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Daalo Enterprises International (DEI)


A Holistic approach to cross-cultural services


DEI is a multi-purpose private consulting firm which provides education and cultural awareness programs to improve the lives of refugees and immigrants from Africa and the Middle East. Thhe firm assists social service agencies in developing a more holistic approach to efficient and creative health care, education, and employment programs. It also offers technical assistance to start-up businesses owned by African and Middle Eastern immigrant community.

Multicultural Counseling and Family Strengthening

DEI provides tools and expertise to social workers and other professionals who work with refugees and immigrant families suffering from both the traumatic effects of civil wars and the difficulties of adjusting to the radically different cultures of their host countries.

Major Service Components:

  • Multicultural Counseling
  • Needs & Self-sufficient Assessment
  • Case Management
  • Human Resources Development
  • Research and Evaluation
  • Cross Cultural Training
  • Interpretation/Translation
  • Small Business Consulting
  • Curriculum Development
  • Youth Programs Development
  • And more.....

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