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Artifacts of the Future

Grey Eagle and Golden Hawk

Note: The email addresses for this site and the Online gallery are currently down, if you wish to contact Grey Eagle, please email me at I will fix this problem as soon as possible,enjoy! Thank you for checking out our website. This site is dedicated to my friends and teachers, Grey Eagle and Golden Hawk. These Cherokee medicine people changed my life, and brought much happiness and peace to me. They are very gifted artists. Grey Eagle is a medicine man of the Cherokee tradition. His Sacred Pipe Stone carvings have become known around the world. Grey Eagle collects his own carving stone from traditional sacred areas. He specializes in one-of-a-kind works designed for healing and protection. Whether it be a personalized commision carving, a healing celt, museum quality artifiact recreations, or a medicine amulet that Grey Eagle deems wearable art; each hand carved stone goes through fire and water blessings and a sacred moon ceremony. These Sacred Pipe Stone carvings have a very special feel and mystique. It is as if they possess a spirit of their own, as well as the spiritual energy of their creator, Grey Eagle. I have operated a few Native American art galleries and I have travelled throughout the U.S.; only to return to see Grey Eagle's art with an ever increasing amount of respect and awe. Grey Eagle carvings are state of the art on whatever level you identify with his work; from inspiring aesthetic beauty to the medicinal aspects as well. Touching Sacred Pipe Stone can be an energizing experience. Holding or wearing Sacred Pipe Stone carved by Grey Eagle is often a spiritual awakening. If you have any questions or comments, please email me- David Eagle Man

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pot luck at this point, I will get these labels straightened out soon
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