Battalion Staff
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Battalion Staff

Duties and Responsibilities

Cadet Battalion Commander: C\MAJ Brandon Wilgus

Duties :

  1. Responsible for the training, administration, discipline, morale, esprit de corps, and performance of the cadet battalion.
  2. Sets the example for his battalion in appearance, attitude, conduct, bearing, tact, discipline and performance.
  3. Responsible for advance coordination with the SAI on all matters pertaining to policy and procedure for the battalion.
  4. Exercises supervision of the cadet staff and delegates authority to the staff commensurate with the capabilities of the individual staff officer and the requirements of the staff job he or she holds.
  5. Commands the battalion through proper use of the cadet chain of command and within the policy and guidelines set by the SAI.
  6. Makes recommendation for the promotion/reduction of cadets.

Cadet Executive Officer: C\CPT Ryan Landers


  1. Responsible for the command of the battalion in the absence of the cadet battalion commander. As such, he is familiar with the duties of the battalion commander.
  2. Coordinates and supervises the cadet staff and insures that the orders and policies of the cadet battalion commander are carried out.
  3. Recieves decisions from the cadet battalion commander and allots detailed work to the appropriate officer; makes any necessary additional decisions within established policies; and checks to insure that assigned staff actions are carried out properly and in a timely manner.
  4. Keeps the battalion commander informed of problem areas within the staff and battalion in general and of action take or recommended with respect to such problems.
  5. In coordination with the cadet sergeant major, investigates all cadet complaints concerning the merit/demerit system and makes recommendations to the cadet battalion cammander and the SAI concerning any irregularities noted.
  6. Performs other duties as the battalion commander directs.

Cadet Command Sergeant Major: C/CSM Jason Fonzo


  1. He is the senior cadet non-commissioned officer in the battalion and is the battalion cammander's advisor concerning enlisted and NCO cadets in the battalion and makes recommendation concerning promotion/reduction/awards and/or problem areas encountered.
  2. Assists the S-3 in the posting of cadet records, monitoring the merit/demerit system, and aids him in the maintenance of the unit bulletin board and preporation of classrooms.
  3. Is responsible for the police of the ROTC and drill areas.
  4. Collects and reviews all merits/demerits and passes them to the S-3 for posting on cadet records.
  5. Assists the Cadet S-1 in the supervision of the cadet awards program.
  6. Assists the Cadet executive officer in conducting investigations into irregularities and complaints concerning the merit/demerit system.
  7. Acts as supervisor to the Color Guard. Commands the Color Guard during battalion formations.
  8. Performs other duties as assigned ny the battalion commander.

Cadet Battalion S-1 (Adjutant and Administration): C/1LT Theresa LaPlaca


  1. He is the battalion commander's assistant in matters of personnel and administration.
  2. Publishes order, directives, or announcements as directed by the battaion commander.
  3. Prepares and maintains company, class, and/or master rosters of the cadet battalion and supervises the maintenance of the cadet manning board.
  4. Maintains the cadet JROTC files of correspondence and publications to include posting changes. This excludes training and supply activities.
  5. Supervises the promotion program and insures that quailified personnel appear before the board and/or serve as members of the board.
  6. Aids the cadet S-3 in the maintenance of the cadet bulletin board.
  7. Maintains the cadet battalion library.
  8. Supervises and monitors the awards program in coordination with the cadet sergeant major.
  9. Performs other duties as the battalion commander or executive officer may direct.

Cadet Battalion S-2 (Information and Security): C\1LT Brandon McCarter


  1. He is the battalion commander's assistant concerning matters of recruting, publicity, physical security, and sensitive items of equipment.
  2. Responsible for maintaining the cadet battalion history and maintenance of a pictoral scrapbook of significant events pertaining to the battalion.
  3. Responsible for arranging for a photographer to cover unit activities.
  4. Is the battalion information officer and, as such, prepares and submits items to school and local newspapers, and any other news media deemed appropriate.
  5. Advises the battalion commander and SAI on ways and means to improve the acceptance of JROTC on campus.
  6. Responsible for the maintenance and cleanliness of signal equipment, especially Vu-graphs, screens, and projectors. Advises the SAI of any deficiencies noted.
  7. Performs other duties as assigned by the battalion commander and executive officer.

Cadet Battalion S-3 (Training and Operations): C\1LT Justin Rutland


  1. He is the battalion commander's assistant concerning matters of operations and training.
  2. He is responsible for the preperation and publication of all training schedules and training reports.
  3. Responsible for the storage, maintenance, and issue of raining aids and reference materials.
  4. Responsible for the maintenance of student record cards under the supervision of the SAI.
  5. Exercises staff supervision of the merit/demerit system.
  6. Plans for and coordinates all of the battalion's training activities to include field trips, parades, and other extracurricular activities.
  7. Closely monitors the condust of drill, and conducts frequent training inspections of cadet classes.
  8. Responsible to insure the classroom area is properly prepared prior to classes.
  9. Insures that cadet instructors are properly prepared to give assigned classes.
  10. Responsible for the maintenance and posting of the unit bulletin board in coordination with the S-1.
  11. Performs ither duties as the cadet battalion commander or executive officer may direct.

Cadet Battalion S-4 (Logistics and Supply): C\CPT Ron Moore


  1. He is the battalion commander's assistant concerning matters of supply and logistics.
  2. Responsible for the storage, maintenance, issue, and turn-in of all supplies and reference material as directed by the SAI.
  3. Responsible for the maintenance of accurate records to include cadet hand receipts, up-to-date inventories, and other such supply actions as directed by the SAI.
  4. Is familiar with supply procedures, rewuisitioning, turn-in, salvage, laundry, alterations, pick-up, and inventory of equipment.
  5. Assigns weapons to cadets, supervises the maintenance of weapons and equipment, and maintains records of maintenance performed within guidelines set by the SAI.
  6. Responsible for the cleanliness, organization and upkeep of the supply and arms room areas.
  7. Performs duties as cadet armorer if one is not appointed.
  8. Investigates the loss of issued property.
  9. Peforms other duties as the cadet battalion commander or executive officer may direct.
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