SPANISH-Large version(whith photos)
latoneros 1 madrid tel.365 84 22 SPAIN

the curiosities shop of madrid



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Curiosity shop it is a small shop, in which the imagination and the magic is big.A shop to recall that shop of Dickens"old curiosity shop "In Curiosity shop is found a little of joy, of fantasy, and they can be acquired gifts to attainable prices.Gifts with magic pleasure, with nostalgia. All in an environment with music and color, in an old corner of madrid. In Puerta Cerrada,to the side Calle Cuchilleros,to meters of Plaza Mayor. A pedestrian street with old trade name:(braziers) latoneros, 1
"This premises is recommended in the GUIA de Espasa Calpe-Guia de FNAC - GUIA de Tiendas Curiosas and others"

Thanks AngelFire

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