what I'm doing here, so let me explain.

Sullivan: My name is Scott Sullivan and I am the Executive Vice-Owner of an annual deathmatch tournament known as the King of the X-Matches. What is an "x-match" you might ask? Well, it's quite simply, any match that is not just purely wrestling. It's a match that may involve barbed and razor wire, C2 to C4 explosives, nails, wooden tables, fire, electricity, even wild animals like scorpions, spiders, or piranha. In another words my friends, it's become known in wrestling terms as a deathmatch.

Sullivan: However, as many of you know, their has been no-known recorded history of any professional wrestler ever actually dieing in one of these matches. Therefore, the phrase known as "deathmatch" is not only considered false-advertising, but insults the intelligence of anybody watching the match. So, I took it upon myself, to give the American fans...my fans...their own tournament. Not a tournament filled with matches to the death, but definitely, matches that go to the "X"-treme.

(As Sullivan is speaking, where the 2003 King of the X-Matches banner was being shown, is now replaced by clips of moments from previous King of the X-Match tournaments. We see men getting electrocuted, sliced by light-tubes, thrown into exploding barbed-wire, etc.) Sullivan: And as you can see behind me, I do not false-advertise about how extreme my tournament is. So now that you know who I am, and why I'm here, let me explain why I'm here in the NAWF. I've been watching this federation for a little over 3 months now, deciding if it's competitors were the products I was looking for to compete in my tournament of the extreme. I've been backstage all night tonight. I saw that rookieZodiack nearly break the neck of Kid Wyckedd. (fans pop) I saw eXodus, who by the way I use to wrestle with nearly 4 years ago though I doubt he remembers me, and Omeganearly dominate their match against The Connection. I cringed at the No-Disqualification match. I saw The Connection lay out Chris King with a chair, which kind of disappointed me because I really wanted to see a cruiserweight match. I saw the 2 out of 3 falls match, and boy oh boy, did I see the Gauntlet Match. I don't think I even need to talk about that one. I saw the extreme the NAWF, but have any of you (points to crowd) seen the extreme that..I...can provide?

Sullivan: I stand here tonight, asking each of the warriors I mentioned above, and the ones that I didn't, to test their skill, and their flesh, in my tournament. I want 8 of the NAWF's most hardcore to challenge each other for the 2003 King of the X-Matches championship belt. I've spoken to Mr. DiPietro, and as sadistic as he's been acting lately, he was more than willing to let his men enter this tournament. So now, it's up to you, the wrestlers. You can head over to my offices in New York, or you can contact my secretary if you have any questions. Thank all of you for your time, and I hope to see you fans at the show as well.

[S. Sullivan exits the ring to "Broken" by 12 Stones as fans applaud him as he makes his way back up the entrance ramp and through the curtain.]

- - CEO S. Sullivan