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Armourer's Guild

Welcome to armouring shop of UEMA. This shop is for the members of the Armorers Guild in the United Empires, a reenactment club that re creates the middle ages as they could have been. If you would like to know more about the United Empires of the Middle Ages, please click on the link.

The armourers of UEMA are a specific guild that gather together not just to build armour, but to learn and teach others about every aspect that armour involves. Whether this is something simple as the coverage of an elbow cop or as complex as a maxillian suit, it is our duty as the guild to make sure each and every member has the chance to learn the trade.

UEMA Armourer's Guild Forum

Please feel free to come and post on the forum. It is for armourer's both young and old alike. This forum is to help each memeber learn about different techniques, styles or even where to begin. Have fun posting!

UEMA Armoury Photos

Here you can see what the UEMA armoury has in stock. There are several other items that are not photographed, but you can get the general understanding of what we have and what we still need for fighter practices etc. Please take a look, and if you have any armour to give, LET US KNOW!

UEMA Armoury Links Page

This page is designed to help fellow armourers sell their wares. There are many armouries on the net. Some are good, but then again some are very VERY bad. I have taken the time to list some respectable places of business for the UEMA Armourer's guild to look at.

UEMA Armoury Patterns Page

A pattern can be an armourer's greatest friend. We have put together a useful list of links to different pattern pages throughout the world wide web. Every armourer that has devoted his/her time to display their patterns diserves immediate respect for their time and insight to help others.


Please note that the United Empire Armourer's shop is currently under going renovation. Excuse the mess, and don't worry about tracking in dirt! This web page will soon be full of links, pictures, essays on constructing armour, and patterns. Check back soon!!!

Click to subscribe to uema_armorers

The egroups listing above is the Armourer's of UEMA email. We use this email to contact one another, list web links, etc. If you are interested in this, please feel free to sign up with the guild and bring your knowledge to the table.

If you have any personal questions about the Armourer's of UEMA or just some suggestions, please feel free to contact:
Prince Barak the Wolf
Master Armourer
Prince of Avallach
Kingdom of Whispering Tor