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 Feeling in the dark about Career assessment?
standing cartoon man with a blanket over headIf so, check out some of these sites. You can find a lot of information here pertaining to various aspects of career assessment and finding a job. As with anything dealing with self assessment, be careful how you use the information that you obtain. Talk it over with someone who knows!
Ideally you should bring all the results of your various explorations to a career or vocational counsellor who is trained in how to interpret the tests that you will take and who can help you to understand themand apply the information you have compiled into something useful for
you. Remember at all times, after taking these tests, you will be exactly the same person that you were before taking these tests.

Direct links to items of interest.

 Interests     Personality     I.Q. Test      E.Q. Test     Counsellor     Job Search      Resumes     Cover Letters     Interviews


cartoon man holding large keyWhat is the key to your career interest? Find out when you try the " Career Key ". This site can help you survey and confirm your vocational interests and preferences. Read all the the instructions and be sure to print out or save your results to disk. There are a number of sub tests that need to be completed. In all, it may take you half an hour to an hour to complete.

 Interests     Personality     I.Q. Test      E.Q. Test     Counsellor     Job Search      Resumes     Cover Letters     Interviews

What personality type are you?
cartoon man looking at next image with question mark and scratching his headflong line of cartoon men disappearing in the distance Sort it out when you use the interactive            " Keirsey Temperament Sorter " This instrument is a version of Jungian Personality Type. Based upon your personality type preferences you may be able to identify the job that suits you best. This is similar to the "Myers - Briggs" type of assessment. Read the linked articles about personality types. Again, print or save to disk your results and associated personality type materials. This may take you 10 to 15 minutes.

 Interests     Personality     I.Q. Test      E.Q. Test     Counsellor     Job Search      Resumes     Cover Letters     Interviews

" I.Q. Test cartoon man with lightbulb going on over his hesdThis I.Q test is a test of intellectual potential. Results on such tests can be affected by many factors and indeed measure only one aspect of a person's real potential. As with all of these instruments print out your results or save to disk. There is no time limit on this particular test, but the instructions indicate that you will need a large chunk of uninterrupted time.

Interests      Personality     I.Q. Test      E.Q. Test      Counsellor     Job Search      Resumes     Cover Letters     Interviews

" E.Q. Test cartoon man jumping up and down and swearingIncreasingly, people are looking to this notion of E.Q. Test, or Emotional Intelligence to round out the picture of a an individual who can fully realize their potential. Any of you who have ever played role playing games may recognize I.Q., as the attribute of Intelligence, whereas E.Q. is more like the attribute of Wisdom. You may know how to do something, but in the world of inter-relations with other people, are you wise enough to know if you should or should not?

Interests      Personality     I.Q. Test      E.Q. Test      Counsellor     Job Search      Resumes     Cover Letters     Interviews

You are advised to take the printouts of your results or the disks containing them to a professional counsellor. Such an individual will be knowledgeable in the area of careers and assessment and can help you to interpret your results
cartoon men shaking handsin a way that is meaningful and helpful to you. Together, you will have a better opportunity to find your career path.

Interests      Personality     I.Q. Test      E.Q. Test      Counsellor     Job Search      Resumes     Cover Letters     Interviews

After having determined what job you want and if it is suited to your particular profile, you still need to get that job.
cartoon man pointing and lookingIf you would like help with finding a job, follow this        "Job Search" link.

Interests      Personality     I.Q. Test      E.Q. Test      Counsellor     Job Search      Resumes     Cover Letters     Interviews

cartoon man at desk writing with paper stacked beside himFor help with writing resumes, look here: " Resumes".

Interests      Personality     I.Q. Test      E.Q. Test      Counsellor     Job Search      Resumes     Cover Letters     Interviews

For cover letter assistance try this link: " Cover Letters ".cartoon man at desk writing with even more paper stacked beside him

Interests      Personality     I.Q. Test      E.Q. Test      Counsellor     Job Search      Resumes     Cover Letters     Interviews

cartoon man cowering before other cartoon manInterviews. Follow me to the " Hot Seat "
for some interactive interview fun.

Interests      Personality     I.Q. Test      E.Q. Test      Counsellor     Job Search      Resumes     Cover Letters     Interviews

We hope this site has been of some assistance to you in finding out how you can become a Career Winner!

  Please contact Kevin Reinhardt at Edu_Rehab with any questions or concerns regarding our Career, Education, or Rehabilitation  services or products (AlphaSmart or QuickPad).

Published in: Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April 1, 1998.