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 [Jessie Moses].
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About the Webpage...December 15, 2011...Updated in Trinidad & Tobago
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Working in groups of three, look at the following eight photographs, and choose at least six of them. Arrange them in an order that makes a good story with a happy ending.

Discuss the development of the story in the group and invent details that you need. Then, working individually write(type) the story in the textbox above or below.




SEARCH AND RESCUE Services...Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.A is November 27th, 2003.

General Election In America...Use of the Patriotic Act For Campaigns! | PRINT A FLYER AFTER DOWNLOADING!...Print greeting cards--right from home. | Research LOST AND FOUND SOLDIERS. | YOU ARE THERE AT GEOCITIES HOME PAGE!... PRIVACY POLICY. | HOME PAGE...YOU ARE HERE!


HOMEPAGE...General Information About Iraq War And Bibliography. | U.S.A /TRINIDAD Flag Raising Ceremony | Birthday Music. |
WORKSHEETS FOR CHILDREN AND PRIVACY POLICY. Photos of War, Children and WomanPower. | | Frequently Asked Questions About Blackouts in New York. | SAMPLE MEMORIAL SERVICES HYMNS.| Who Kidnapped Juan and Killed Hurricane Derrick?... READ "CONTRACT MURDER AND/Or SUMMARY COMPENSATION With A Secret Clause !" by Jessie Moses. | A Roadmap To Peace? | Children's Voices in War...NINOS ENCONTRANDO NINOS Y PADRES!|


 [UPDATE-New Attacks Planned Daily by Al-Qaeda!].

by JESSIE MOSES Copyright (C)
 [Jessie Moses].
All rights reserved.

The Global War on The Web!

 [This is a Mass Grave In Iraq for Odai, Qusai Hussein and other Terrorists.]
Terrorism is a breach of the peace and world security.

Look at the words and think of the images!

 [A Tobagonian-born police shot and died later in hospital]


Look at two dead sons of saddam!

 [Remember 4th. July,2004...Celebrate American Independence!.]

 [Halloween 2003 !...Get your costumes...ClicK!].


Who Kidnapped Juan and Killed Hurricane Derrick?... READ "CONTRACT MURDER AND/Or SUMMARY COMPENSATION With A Secret Clause !" by Jessie Moses.

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         [This page is a dedication to computer programmers who work all day and night to make it happen-Peace and Love!]
        Presidential Elections - AP

        Kerry Condemns Firings Over Coffin Photos Sun Apr 25, 8:59 PM ET

        By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer

        DES MOINES, Iowa - Democrat John Kerry (news - web sites) on Sunday criticized the firing of two cargo workers who photographed flag-draped coffins of U.S. soldiers, saying such images shouldn't be hidden from the public.

        Latest headlines:

        · McAuliffe Defends Kerry After Cheney Rap AP - 15 minutes ago

        · Incumbent Sen. Specter Holds Slim Lead AP - 25 minutes ago

        · Kerry Rejects GOP Questions About Medals AP - 26 minutes ago

        "I believe that keeping faith with those who served also requires us to understand the sacrifice they're making and to honor it when they come home to the fullest measure," the Massachusetts senator said during a rally for his presidential campaign. Defense contractor Maytag Aircraft Corp. fired a married couple after their photo of coffins inside a cargo plane appeared on the front page of The Seattle Times. The photo showed workers at Kuwait International Airport securing 20 flag-draped coffins for the trip to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. The Pentagon (news - web sites) also announced last week that it would no longer release photographs of war dead arriving at the military mortuary in Dover. The White House said President Bush (news - web sites) believes family privacy should be respected, but Kerry said the public should see the images. "We shouldn't hide that from America," Kerry said to loud applause from his supporters. "If they are good enough to go and fight and die, they're good enough to be received home with full honors in America." Kerry said the country needs a president who will restore America's influence and respect around the world. "You can't do it just by bluster and swagger," he said. Kerry spoke to about 1,000 people during his first visit to Iowa since winning the state's caucuses three months ago. Kerry's surprise victory in Iowa on Jan. 19 revived a campaign that many had written off as dead and led to a string of victories that allowed him to secure the nomination in record time. "Iowa sent a lesson to those who believe in the conventional wisdom," Kerry said. "Iowa answered the questions of cynics." In introducing Kerry, Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin suggested the state's governor, Tom Vilsack, might make a good running mate. Harkin noted that President Franklin Roosevelt went looking for strength in the Midwest and settled on Iowa's Henry Wallace. "When he was looking for a vice president he came to Iowa," Harkin said. "It's the same today and again Iowa has a proven statesman in our governor Tom Vilsack."

        Vilsack and Kerry didn't mention the vice presidency during their speeches to the crowd. But Kerry, the governor and his wife had a private meeting on the drive to the airport after the rally.


          Read the book: Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, Oxford University Press Publisher-Cost $5.95 U.S.!

          This author charts the progress of Pip (alias John-John 2004)from childhood through often painful experiences to adulthood, as he moves from the Kent marshes to busy, commercial London, encountering a variety of extraordinary characters ranging from Magwich, the main escaped convict, to Miss Havisham, a foster-mother living with beautiful Estella. Ms. Havisham was jilted by Arthur Compeyson on her wedding day, but kept on her white wedding gown until death. She hated men with a passion and satisfied her passion for revenge by training Estella to emotionally damage Pip while she looked on and admired Estella! She had embedded lesbian tendencies which came to light when she lost her last chance to get married! Whose child was Estella? Was Pip's "sister" his mother? Was Joe Gargery an uncle or a step-father? Did Pip's father indulge in an incestuous relationship with any of his daughters? Can a father be a grand-father too? Pip regarded Joe Gargery as a friend and both suffered verbal abuse and torture at the hands of his "big sister" or biological mother, a bitter angry woman!

            Pip did not recognize crime at all. The escaped convict, Magwich told Pip to shut up or he will slit his throat. Magwich turned Pip around and upside down in order to peep at his private parts in a disgusting manner that offended Pip. Pip did not understand exactly what Magwich was looking for in his rear-side. He thought it was a search for bread crumbs.

              He was a child and was horrified, so he complied. This is a normal response for a child who was threatened. Abel Magwich said, "I will eat your heart and liver out if you do not bring me food tomorrow at 9 p.m." He looked hungry like a dog!

                Terrorism means fear and Pip was surely afraid so he cooperated with the demands of an escaped convict whose intention was to kill Compeyson who was in mortal fear of Magwich? Pip needed adult supervision in the graveyard. He disobeyed his guardian and went ther alone. He never heard the word crime. "I wonder what is crime...let God's will be done!" he said later on after he stole the pie to save the life of the convict. Pip was motivated to save a life of someone he became bonded to through destiny.

                  A monstrous hungry convict appeared with a chain on his left leg! Pip heard a loud gruff voice and trembled. His heart skipped a beat and he felt his spirit leaving his body momentarily. A convict called Magwich and his "double-accomplice", a dedicated partner in crime called Compeyson who probably visited a plastic surgeon hid in the dark and attacked Pip. Both looked alike at a glance but one wore a broad hat to hide his face and grey clothing for camouflage. Crime was in his vein. His heart beat was crime and his passion was crime. He drank "blood" at times to energise him to do more crime and earn "blood-money". Pip prayed silently. Who can stop crime? Is it a crime to eat from a criminal to save a life? Think about it!

                    He chose a "father" of crime called Magwich, approx. 60 years of age! His home was jail. His school was jail! His death-bed was jail and he died peacefully! In the early stage of the "Great Expectations", Pip meets Magwich and learns about great surprises such as the second convict Compeyson being the "bi-sexual horner-man" of Ms. Havisham. Who is the foster-father of Estella? She was married first to Bentley Drumle who mistreated and abused her, he was an uncouth brute and he bent her into a mellow form for Pip. Estella had no male father-figure but through her suffering with men she learnt how to appreciate and feel for a nice Indian man like Pip who dated without violence.

                      Estella was brainwashed and "pre-programmed" for Pip by Ms. Havisham and a large sum of money was left for Pip by a benefactor, Magwich-Great Expectations! Estella is indeed the biological daughter of Magwich! Who is the biological mother of Estella? Is Mr. Jaggers the attorney(abogado) and law guardian of Pip?
                      Did Pip become a lawyer too?...who is the best male friend of Pip in his age group?...Did Pip love Biddy?
                      On his death bed in prison, Magwich was told that Estella was his daughter. Pip told him! Estella and Pip met in a beautiful garden like Adam and Eve but they did not fall in love. Pip did his own investigation and used his critical-thinking skills to uncover secrets and find his "roots" or heritage.

                        Pip had his own values about money matters and relationships, and discovered his true self, his priorities and decided whether such values had allowed him to prosper in the complex world of early Victorian England.

                          I think this is the major question posed by Charles Dickens in this disturbing novel, intended to lead to a breech of international peace.

                            Was Estella's biological mother the hired maid of the attorney Jaggers who acquitted Molly for murder of another woman? Jealousy caused that murder!

                              Did the lawyer engage in an affair with his ex-client too?
                              Did Estella know of this fact? Let's examine the relationship between the two convicts Magwich and Compeyson as the story unfolds.

                                Compeyson was in mortal fear of Magwich who eventually killed him and laid him peacefully in the grave.

                                  Did Mr. Jaggers, the lawyer practice his profession according to ethics of the career or did he seek his own interest?

                                  Can the same criminal lawyer represent both parties to the case or "cross the floor"?

                                    Did he represent all parties(Ms. Havisham (Adoption Case/Heart "Love-Trauma" Case), Magwich -A Paternal Man-Power Case(Career Criminal) , Pip(Corruption Case), Bentley Drumle(Divorce Case), Molly, Estella's biological mother(Prostitution/Murder Case), Compeyson(Gay/Jilted Lover Fraud Case), Estella (Foster Care/Adoption Case)etc. in Courts(adversarial) or was it a mediation settlement/agreement?
                                    That is an evil life! Crime is life too! That is Crime? A career in crime! A crime ring such as Al-Qaeda!

                                      The happy ending is that a new Pip was born-Pepito! Big Pip discovered that little Pip took up his place at home on the marshes. When Pip escorted Pepito to the tombstone and asked him to point to the headstone of Phillip Pirrip and Georgiana, his wife, he was surprised that Pepito had done it already under supervision by his parents. Joe Gargery was married to Biddy and christened their new baby as "Pip", alias "Pepito"! Biddy is Mr. Wopsle's great-aunt's grand-daughter. She was an orphan too! Ms. Havisham was an only child and had a "half-brother"! Do you know your family tree?

                                        We cannot predict what Pip Junior (Pepito) will do when he becomes a bigger boy. Perhaps, he may visit the graveyard and tombstone of his maternal and paternal grandparents alone. Will he meet another escaped convict and re-write this story?

                                            Home-Lesson: Compare the autobiography of Pip and John-John (2004) focusing on the latter moving from Spain to France. He had to learn to speak two languages, French and Spanish. The author of this web page is the mother of John-John and his father is a pain-management specialist.

                                              The morale of this story is the importance of children obeying their sound moral parents/guardian who are responsible and accountable to society. Also children must tell on evil parents who may loose their parental rights for throwing children as missiles and using them to fight war! Children cannot work for money so parents must pay child support or use contraceptives when they are too drunk to think critically about sex and HIV/AIDS. Why is it necessary to "build a head" with hashish or ganga/marijuana before commiting crime? Say "NO" to drugs and sex in Tobago at the beach or in school!
                                              Coming soon to a computer near you, the e-book, "E-Commerce: Make money in Connecticut or New York City-Your resume or curriculum vitae published online!" by Jessie Moses.

                                                For Rock or Jazz Music, creole food-stewed lamb and laughter...Visit Trevor's Club for a glass of Scottish Highlander Whiskey and Trinidad coca-cola...only $8.00T&T per 8 ounces or eight drinks!...St. John's Road, Tunapuna, opposite Scotia Bank.

                                                  Car Blasts in Basra Kill 68 in Rush Hour.

                                                  1 hour, 38 minutes ago

                                                  By ABBAS FAYADH, Associated Press Writer

                                                  BASRA, Iraq - Suicide attackers unleashed car bombings against police buildings in Iraq (news - web sites)'s biggest Shiite city Wednesday morning, striking rush-hour crowds and killing at least 68 people, including 16 children incinerated in their school buses.
                                                  Latest headlines: · White House May Seek More Funds for Iraq AP - 38 minutes ago · New Threat Targets 8 U.S. Allies in Iraq AP - 41 minutes ago · US-trained lawyer to head court that will try Saddam AFP - 51 minutes ago
                                                  The attacks wounded about 200 people and marked a revival of devastating suicide bombings, which had not been seen during this month's battles between U.S. forces and homegrown guerrillas across Iraq. Basra Gov. Wael Abdul-Latif, a member of the Iraqi Governing Council, blamed al-Qaida, but a U.S. counterterrorism official said it was premature to make such judgments. In Fallujah, the bloodiest battlefield in April, an agreement aimed at bringing peace to the city ran into trouble Wednesday. Insurgents attacked Marines, prompting fighting that killed 20 guerrillas. Marines said most weapons turned in by residents were unusable, undermining a crucial attempt at disarming fighters. About 350 miles to the south, in Basra, bombers struck at 7 a.m., just as the city's main street market, near one of the targeted police stations, was opening for the day. Shoppers were headed to the stalls of vegetables and other goods, and children were passing on their way to school. The attackers detonated four cars packed with missiles and TNT in front of three police stations — one of them next to Basra's main street market — and a police academy. An hour later another car bomb went off outside the police academy in Zubair, a largely Sunni town about nine miles from mainly Shiite Basra. Police discovered two other car bombs before they were detonated and arrested three men in the vehicles, Abdul-Latif said. The blast in front of the Saudia police station wrecked and charred vehicles, including school buses taking kindergartners and girls ages 10-15 to school. Dead children, burned beyond recognition, were pulled from the wreckage. One body, black as carbon but apparently an adult, was taken away in a pickup truck. An Associated Press reporter counted the bodies of 10 kindergartners and six older girls at Basra's Teaching Hospital, where the morgue was full and corpses were left in the halls. Nine of the dead and 36 of the wounded were police, Abdul-Latif said. President Bush (news - web sites) condemned the suicide attacks in Basra and in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, where a car bomb blasted national police headquarters, killing at least four people and wounding 148. The U.S. counterterrorism official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said at this point there is no evidence to suggest the bombings in Iraq and Saudi Arabia are related. Bush said it was imperative that the United States stay the course in Iraq and help establish a democracy there. "The Iraqi people are looking at Americans and saying, 'Are we going to cut and run again?'" Bush told more than 1,500 AP-member newspapers at the cooperative's annual meeting. "And we're not going to cut and run if I'm in the Oval Office." The last major suicide attack in Iraq also targeted Shiites: Suicide bombers detonated explosives bodies among thousands of pilgrims at shrines in Karbala and Baghdad on March 2. At least 181 people were killed. U.S. officials said they believed those attacks were planned by Abu Musab al-Zarqaqi, a Jordanian linked to al-Qaida who they say intends a campaign of attacks to spark a civil war between Iraq's Shiite Muslim majority and Sunni minority. But since the start of April, attention has shifted to Iraqi insurgents, with U.S. troops besieging the Sunni stronghold of Fallujah and a radical Shiite militia launching a revolt in the south. Those two fronts — plus a flare-up of insurgent violence around Baghdad and across the country — have stretched U.S. forces in Iraq. Maj. Gen. Martin Dempsey, commander of the Army's 1st Armored Division, suggested the bombings were timed to coincide with the relative quiet over the past few days. "If I were them (the attackers), I think I would probably want to stay in the news. And the way you stay in the news is space (attacks) out, you conduct attacks sequentially, not simultaneously" with other violence, he told AP. Throughout the month, U.S. coalition officials have warned that sudden terror attacks remained a threat, and security was increased during Shiite religious ceremonies in Karbala on April 11. The U.S. counterterrorism official said those behind Wednesday's attack may include Sunni extremists attacking a Shiite area, a tribal group, former regime elements or the network belonging to al-Zarqawi. "It is just premature to draw any conclusions," the official said. U.S. officials and military commanders say foreign Islamic militants are among the fighters they seek to uproot from Fallujah — and they have suggested al-Zarqawi could be in the city. But the relationship between Iraqi insurgents and foreign militants remains unclear. While Washington contends Iraq is a center of the war on terror, U.S. forces have captured few foreigners among hundreds of Iraqi insurgents. Al-Zarqawi complained of poor cooperation with Sunni guerrillas in a letter to al-Qaida leaders that the U.S. military said it intercepted in January. Wednesday's was the bloodiest attack in Basra, a city in Iraq's far south that has seen little insurgent violence. Of the roughly 200 wounded, 168 were in critical condition. The blast outside the Saudia station heavily damaged its facade and left a crater six feet deep and nine feet wide. When British troops in charge of Basra showed up to help, angry Iraqis blocked their way, saying they failed to secure the city. Iraqi Interior Minister Samir Shaker Mahmoud al-Sumeidi said the Basra attack resembled the March 2 suicide bombings and Feb. 1 bombings in Irbil that killed 109 people. "Today, we all have lost children who are part of Iraq's future which the terrorists want to destroy. The Iraqi government ... confirms its resolution on defeating this cancer which is called resistance," al-Sumeidi said. U.N. envoy Lakhdar Brahimi also condemned the attacks, saying "I don't think that killing kids can be justified or explained." Four British soldiers were wounded in the police academy blasts, two of them seriously, the British Ministry of Defense said. In Fallujah, the four-hour battle cast a shadow over an agreement reached by negotiators aimed at bringing peace to the city 35 miles west of Baghdad. The fighting began with an ambush by 13 insurgents on Marines, who called in Cobra gunships that killed 10 of the attackers, Marine Lt. Col. Brennan Byrne said. Nearly three dozen insurgents then joined a running battle with Marines that ended with warplanes dropped two 500-pound bombs. Ten more insurgents were killed, Byrne said. "I think that is being thought of as a major breach," Byrne said of the battle. The U.S. military has warned that major fighting could resume if the agreement fails. City leaders negotiated the deal with U.S. officials, but the Americans say much hinges on whether the guerrillas comply. As a result of the failure to disarm, Marines halted the return of families to Fallujah. Commanders did not say how many weapons were turned in. North of Baghdad, a U.S. soldier died and two others were injured in a vehicle accident unrelated to fighting, the military announced Wednesday. No names were released.
                                                  Research LOST AND FOUND PARENTS-A MASS GRAVE/SUMMARY KILLINGS AND CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS. name by I A -

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                                                  • Last minute travel tips • NBC: What's Sharon's motivation? • Knight takes blame, sort of • Kerry and his big donors • The story behind Saddam's WMD ___
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                                                  White House - AP Bush Is Stumped on Question of Mistakes 2 hours, 22 minutes ago Add White House - AP to My Yahoo! By CALVIN WOODWARD, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON - President Bush (news - web sites) acknowledged a good deal of introspection after all the questions lately about his government's actions before the Sept. 11 attacks and in Iraq (news - web sites), but not a whiff of contrition. Bush was asked in his prime-time news conference if he had made any mistakes. AP Photo "I'm sure something will pop into my head here," he said Tuesday. It didn't. Bush is rarely one to second-guess himself and wasn't about to now, despite failures highlighted in the government's pre-Sept. 11, 2001, intelligence operations, the futile search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and all the recent violence there. "I don't want to sound like I have made no mistakes," he said Tuesday night. "I'm confident I have." But "maybe I'm not as quick on my feet as I should be in coming up with one." He went on, "I'm sure historians will look back and say, gosh, he could've done it better this way or that way." To be sure, Bush acknowledged the difficulties of recent weeks in Iraq, the horrible scenes of bodies on television and the sense that the war has dragged on for a long time. "It's been really tough for the families," he said. "It's been tough on this administration." He said he has asked himself repeatedly whether his administration could have done anything to stop the Sept. 11 attacks. He did not directly answer his own question, saying only that if he'd had an inkling about what was to happen, he would have done anything to head it off. "Hindsight's easy," he said. Sure, he would have liked to have had a Homeland Security Department and Patriot Act before the terrorists struck. Yes, the country should have been on a war footing when it is now apparent "the enemy was at war with us." Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (news - web sites) apparently found Bush's attitude off-putting. "The president may refuse to acknowledge a single mistake in the course of his presidency," he said, "but with deaths mounting and American sacrifice increasing, it's time he offered a specific plan that secures real international involvement, gets the target off the backs of our troops and starts to share the burden in Iraq." Bush asserted the Iraq war was justified. "Of course, I want to know why we haven't found a weapon yet," he said. "But I still know Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) was a threat. And the world is better off without Saddam Hussein." On the protracted struggle against insurgents trying to drive the Americans out, Bush said liberty doesn't come easily, and invoked the American Revolution: "I mean, we had a little trouble in our own country achieving freedom." He declared, "I would've gone into Afghanistan (news - web sites) the way we went into Afghanistan. Even knowing what I know today about the stockpiles of weapons, I still would've called upon the world to deal with Saddam Hussein." And there was to be no apology for what the government did and did not do in the months before the terrorist attacks, when the air was thick with signs of trouble that his administration says were too vague to act on. "Here's what I feel about that," he said. "The person responsible for the attacks was Osama bin Laden (news - web sites). That's who's responsible for killing Americans. And that's why we will stay on the offense until we bring people to justice."
                                                  Lack of Females May Have Done in Dinosaurs - Study Tue Apr 20, 4:44 PM ET Add Science - Reuters to My Yahoo!

                                                  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An asteroid may have wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago not simply by changing the world's climate and causing years of dark skies, but also by causing too many of them to be born male, U.S. and British researchers said on Tuesday. Missed Tech Tuesday? Conquer the data mountain, preview Longhorn's data tools and check the best software for managing your data. If dinosaurs were like modern-day reptiles such as crocodiles, they change sex based on temperature, David Miller of the University of Leeds in Britain and colleagues noted. And even a small skewing of populations toward males would have led to eventual extinction. Most experts agree that one or more asteroid impacts probably triggered a series of global changes that killed off the dinosaurs and many other species of life on Earth. The impacts would have kicked up dust that cooled the air and also triggered volcanic activity that would have created even more dust and ash. No one really knows if dinosaurs were more like reptiles, or something closer to mammals. Reptiles have very different metabolisms than mammals and also have various ways of determining the sex of offspring. In mammals, if a baby gets an X and a Y chromosome, it will be male and if it gets two X chromosomes it will be female, with a few very rare exceptions. Similar mechanisms work for birds, snakes and some reptiles such as lizards. But in crocodilians, turtles and some fish, the temperature at which eggs are incubated can affect the sex of the developing babies. Miller's team ran an analysis that showed a temperature shift could theoretically have led to a preponderance of males. Other studies have shown that when there are too few females, eventually the population dies out. "The earth did not become so toxic that life died out 65 million years ago; the temperature just changed, and these great beasts had not evolved a genetic mechanism (like our Y chromosome) to cope with that," said Dr. Sherman Silber, an infertility expert in St. Louis who worked on the study. But crocodiles and turtles had already evolved at the time of the great extinction 65 million years ago. How did they survive? "These animals live at the intersection of aquatic and terrestrial environments, in estuarine waters and river beds, which might have afforded some protection against the more extreme effects of environmental change, hence giving them more time to adapt," the researchers wrote.
                                                  The war in Iraq has ended!

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                                                  The United States Social Security Administration Official website of the U.S. Social Security Administration. Today, the Social Security Board of Trustees released its annual report on the current and projected financial status of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Funds... OVERVIEWFORMS My Social Security With your free, personal my Social Security … Sign In · Social Security Statement · Menu Forms The form you are looking for is not available … Apply for Benefits · Number and Card · Appeal What You Can Do Online Online Services. 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