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Books to Inspire and Delight the Mind, Body, Heart and Soul

"Empath's Survival Guide: Life Strategies For Sensitive People", by Dr. Judith Orloff.

It is interesting that Judith Orloff starts off in her book, 'The Empath's Survival Guide' in saying that empaths have a hyperactive mirror neuron system so that we are able to sense what other people are going through, and that narcissists have empathy deficient disorder. I say we have to be careful as empaths not to get pulled in by a narcissist. I have, and it takes a lot of time to undo it. Save yourself some time for more pleasant life experiences and really learn how to protect yourself as an empath. Dr Judith Orloff covers all aspects of how to do this in the book. You can purchase it as a book, as a kindle ebook or as an audio CD.

Dr. Orloff goes on to talk about how the medical system tries to diagnose empaths as having a disorder. No no no. It is not true. We have very healthy boundaries and are taking care of ourselves. Yes, we empaths almost always sense what is going on with people, and just have to continue to know there is nothing wrong with us, and continue setting those boundaries such as knowing when to leave when we start feeling overwhelmed around someone or a group of people. This is important for all aspects of our health.

I resonate with so many things Dr. Orloff mentioned in her book 'The Empath's Survival Guide'. One thing in particular is that she thought it was a good idea to take a separate car when going to an event or party. I always took a separate car when going to parties with someone to be able leave when I felt overwhelmed. I couldn't stand small talk either. I took side streets, many of the things she mentions that empaths do.

I referred a couple of friends to this important book. One of them bought 'The Empath's Survival Guide' thinking it is just what she needed because she has a client that doesn't honor her boundaries and she needs help with that. She was so grateful I told her about it.

We as a society should be thinking about teaching this in schools before children go out into the world and it would help in interactions with other kids. Like Dr. Orloff, I too was scared of my own sensitivities in my childhood and tended to withdraw instead. So what did I do after High School? I worked for a Psychiatrist hoping I could also figure out what was wrong with me. I get more out of Dr. Ofloff's lectures, radio interviews and books that help me now than I did then. Psychiatry has taken a more positive and personal stance, thankfully.

Read and reread this book, 'The Empath's Survival Guide, so that you don't get yourself in situations you don't want to be in and find an easier way to express yourself. You will be more at ease being an empath. Enjoy!

Kathy's review on Amazon:
Empath's Survival Guide: Life Strategies For Sensitive People

Energy Medicine, by Donna Eden

A 'Timeless Best Seller' within the metaphysical, spiritual development, new age, and healing categories.

She has a transparent quality. I say,"she wears her own soul on the outside". Her approach is simple, yet amazing. She is right brained, a highly developed intuitive -- the most clear and enthusiastic being I know. Her daily routines for 'keeping your energies humming', in Part I, are easy to follow and practice yourself. You will find your own way to heal yourself with the guidance you find in this excellent, well-organized book.

Donna Eden is internationally known for incorporating many ancient ways of healing. In Chinese meridian theory, The 5 elements or rhythms/seasons, which relates to the bodies organs give clues of releasing emotions held in meridians, which are energy flows. Another way of healing is through the study of the chakras, 'your body's energy stations' as she calls them, the aura, and several others. We must be willing to allow a more complete intelligence than just what we know of as mind and know that we are also made up of electromagnetic energy and light. She explains our multi-layers and how to maintain them and weave all energy systems together.

Her work compares to other leaders in alternative medicine such as Christiane Northrup, MD, of "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom", who believes if we are emotionally supported and living joyfully, our chances for having cancer or other disease is less and we have always have a source of healing within ourselves. Listening to our 'knowing ' is not based on facts nor data. Our bodies are a barometer of how we are doing. Lack of joy shows up in the body. She speaks of 'source energy'. All of these authors are referring to the same type of energy.

Carolyn Myss, Ph.D., Medical Intuitive, talks about spiritual development. "Intellectual and New Age awareness is not enough", she says.

Julia Cameron, who wrote "The Artists Way" and "The Right to Write", mentioned in a recent lecture about writing 'Morning pages'. This gets us connected to our true selves and gets the creativity going. One thing these authors all make us aware of is that we all have an innate ability to heal ourselves. In healing ourselves, we are also reminded of each other's interdependence.

Donna reminds us that destroying life and resources in any one part whether in our bodies or in the world diminishes the whole. Page 227.

Donna mentions on page 352 of her book Energy Medicine, that 'souls passing have given her glimpses of information on unlocking the healing process'. These realms are as real as the ordinary physical world. We can all learn from this. To not let anyone or anything stand in the way of letting one's true being shining through, following one's path not of mind, but of spirit, is a gift.

To find more on how to use Energy Medicine, please visit Innersource

Making The Gods Work For You, by Carolyn Casey

"Making The Gods Work For You is a great, fascinating and terrific book with insights into the original meaning of astrology. We recommend it to anyone with depth and purpose". Sobonfu and Malidoma Some authors of "Of Water and the Spirit: Ritual and Initiation in the Life of the African Shaman"

Believe Nothing, Entertain Possibilities!

Making the Gods Work for You presents internationally renowned author Caroline W. Casey's remarkable doctrine of Visionary Activist Astrology. In this reverently irreverent mystery school disguised as a book (in which each of the planetary gods is a professor), we are invited to think of our lives as a spiritual detective novel.

For example, Venus teaches us that our affinities and quirks are clues to our unique mission and contribution to the world. The astrological language of the psyche is a tool for deciphering and revitalizing this sense of mission. Casey teaches you how to expand your range of intimacy with the ten parts of yourself represented by the planets, here called gods. You will learn how to use this language to reverence and feed the forces of your psyche that connect you to very real external forces. This book intends to catalyze a movement to engage the imagination of all people with a sense of humor and a desire to do collaborative good in the world.

Expanding on the ideas first presented in her popular audiotape series, Inner and Outer Space, Casey explores the archetypes at the heart of human relationships, aspirations, and spiritual quests. In an engaging narrative enlivened by stories, fables, exercises, and meditations developed through her work as an astrological counselor, she provides a practical system of personal and collective liberation. Making the Gods Work for You provides us with innovative principles to live by and rituals inviting us to become active, dynamic participants in the dance of life. We can then become increasingly conscious players on the team of creation, capable of sharing our gifts with the world at this crucial historical time.

Like Joseph Campbell's "The Power of Myth" and Clarissa Pinkola Estes' "Women Who Run with the Wolves", Casey's book reveals a new way of using myth and symbols for self-understanding and to change life for the better. "Caroline Casey is brilliant, charismatic, and hysterically funny, and she has a way with words and ideas that will take your breath away".--"

Opening Up To Your Psychic Self, by Petey Stevens

There is an on-line class using this book, and it will be repeated. There is a chat room for class members after the class.

A practical guide to knowing your true yourself. I recommend this book for people of any level of advancement in their spiritual work. It gives a daily renewal to practice it. Petey's book has helped me remember that I can find all of my own answers within and it is more simple to do than I remembered. Letting go of anything that is not yourself!

Rewritten from the Introduction

Opening Up To Your Psychic self takes you on a journey through your own soul's inner language. You will learn to translate and understand certain universal basics of the language, such as the 'energy body', which forms the framework upon which all psychic work is based. You will also regress to the origin of some of your limited programming to release emotional feelings that may have kept you from seeing and being yourself more clearly. Most of the work in this book is done to quiet the mind which leads you to insights about yourself and those around you.

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