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Frog RedFrog


The Library

We have written and compiled MANY articles on the Fila as well as quite a few about general dog care. Find out why people say that our website is one of the MOST informative out there!


Health Issues of the Fila Brasileiro

All dog breeds have some types of health issues, and the Fila is not excluded!


Frequently Asked Questions About Filas

Frequently Asked Questions About Frog Holler - Questions YOU should ask a breeder.

Example Contract and Guarantee


Filas - What's Good About 'Em, What's Bad About 'Em

This is a link to a GREAT unbiased webpage which discusses the Fila (as well as many other breeds of dogs)! You will find a LOT of honest information about owning and caring for a Fila.


Raw Fed!!!

All of our dogs are raised and maintained on a biologically appropriate Raw Food diet. That's RIGHT - we don't feed any kibble at all! Learn more about this method of feeding dogs the 'natural' way.

DogWise Logo
DogWise Book Catalog
Just click the logo above to visit a GREAT place to order on-line your
OWN books on raw feeding, as well as many other
topics that deal with dogs and cats!



exclamation A word of caution! Frog Holler strongly recommends that you research this breed before purchasing a puppy from anyone. The Fila Brasileiro is a devoted companion dog that will diligently protect its family. It is known for its aversion to strangers and is highly territorial. Do your homework! Not all Filas are created equal!



The Dogs Of Frog Holler
See the outstanding dogs that once put Frog Holler on the Fila map!


Take our POLL:
What do YOU look for in a breeder???


Frog Holler Puppy Pictures
If you purchased a Frog Holler puppy and want to see what some of its sisters and brothers look like, or you just want to see how these magnificent dogs mature, please click the camera above to see a photo collection of some of our pups at different stages of their growth. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the loving homes that have made room in their hearts for our pups, and to let you know that without your efforts to catch these four-legged kids on film, we could not offer this scrap book of pictures!



Raw Food

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This RingSurf Bones and Raw Food - for cats and dogs Net Ring
owned by Frog Holler Fila Brasileiros.

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Lance and Lisa Ford

E-Mail Us!

heart This home page was created and is maintained by Lisa Ford, who may know a lot about dogs, but knows very little about computers! Please be patient and not too critical of this site!!! Thanks!

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