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The Easiest Way to Make Money on the Internet Is Here...Own a Money Making Store on the Internet That's Open 24-hours a Day And Does Every Thing for You Automatically! It's as Simple as Promoting a Free Webpage and Collecting a Monthly Check in Your Mailbox!

Take 27 Seconds and Find out What Thousands Already Know to Be True - That Streamline Is a Company for the Future and We Are Here to Help You Become Successful!

Your name could be here!

David Liverman

We receive thousands of hits per week!

People before you could be joining!

"Why Guess Your Income
When You Can Project Your Income?"

(take the guess work out of calculating your potential earnings)

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MILLION DOLLAR BILLS - Impress Your Family and Friends,
Become an Instant Millionaire on Paper!


WAIT! Before clicking on one of the menu options above please take a few seconds and scroll down to read the latest information on Streamline.

Streamline Distributors Enjoy The Benefits Of:
  • No Face-to-Face Selling!
  • No Face-to-Face Sponsoring!
  • No Meetings!
  • No Telephone Calls!
  • No Presentations!
  • No Running Around!
  • No Cold Calls!
  • No Dressing Up!
  • No Time Required!
  • No Face-to-Face Contact!
  • Finally a company that actually helps your build a solid secure home-based business, and best of all you can do it all from the comfort of your own home.

    NBG homebased business money maker
    Streamline along with our strategic relationship with NBG Radio Network has just begun our new 300 station radio blitz.

    Our first 7-days generated over 1,000 new interested prospects.

    Imagine the amount of new distributors who will join Streamline from this unique opportunity.

    Over 170,000 copies of the Homebased Business Money Maker features Streamline as the hottest business opportunity of the century.

    When you join you will receive a free copy of this brochure.

    Limited stock available.

    May & December 1997 Company of the month.

    With a solid readership of business opportunity seekers this publication has help mark our place in Network Marketing history.

    When you join you will receive a free reprint of our article that appeared in Network Opportunities.

    [ Request The Free Literature Pack ]


    "Never has there been a single company that has generated such intense interest from the business community. Word has spread like electricity to thousands of people like never before. Faxes roll, phones ring, electronic bulletin boards light up like a Manhattan skyline."

    Most people realize that if something does not change they will be doomed to run like a hamster on a treadmill until the day they retire! Are you tired of being a pawn in someone else's chess game?

    Imagine for a second a company that actually helps you build a solid secure home-based business all from the comfort of your own home. Streamline's trademarked Online Recruiter™ could actually put active distributors under you! This takes the effort off you from having to go out and sponsor or recruit like a superstar!

    I Know You Are Busy - Here Are The Facts:

    Streamline has designed a system that enables the 97% of MLM'ers who have never earned more than a few hundred dollars to finally feel the freedom of building a solid home-based business without the hassles of sponsoring family and friends or selling products.

    Streamline offers the most lucrative compensation plan in the industry.

    "The best thing about Streamline's compensation plan is that it’s for real people! No false pie-in-the-sky million dollar's in 90-days promise. Sure, I guess it’s double if someone is willing to put the work in but Streamline is about average everyday working people. People like you and me. People who do not have an extra 20+ hours per week or thousands of dollars to dump into something."

    "Now don't get me wrong. There are some superstars in Streamline who are putting this business together in a BIG way, but let's face it. If something is going to work for you and me it must take little to no time and above all I don't want to go out and bug my friends and family with overpriced, undervalued products. In fact, if I can simply buy for myself and let the system do the rest that would be perfect!"

    "How does an extra $600 - $2,000 per month sound? Need a little more, how does $5,000 a month sound? These types of incomes are extremely possible with Streamline's autopilot system."

    More aggressive networkers can expect to earn incomes into the tens of thousands of dollars within a very short amount of time.

    We have put together a very unique but Powerful High-Tech Recruiting System™. In fact, this system is so powerful, it is protected under U.S. trademark laws.

    You have never seen a more Powerful High-Tech Recruiting System™ like the Online Recruiter™.

    98% of the people we personally introduce to this system sign up!

    Sound Impossible?

    Read on and you will see why we have made it possible for the average person who dislikes to sell and hates to show the plan to do neither but still have the opportunity to profit quickly!

    With more than 1.6 Million people visiting our main homepage, 300,000 post cards mailed monthly, over 170,000 full color newspaper-style brochures mailed, and numerous national advertising in the hottest network marketing magazines all to benefit you and your downline. Is there any doubt in your mind that Streamline is the company for you?

    Our Free Business Building Tools Do Everything For You And Your Downline

    Our Powerful High-Tech Recruiting System™ enables you to never face-to-face sell a product or personally sponsor anyone but still have the opportunity to earn thousands in the shortest amount of time.

    Our Powerful High-Tech Recruiting System™ Offers You These Benefits:

  • Monthly Profit-Sharing!
  • 100% committed downline!
  • Earn thousands your first month!
  • Company mails FREE info packs!
  • Fast-Track Friday™ Bonus Checks!
  • Only one customer needed - yourself!
  • Most lucrative pay plan in the industry!
  • Completely automated sponsoring system!
  • Thousands of eager opportunity seekers will read this homepage this week. They read the information, review the compensation plan and sign up immediately!

    Immediately after signing up with our company, your name will be added to our Online Recruiter™, and we will begin to fill-up your first level. If you do choose to enroll someone on your own, we will also build their business through this unique and profitable sponsoring business!

    Our system costs nothing to join but has the potential to pay thousands of dollars the first month. By qualifying yourself with the minimum product volume, we will enter you automatically into the Online Recruiter™.

    Your name and ID# stay in the Online Recruiter™ until you have three (3) people in your first level (from the Online Recruiter™, upline spillover or your own efforts). At that point we remove your name from the database and we place three new distributors under each of your three first level distributors giving you nine distributors on your second level. We do this for seven levels giving you a total of 3,279 distributors that you will be paid on each month.

    Best of all, you are NOT limited to just three people on your first level. If you wish to enroll more you may. By doing so you will increase your monthly commission check. Your personally enrolled distributors may go on your first level.

    FACT! People hate to sell
    and hate to prospect!

    If your current program demands that you sell products and sponsor others you will fail 90% of the time! Put yourself in the power position. Win 90% of the time offering a program in which everyone wants to be involved!

    What are the biggest objections you get when you approach someone with a business opportunity?

  • No Time
    • Streamline takes ZERO time to build! Our High-Tech business building tools allow you to spend free time doing the things you like instead of trying to sponsor the world like in other MLM companies!

  • No Money
    • Other companies set quotas for their distributors which forces them to buy lots of unneeded products each month!

      Streamline distributors simply buy their own products for their own consumption! What could be easier and less expensive?

  • No One Interested
    • One of the most common objections other distributors hear in other companies is that their prospect doesn't know anyone that they could show the business.

      Streamline's trademarked Online Recruiter™ solves this objection once and for all!

      Distributors in Streamline don't have to know anyone for them to become successful. Streamline builds their downline for them using the hottest High-Tech recruiting tools in the industry!

    One of the biggest advantages for Streamline distributors is that if they do wish to sponsor others they can be assured that Streamline will place their friend or acquaintance in the system and will help them become successful!

    Streamline, using the Online Recruiter™, personals or upline spillover, will even sponsor three distributors under your personally sponsored friends or acquaintances like we did for you.

    This gives Streamline distributors an advantage over distributors in other MLM companies. They are now free to spend their time doing the things they like instead of spending hours each night on the telephone or dressing up and going to another meeting!

    If you're one of tens of thousands who like what you have seen so far and are ready to make some serious money from this totally unique but Powerful High-Tech Recruiting System™, we invite you to join now and start experiencing what a truly hands-off business means for you and your family!

    Again, there is no personal selling or recruiting needed! We expect thousands to join in the weeks to come. If you would like to have some of these thousands in your group we urge you to fill out the agreement form and join immediately.

      menu .. online recruiter™ | distributor benefits | products | compensation plan
       commissions calculator | faq's | company | international | members

    MILLION DOLLAR BILLS - Impress Your Family and Friends,
    Become an Instant Millionaire on Paper!


    Activate your distributorship immediately!

    Complete all 3 sections now.

    If you would rather mail or fax your agreement form please [CLICK HERE]

    1. Enter Contact Information

    Name                 :  
    Address              :  
    City                 :    Zip : 
    State                :  
    Telephone            :  
    Fax Phone            :  
    E-mail               :  
    SS# / FED ID# / CTN# :   (International dist. leave blank)
    Country              :  


    As a convenience to me, I am selecting a Backup Order below, and hereby apply to be an MVP member of Streamline. I agree to purchase products totaling at least the specified Product Volume (PV) (50 or 100) no later than the 20th day of each month according to the Terms and Conditions set forth on the reverse side of this Agreement. I understand that each Backup Order below has a specified Product Volume (at least 50 or 100). If for any reason I do not place an order that equals or exceeds the Product Volume (50 or 100) by the 20th of each month, I request that Streamline charge my account and send me my selected Backup Order. All MVP orders are processed on the day of enrollment plus starting the following month on the 20th day and every month thereafter. I further understand that I may cancel this autoship at anytime per the agreement by faxing or mailing my signature and id# to Streamline. Payments for Backup Order(s) will be by the method of payment and account information specified below.

    For additional information on each product you may click on the link associated with each product. By clicking on one of the below links a new window will open which will transport you to the Herbalmall.

    Select Your MVP Level:

    MVP Select Your MVP Level PV Retail Wholesale* You Save


    MVP1A - Vital-Food™, Vital-Energy™ & Vital-Antioxidants™ 50 $79.85 $64.85 $15.00
    MVP1B - Vital-Food™, Vital-Burn™ &
    50 $79.85 $64.85 $15.00
    MVP1D - Montmorillonite Chocolate,
    Montmorillonite Rasberry, Vital-Mind™,
    75 $114.90 $94.90 $20.00
    MVP1E - ReGAIN Tripack™ - 8 oz.
    Shampoo, 8 oz. Conditioner & 8 oz.
    60 $94.85 $75.85 $19.00


    MVP2A - (2) Vital-Food™, (2)
    Vital-Energy™ & Vital-Antioxidants™,
    100 $159.70 $129.70 $30.00
    MVP2B - (2) Vital-Food™, (2)
    Vital-Burn™ & Vital-Antioxidants™,
    100 $159.70 $129.70 $30.00
    MVP2D - (2) Montmorillonite chocolate,
    (2) Montmorillonite Rasberry, Vital-Mind™,
    120 $179.90 $149.90 $30.00
    MVP2E - ReGAIN Tripack™ - 8 oz.
    Shampoo, 8 oz. Conditioner, 8 oz.
    , 1 oz. Youth-Serum C,
    4 oz. Analgesic Rub
    100 $162.30 $134.30 $28.00

    * US residents add $9 s/h, International/Alaska/Hawaii/PR add $14.00. Utah residents add 6.125% state sales tax.

    3. Payment Information

    I plan to use:

    [ Checking Account ] - [ Credit Card ] - [ Start Over ]

    Fill-out the following information if you intend
    to use a U.S. checking account to secure your position.

    If you would rather use your credit card or debit card [ Click Here ]

    Streamline Int'l. uses Internet SAFEPAY™ for online processing.
    Fill-out the below information as part of your final enrollment.

    NOTE: This enrollment method only works if you have a U.S. Checking Account. Please fill-out all fields.

    Name on Account:  
    Routing #      :      
    Account #      :  
    Bank Name      :  
    Check #        :   
    State          :  
    [ Complete the Agreement ] - [ Start Over ]

    Fill-out the following information if you intend to use a
    Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express or debit card to secure your position.

    If you would rather use your U.S. checking account
    to pay for your MVP [ Click Here ]

    Streamline Int'l. uses Internet SAFEPAY™for processing.
    Fill-out the below information as part of your final enrollment.

    Name of Card Holder          :  
    Card #                       :  
    Expiration Date              :  
    Choose Your Credit Card Type :  
    [ Complete the Agreement ] - [ Start Over ]


    A Hardcopy Agreement may be obtained by [ clicking here ] or by dialing
    our Fax-on-Demand system from the handset of your fax machine at (801) 756-0689 DOC#5555

    By using the "Enroll Now!" button above you are authorizing Streamline Int'l Inc. to use the above account information to process the MVP order. This includes the first month.

    119 South 700 East
    American Fork, Utah 84003 U.S.A.
    Bus: 801.756.0614
    Fax: 801.756.0682
    Fod: 801.756-0689 DOC#5555

    Contacting Corporate
    Auto-responders are user-friendly software programs that enable you to obtain documents automatically -- without direct human intervention -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from anywhere in the world where you have Internet e-mail access.

    You simply send a blank e-mail message to an auto-responder, and the document you have requested is immediately sent back to you.

    Streamline has setup a 24 hour auto-responder that has answers to over 45 of the most frequently asked questions. To receive our auto-responder within seconds send a blank email to

    To reach a live person please contact the person listed at the top of this webpage or by sending email to

    version 9.14.98

    © Copyright 1996-98 STREAMLINE INTERNATIONAL INC. All rights reserved. No part of this information may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage retrieval system, without written permission from STREAMLINE INTERNATIONAL INC., except for the inclusion of quotations in a review.

    * Examples given are not guarantees of income but simply represent your potential earnings.

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