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  WebWork by   Versatility Data Management
Face it, the best use of the WWW is the promotion of commerce, shouldn't you benefit from it?
  WebSite Design... Interactive Community…
WebHosting… WebSite Management
WebSite Advertising… Contact Us...
Versatility Data Management is a Contract Services Provider dedicated to providing quality Business and Web Services to individuals and the Small Business community. One of our primary goals is to provide the Small Business Community with business support services and quality productive web services, at reasonable prices. Our intention is to take some of the important workload for our customers, so that they can spend their time running their business and providing their services. Many small business owners have found themselves locked in their offices doing the office work while their customers suffer a lack of service and their potential customers are not given the attention needed to attain their business. A lot of small business owners have published WebSites to the internet which have created more work for the business owner, while producing very little return. In our opinion, the Small Business Community requires on-going support services in both of these areas, provided in a manner which reduces the business owners work-load, reduces expenditures, and be provides for a positive promotion of the business.

To ensure that our goals are met in such provisions, we have considered the following concerns and solutions, which we believe, are important to the business owner:

(This section of our site discusses WebWork, for information regarding standard business services please see Business Services.)
 WebSite Design...
The WWW has proven to be an invaluable information source for the business community. However, it has also proven to be an exorbitant expenditure to both time and money for many. While designing a WebSite it may look great to have all the flash of the Las Vegas Strip, but unless you have the extra time and money to maintain and manage such a site it is not cost effective. The small business owner needs an attractive WebSite that provides for an Internet presence that is both costs effective and functional. What good is a WebSite that doesn't provide for on-going promotion of the business? Other than a possible tax write off, not much good at all.

Our WebSite design goals are simple. Design an attractive WebSite, which promotes the business. Provide for on-going advertisment of the business product, or satisfy the need for internal information exchange. The site should provide a means for customer contact and any necessary customer support. And foremost, the WebSite should not be a time-costly or an unrealistic expense burden to the business owner. Our WebSite designs are constructed to satisfy these needs. Appealing backgrounds, graphics, animation, and text are utilized to provide quality promotional appearance. The ability to make on-going changes for advertisement of products or services is built into each of our WebSites so that your site can change with your business. Face it, the best use of theWWW is the promotion of commerce, shouldn't you benefit from it?

The construction of a WebSite is only as good as its WebHost. The consumer has little tolerance for slow loading WebSites. We can provide you with some of the best hosting options available. If you have an existing WebHost you wish to continue, we can provide our services to do so. Our intention is to provide you the options to ensure reliable high-speed connection at affordable prices. One of our plans is designed to spread your site amongst multiple hosts so you can benefit from the additional exposure. And, as some ISP's provide free space for some of this hosting, most often there is no additional cost to you. Face it, the best use of the WWW is the promotion of commerce, shouldn't you benefit from it?
 WebSite Advertising…
  A WebSite that fails to advertise you product or service is a personal WebSite, and a non-productive novelty. If you're in business, you want your WebSite to be in business too. Therefore, a productive WebSite must provide the ability to either advertise your products or meet the need for informational exchange within your business or locale. Most companies have periodic sales, promotions, and special offers. Your WebSite should take advantage of these activities. And, you should have the ability to take advantage of your WebSite for the promotion of such activity.

Another problem in this area is getting your WebSite retrieveable by the consumer. Better than fifty-percent of the WebSites currently on the Internet cannot be identified or retrieved by major search engines. This is due to poor WebSite construction, and failure to take advantage of the resources and options available. We will get you site submitted to multiple search engines and help you draw attention to both your WebSite and your business. When the consumer searches the Internet for widgets… Face it, the best use of the WWW is the promotion of commerce, shouldn't you benefit from it?

 Interactive Community…
  Recent emergence of interactive communities on the Internet has provided the possibility for an excellent means of promotion of commerce. This combined with the ability to take advantage of the multiple capabilities provided by these communities, makes use of such very appealing. Some communities offer on-line chat, bulletins, service directories, and other benefits. We recommend utilization of some of these communities and will get you there. These communities also provide an excellent resource reference for you. The use of such a resource for promotion of your business could prove invaluable. Face it, the best use of the WWW is the promotion of commerce, shouldn't you benefit from it?
 WebSite Management…
  That's our job.  And, we will do it to the best of our ability to ensure an effective WebSite and the positive promotion of your company.  We will maintain, update, modify, edit, fix, correct, upload, download, organize, publish, tag, submit, and anything else that may need to be done. Not that our customer can't do these tasks, but so our customer doesn't have to.  Most often, a customers computer is configured for management of the business, not for management of the WebSite.  It will probably take the customer more time and work than the customer should expend, to perform this task.  We'll do this for you.

WebSite Management is probably the most important task necessary to a WebSite.  An unresolved link on a WebSite provides no function, other than make the business appear as though they aren't taking care of business.  We will do everything possible to maintain you site with current information.  Additionally, we will add "bannerads", "search engines", and other information to your site, which will attract consumer interest to your site.  Some of our customers require customer service functions be provided with their WebSites, not a problem...  Face it, the best use of the WWW is the promotion of commerce, shouldn't you benefit from it?

 Contact Us... 
  Because...  Face it, the best use of the WWW is the promotion of commerce, shouldn't you benefit from it?   Versatility Data Management
2394 Mariner Square Drive #154, B-1
Alameda, California  94501

(510) 749-9721

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