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B o b L e M o i n e E v e n t s

- LeMoine, Robert W. HIGHLIGHT EVENTS since: 1958 - File Name: EVENTS.bas Current Year: 2003-2005 - Present Telephone 4 1 0 - 3 2 7 - 4 7 4 7 (Baltimore) - Toll-Free CaluSoft 8 0 0 - 3 5 7 - 4 2 0 0 - Information Line 8 0 0 - 8 5 3 - 5 7 0 0 - To Verizon VMRet 8 6 6 - 2 2 2 - 3 2 3 2 - Disabled 8 6 6 - 2 2 0 - 3 2 3 2 - Disabled 8 0 0 - 7 2 9 - 4 3 2 1 - Disabled 8 0 0 - 7 9 2 - 0 3 1 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - N A M E S A B B R E V I A T E D - RWL = Robert W. LeMoine Myself b 12/05/40 - HSL = Hazel S. Loveitt Mother b 07/29/20 d 03/29/93 - RBL = Reginald LeMoine Father b 07/17/05 d 10/19/64 - FJL = Frank J. LeMoine Brother b 09/14/38 - MEL = Melvin E. Loveitt Step-father b 12/27/11 d 07/18/88 - FES = Fannie E. Scott Grandmother b 12/20/89 d 03/26/69 - JJS = James J. Scott Grandfather b 02/20/92 d 05/18/69 - AMI = Annie M. Ireland GrGrandmthr b 11/23/66 d 07/26/66 - LNI = Lena Ireland Great Aunt b 12/31/98 d 10/xx/94 - RAS = Robert A. Scott Uncle b 02/14/22 d 08/19/01 - MLS = Mildred L Scott Aunt RAS ex b 06/15/21 d 10/17/03 - SJM = Susan Jane Miller Cousin b 06/15/46 d 08/07/01 - MAL = Melissa Ann Lewis Cousin b 12/01/49 - SBL = Stephen B. Loveitt FosterBroth b 01/30/56 - BJG = B. Jean Goodwin Friend, late 50's 60's - NML = Norman M. Leach Friend in 60's b 39 - RDC = Richard D. Craven Friend since 01/61 - LTC = Lucille Tucci Craven Friend d 2000 - DAK = Dorothy A. Kirk Fiancee b 10/29/44 - DKL = Dorothy K. LeMoine 1st Wife m 11/30/63 - DKM = Dorothy K. McCracken1st Wife gone 04/06/67 - CJM = Carol Jean Mayo BridgePal 60's on b 30 - KKG = Karen K. Gifford Fianc?e b 10/19/41 - KKL = Karen K. LeMoine Second Wife m 12/06/69 - KKG = Karen K. Graham KKL remarried RJG 3/84 - RJG = Robert J. Graham KKL's new man 3/81 - KMD = Keith M. Daugherty Karen's son b 11/27/59 - CEJ = Cathy E. Johnson Lady friend since 3/83 - PTB = Patrick T. Boyle Roommate 11/88 - 11/92 - PAM = Phyllis A. Melaney Roommate 6/93 - 8/93 - JWL = Jeffrey W. Lewis RepPayee 1/99 - - DLT = David L. Tinder BridgePal 8/94 - - EED = Eino "Ed" D'Amario Balto Pal 4/83 - - RAD = Robert A. Dickens LandLord 8/01 - -------------------------------------------------- - S T A T E A B B R E V I A T I O N - CN Connecticut Visits - Naugatuck 65 - NY New York Visit - Manhattan, Coney, Binghamton - NJ New Jersey Visit - Atlantic City 84 89 93 00 - PA Pennsyl Visit - Phl, Lanc 60's,70's, Pitts 86 - OH Ohio Visit - Columbus, Gahanna 84 85 - NC North Carolina Visits - Wilm. 80 Ral/Dur 86 - GA Georgia Visits - FL route, Savannah 84 - TN Tennesee Visits - Nashville 84 - KY Kentucky Visit - Freeb'n 74, Louisville 84 85 - IL Illinois Visit - Chicago en-route 70's 80's - IN Indiana Visit - Uncle Bob Indianapolis 59 84 - MN Minnesota Visit - Minneapolis, StPaul 80 82 - CO Colorado Visit - Denver Rockies 85 86 90 - UT Utah Visit - Salt Lake, Provo (BYU) 86 - CA California Visit - LA, SanDiego 86 SanFr 90 - WA Washington Visit - Seattle, Tacoma 85 - TX Texas Visit - Houston, Dallas 85 ElPaso 90 - PQ Quebec Province, Canada Visit - 68 69 - ON Ontario Province, Canada Visit - 71 - NS NovaScotia Province, Canada Visit - 70's - PR PuertoRico Visit - SanJuan 74 - BE Bermuda Visit - Hamilton 71 ( Award Junket ) - MX Mexico Visits - TJ, Nogales 85 Juarez 90 - GB Grand Bahama Island, Freeport 93 94 -------------------------------------------------- - O T H E R A B B R E V I A T I O N S - LBC Laurel Bridge Club, Laurel MD 82-92 - SHH Sherry's Place, E.Balto MD 82-92 - WHC White House Cafe, E.Balto MD 88-92 - HIS Honeywell Information Services - PSD Honeywell EDP Division - Computers - DPO Honeywell Field Divisions - AAA Triple A - Honeywell Client - AFA AirForceAssn - Honeywell Client - * begins CAPITALIZED MAJOR EVENT - @ begins address of new house, apartment - % begins supervisor - new employer - # begins year of automobile i.e. #79 Buick - Dollar figures do not contain $, but end in .00 - w/ for with r/e for real estate - Portl = Portland ME Wash = Washington DC - Balto = Baltimore MD FtLdle = FtLauderdale FL - Alex = Alexandria VA Arl = Arlington VA & MA - Rich = Richmond VA FtM = Ft Myers FL -------------------------------------------------- 06/15/58 MEL with Mary Ann Mobley, Miss America 07/06/58 %Mr.Reali, Valle's Steak House Scarbr ME 07/15/58 Frequently w/ BJG, Freeport ME 08/26/58 @135 Bolton St., Portl ME w/ HSL MEL 09/04/58 Begin Senior year at Deering High School 09/05/58 Miss Houston, Senior English teacher 12/05/58 RWL is 18 (b1940) -------------------------------------------------- 06/02/59 *AM GRADUATED DEERING HIGH SCH, PORTL ME 07/15/59 Travel to IN. Visit Uncle Bob w/ JJS FJL 09/10/59 *BEGIN UNIVERSITY OF MAINE, PORTL ME 12/05/59 RWL is 19 (b1940) 12/20/59 FES is 70 (b1889) 12/31/59 Portl ME. Bolton w/ NML, Frank -------------------------------------------------- 02/15/60 %W.Chapin, Press Herald, Portl ME 02/16/60 Training w/ Wayne Waterhouse 03/01/60 Candlepins 299 for 3 strings 03/12/60 Boston MA, Durham NH 04/13/60 At Univ of ME w/ Ben Greenlaw 04/28/60 With BJG in Freeport ME 04/30/60 Drove to Castine, ME 05/06/60 With RBL, intown Portl ME 05/11/60 NML at Couri Pontiac dealership 06/15/60 Manchester Bowling, Flat tires 07/09/60 Broiler Festival Belfast ME 07/29/60 HSL is 40 (b1920) 07/12/60 Cuffy. Saw Ann Hatch at Freeport ME 08/29/60 Buy #55 blue Buick 4-dr 08/21/60 Sheraton, Boston MA. Globe 09/12/60 Hurricane Donna 09/26/60 Brother FJL got #41 black Hudson 4-Dr 10/15/60 Joe Coyne's Threshing Floor 11/06/60 Bangor, Castine, Augusta Lewiston ME 11/22/60 Tom Shovan. Radio station WPOR 12/05/60 RWL is 20 (b1940) 12/31/60 Portl ME. Wendella's eggnog -------------------------------------------------- 01/06/61 Richard Craven at WCSH 01/16/61 Fred Barnes' Chevron 02/06/61 Resumed studies at UMaine, Portland 03/08/61 Marois Restaurant, Lewiston ME w/ NML 03/15/61 Bowling average in 90's 04/16/61 Bowling banquet, Galbraith, Boston MA 06/19/61 Underwood Raphael typewriter 07/28/61 OldOrchardBch ME w/ Wendall Fletcher 10/30/61 RBL in hospital, has pneumonia 11/18/61 NML buys #77 Plymouth Fury coupe 11/22/61 Trade #55 Buick for #52 DeSoto limo. 11/23/61 AMI is 95 (b1866) 12/05/61 RWL is 21 (b1940) 12/20/61 FES is 72 (b1889) 12/25/61 Christmas w/ FES, JJS at Freeport ME 12/27/61 MEL is FIFTY (b1911) 12/29/61 FJL inducted into USArmy 12/31/61 Raymond ME. NML Restaurant -------------------------------------------------- 01/11/62 Left job at Press-Herald after 23 months 01/12/62 %A.Stickney, Deering Ice Cream, SPortl ME 01/31/62 Buy #58 beige Buick Century coupe 02/08/62 Bounced. Unemployed 03/11/62 *BEGIN DATING DAK - NELSON C'S COUSIN 04/29/62 %R.Stride, BurgessFobes, Portl ME 04/30/62 Richard J. Stride. Saco bus 04/12/62 NML left Couri 05/01/62 FJL discharged from army 05/20/62 Tennis, rollerskate w/ DAK 06/17/62 Father's Day w/ RBL 08/17/62 Left BFP. Plan Boston MA work 08/31/62 RBL has #46 blue Buick 4dr. Drive-in 09/07/62 %MrStar, Warrenton Hdwe, Boston MA 09/25/62 Look for Boston MA work w/ NML 09/28/62 P.S. Chick roadway 10/25/62 %MrGray, Federal Photo, Boston MA 10/29/62 DAK is 18 (b1944) 11/24/62 HoJo's with BJG 11/28/62 %xxx SB Assembly, Sears Roeb. Boston MA 12/05/62 RWL is 22 (b1940) 12/31/62 Portl ME. DAK, Sportsman's Grille -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/63 Look for Boston MA work again 01/03/63 Fury repo'd. Strife w/ NML 01/12/63 Return to ME from Boston MA 01/18/63 DAK restricted by parents 02/12/63 %MrHaverty, Haverty Buick, Portl ME 03/03/63 %MrWiley, COTT Bottling, SPortl ME 05/12/63 %MrBernstein, DIRIGO Bgnland, Portl ME 06/23/63 *INITIAL RELOCATE TO DC/VA AREA W/ DAK 07/01/63 %EllisSnee, WR Winslow Paint, Wash DC 08/17/63 %JoeTash, Tash Enterprises, Wash DC 09/12/63 @2615 ERandolph Ave, Alex VA w/ DAK 09/27/63 *FTHOLABIRD MD USARMY DRAFT REJECTION 10/29/63 DAK is 19 (b1944) 11/22/63 *JFK IS ASSASSINATED IN DALLAS TX 11/30/63 *MARRIED DKL - DOROTHY ANN KIRK 11/30/63 M at Falmouth ME. Rev Jennings 12/05/63 RWL is 23 (b1940) 12/18/63 Returned to Tash's for week 12/28/63 NML, Cyndy Allen married 12/31/63 Alex VA. Party DKL, Karen Dussler's -------------------------------------------------- 01/08/64 %MrX, UPittburgh, EDP Research, Wash DC 02/01/64 Project Talent UPittsburgh 03/20/64 Portl ME visit w/ DKL 04/04/64 *FES VISIT TO WASH DC, RAY GIBSON'S 05/18/64 %DFinlayson, Project PREPARE, Wash DC 05/29/64 Vactn MA, ME w/DKL K Dussler. Durgan Pk 06/01/64 Mike Bryant, John Coffman PREPARE 07/01/64 Hot in DC. #62 black Peugeot 404 4dr 08/07/64 OPCON by Datatrol on IBM 1401 09/12/64 2615 Randolph Ave 1 year 10/18/64 *FATHER RBL (REGINALD) DIES (1905) 10/29/64 DKL is 20 (b1944) 11/30/64 First Anniversary w/ DKL 12/05/64 RWL is 24 (b1940) 12/11/64 Complete IBM training in Wash DC 12/25/64 Christmas in ME w/ DKL HSL MEL FJL 12/28/64 RDC, Luci Tucci, DKL Dulles Airport VA 12/31/64 Ft Ritchie MD. DKL, Offs' Club GeoKJr -------------------------------------------------- 01/25/65 %Mr.Crabill, USN NAVCOSSACT, Wash DC 02/23/65 USN CDC 1604, 160A 03/01/65 @317 EHowell Av., Alex VA w/ DKL 04/23/65 Met Sen M.C.Smith (ME) at US Capitol 05/22/65 Visit Leach's Naugatuck CN 06/25/65 KIRK's visit DC/VA 07/01/65 ME Vacation w/ DKL 07/07/65 T-29 Navy building very hot 08/28/65 Buy #62 blue Lincoln Continental 4-dr 09/30/65 End IBM 7090 class 10/29/65 DKL is 21 (b1944). 30" iguana "Iggy" 10/30/65 @7125 Catlett St., Springfield VA w/ DKL 11/19/65 IBM 1410 Database for NAVCOSSACT 11/23/65 AMI is 99 (b1866). Last birthday 12/05/65 RWL is 25 (b1940) 12/30/65 Leave NAVCOSSACT after 11 months 12/31/65 Portsmo NH. DKL, En-route to ME -------------------------------------------------- 01/10/66 %Tom Egan. ADSC, Wash DC 02/20/66 AARP & HARP files 03/18/66 Tom Egan vs. Gary Bolling 04/14/66 Estey organ/Leslie 05/26/66 Computer Course at GWUniversity DC 06/12/66 @2615 ERandolph Av., Alex VA w/ DKL 07/26/66 *GREAT GRANDMOTHER AMI DIES AT 99 (1866) 08/01/66 ME, Montreal PQ w/ DKL 09/01/66 ADSC relocates to Philadelphia, PA 09/17/66 Jimmy Boyce Hammond B2 organ lessons 10/18/66 *RELOCATE TO NORFOLK VA W/ DKL 10/19/66 %G.Bolling, Stanwick Corp, Norfolk VA 10/20/66 @719 Bayview Blvd., Norfolk VA w/ DKL 11/11/66 DKL training at Norfolk Navy Flying Club 12/05/66 RWL is 26 (b1940) 12/24/66 Drive w/ FES JJS to Arl VA R/T. Blizzard 12/25/66 Fly w/ FES JJS Norfolk VA to BOSTON MA 12/27/66 RDC, Lucille Tucci married in Portl ME 12/31/66 Norfolk VA. DKL, Sound of Music movie -------------------------------------------------- 01/15/67 Marital problems w/ DKL 02/24/67 DKL and Jimmy together 03/17/67 DKL with parents in ME 04/06/67 *DKL LEAVES FOR GOOD 04/07/67 Change locks on apartment 05/13/67 *BEGIN DATING KKG KAREN K GIFFORD 06/15/67 Freddie's Drive-in Restaurant KKG 07/31/67 Bad virus, throat inflammed 08/17/67 Fly to Portl ME 09/22/67 Stanwick/AirLANT projects 10/16/67 1410 - H-200 conversions 11/10/67 Hillsboro divorce papers 10/15/67 Pet iguana - Iggy doing fine 12/05/67 RWL is 27 (b1940) 12/19/67 LtCdr Pittfield USN 12/31/67 Norfolk VA. KKG Key Club Curt,H&D -------------------------------------------------- 01/12/68 Divorce Decree from Hillsboro FL 02/21/68 JoeBogdan packs U-Haul trailer 02/23/68 In ME for 6 days. Lv furniture 02/27/68 Date Cindy Fletcher, Wend.F's ex 03/29/68 Back in Norfolk. Stanwick finals 03/12/68 *RELOCATE TO BOSTON MA SUBURBS 04/01/68 %I.T.Anderson, Honwl-PSD, Waltham MA 04/02/68 @473 Concord Av., Lexington MA SELF 05/25/68 Hammond X66 organ. Audrey, Joe Zinni 06/13/68 Removeable disk bootstrap program 07/18/68 Visit w/ KKG. Norfolk VA twice 08/31/68 @36 Brand St. Arl MA w/ KKG 09/20/68 Jim McNeill, Lou Tremante at PSD 10/23/68 H200/2000 SuperH operating system 11/18/68 SuperH systems check out 12/05/68 RWL is 28 (b1940) 12/20/68 Hackensack NJ repair delay 12/25/68 Christmas w/ KKG's kin, Norfolk VA 12/31/68 Winches MA. KKG DRocke PWebber's -------------------------------------------------- 01/16/69 RESVOL, Dave Rocke 02/11/69 MA deluged with snow 02/12/69 Schools closed. KMD home 03/26/69 Gram, FES - F E SCOTT DIES AT 79 (1889) 04/21/69 Phyllis Webber's, Winchester MA 05/18/69 Gramp JJS - J J SCOTT DIES AT 77 (1892) 06/20/69 In Montreal PQ w/KKG, Rocke and Linda Ln 06/30/69 OS/2000 system demonstration 07/19/69 *FIRST MAN LANDS ON MOON 08/20/69 KKG's Red #67 Olds convertible 08/23/69 John/Mary Lou Coffman visit 09/01/69 @11 Allen St., Lowell MA w/KKG 09/02/69 #62 Lincoln traded after 5 years 10/19/69 KKG is 28 (b1941). Dick Liebert concert 10/31/69 Guy Daniello at PSD, Honeywell Walt MA 11/05/69 BCT trap, H-4200. ACM seminar in NY 12/05/69 RWL is 29 (b1940) 12/06/69 *MARRIED KKL - KAREN KAY PRATER GIFFORD 12/06/69 M at Beverly, MA. Rev Jim Baker 12/25/69 Christmas. ME, Conleys, Wilsons 12/31/69 Chelms MA. KKL Bob Bok's -------------------------------------------------- 01/28/70 OS/2000 Release 2 02/13/70 Relocate Richmond VA via DC, Norfolk VA 02/15/70 Complete 10 years of hourly diary 02/20/70 @2417 Capehart St., Richmond VA w/KKL 02/29/70 %K.Poston, Honwl DPO-Reynolds, Rich VA 03/01/70 *DISCONTINUE DAILY DIARY UNTIL 1984 - DISCONTINUE DAILY DIARY UNTIL 1984 - INFO FOR 70's & EARLY 80's SKETCHY 03/15/70 RMCo w/ John Huelbig, Ian Davis, Judy G 04/15/70 KKL leases Mr Softee ice cream route 06/02/70 Buy new #69 blue Peugeot 404 4dr auto 07/29/70 HSL is FIFTY (b1920) 12/05/70 RWL is 30 (b1940) 12/31/70 Richmond VA. KKL, Ken Poston's -------------------------------------------------- 03/15/71 Billy Creagar, Grace St. HIS project 06/02/71 Manhattan, NY overnight 06/05/71 BE Bermuda Conf. DPO. Amerikanis 06/27/71 Quit Honeywell DPO, Richmond 09/02/71 Relocate to VaBeach VA temp. 09/06/71 @xxxx Colonial Pkwy, VaBch VA w/ KKL 10/19/71 KKL is 30 (b1941) 11/27/71 Relocate self only to Wash DC 12/01/71 @510 21st St. NW, Wash. DC Apt SELF 12/05/71 RWL is 31 (b1940) 12/07/71 %L.NealDuff, AAA-Hdqtrs, Wash DC 12/27/71 MEL is 60 (b1911) 12/31/71 VaBeach VA. KKL poker party -------------------------------------------------- 01/15/72 KKL, KMD visit DC often from VaBch VA 02/15/72 COBOL HIS school, Rosslyn VA 03/19/72 Univac consultant and Tommy Davidson 05/30/72 KKL, KMD, I reunite in VA 06/01/72 @4301 Eldorado Dr., Dale City VA w/ KKL 09/22/72 Ted Stouffer, Manassas VA 10/08/72 Buy new #73 yellow Mercury 4dr Monterrey 10/20/72 Assist Richard M. Nixon's 2nd campaign 12/05/72 RWL is 32 (b1940) 12/31/72 Dale City, VA. KKL, Neighbors -------------------------------------------------- 03/12/73 %A Tuma, WYCO Computer Serv., Wash DC 04/03/73 Les McCracken, Jay Wythe, Dick Terrando 06/10/73 Don and Farideh Ed T Grady's Bridge Club 09/15/73 @1830 Columbia Pike, Arl VA w/ KKG 12/05/73 RWL is 33 (b1940) 12/31/73 Arlington VA. KKL, Don, Farideh -------------------------------------------------- 01/02/74 SanJuan PR w/ KKL. KMD home 01/06/74 Miami FL. w/ KKL Rent Pinto 02/15/74 Gasoline crisis. TarponSprings FL 02/18/74 *HSL/MEL/KKL/KMD FTLDLE FL NORL LA 02/26/74 Vacation, Hollywood FL 1 month 05/02/74 Andy Tuma doesn't need systems man 09/03/74 KMD-Academy at ForkUnion VA 10/02/74 %GBedner, Computer Dynamics, Arl VA 10/15/74 Many trips to ForkUnion VA 11/15/74 1401 loader. Meta-compilers 12/05/74 RWL is 34 (b1940) 12/25/74 KMD home for Christmas 12/31/74 Arlington VA. KKL, KMD -------------------------------------------------- 06/01/75 @5340 Holmes Run Pkwy, Alex VA w/ KKL 07/15/75 Serious behavior prob. w/ KMD 08/05/75 KKL separates, lives in Norfolk VA 09/01/75 KKL, KMD move back in 10/12/75 *RELOCATE W/ KKL TO POMPANOBCH FL 10/15/75 Live on/off beach for month 10/16/75 %D.Warth, ModComp, FtLdle FL 11/15/75 @777-O208 Federal, PompanoBch FL w/ KKL 12/05/75 RWL is 35 (b1940) 12/26/75 New #76 Merc Marquis Coupe 12/31/75 PompanoBch FL. KKL, IC Clubhouse -------------------------------------------------- 01/17/76 ModComp Polish holidays. Layoff 04/02/76 %Jim Hays, ProfCompMgt, PembPines FL 05/02/76 Sell #76 Merc, buy #75 orange AMC Hornet 09/15/76 HSL visits WmHuff, buys Alva FL house 10/01/76 @1845 NW 58th Ave., Lauderhill FL w/ KKL 10/15/76 Hornet, Alligator Alley. Fish w/ HSL 11/17/76 %Mr.X, NEOH Headqtrs, Dania FL 12/05/76 RWL is 36 (b1940) 12/31/76 Lauderhill FL. KKL, to PCM -------------------------------------------------- 02/15/77 KMD's escapades at PCM 03/15/77 KMD in WVA w/ Dee, Herb Knieper 04/15/77 KKL in food service, Broward Hosp 06/20/77 Accompany KKL to DC briefly 06/23/77 *VERY SICK. HALUCINATING 06/25/77 *BREAKDOWN - BROWARD MHC HOSP 07/10/77 Temp Relocate to VaBch, VA 07/12/77 @5405 Catina Arch, VaBch VA w/ KKL 07/20/77 *MORE BREAKDOWN - NORFOLK GEN HOSP 08/23/77 %R.Lee, Potomac Research, Norfolk VA 12/05/77 RWL is 37 (b1940) 12/11/77 %W.Hirsh, Honeywell DPO, McLean VA 12/31/77 McLean VA. KKL, VanArman's -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/78 @7604 Ledford St., FallsChurch VA w/ KKL 01/05/78 Relocate w/KKL,KMD FallsChurch VA 01/10/78 Bill Hirsch, Bill Koepnick 01/22/78 Neil Duff, Ralph Cecil AAA 01/23/78 Gatehouse Rd. HIS Level 6 assemb 02/14/78 Bill and Millie Eddy 06/02/79 Psych. treatment in Annandale 10/01/78 @4948 Kirwyn Ct., Dale City VA w/ KKL 12/01/78 Don Hiner's project w/ Bill Eddy 12/05/78 RWL is 38 (b1940) 12/31/78 Dale City VA. KKL, KMD -------------------------------------------------- 03/15/79 Fairchild Shop-Load COBOL system 04/07/79 #78 Ford in multi-car pileup I-95 04/15/79 Burke, Fairfax workouts. Commute 05/01/79 @2826 Jermantown Rd., Oakton VA w/ KKL 07/05/79 Psych. treatment in Reston VA 08/15/79 Buy #77 Merc Grand Marquis from Cuffy 12/05/79 RWL is 39 (b1940) 12/06/79 Tenth Anniversary w/ KKL. Flowers 12/25/79 Christmas in Alva w/ KKL KMD HSL MEL 12/31/79 FtMyers FL. KKL HSL MEL Farley's -------------------------------------------------- 02/28/80 AirForce Assoc. project - alone 04/15/80 HIS DPO recall. AFA problems 06/25/80 %H.West, McClendon Autm, Fairfax VA 07/29/80 HSL is 60 (b1920) 08/01/80 @8544 Electric Av., Vienna VA w/ KKL 11/20/80 Dee & tribe. Go to FL w/HSL/MEL 11/23/80 Stay temporarily in WPalmBch FL 11/24/80 Temp work. Scarcelli efficiency 12/05/80 RWL is 40 (b1940) 12/05/80 KKL flies to FtMyers. Lee MHC 12/31/80 FtMyers FL. KKL, Marina 31 -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/81 KKL returns alone to Vienna VA 01/15/81 Call KKL. Mistake in remaining 02/02/81 Electric bill 526.00. Wow. 03/10/81 Return to Vienna, VA. KKL cool 03/17/81 KKL meets RJG at Puff's 03/22/81 %MrX, Philips Ho.Sys., Rockville MD 04/26/81 KKL firming relations w/RJG 05/02/81 Many naps in parked #77 Mercury 08/14/81 *KKL LEAVES FOR GOOD 08/15/81 Relocate alone to PompanoBch FL 08/20/81 @3400 Spring St., PompanoBch FL SELF 10/19/81 KKL is 40 (b1941) 10/30/81 @1 N Atl Blv 203 TWinds, FtLdle FL Beach 12/05/81 RWL is 41 (b1940) 12/23/81 Spend Xmas w/ HSL/MEL in Alva FL 12/27/81 MEL is 70 (b1911) 12/28/81 Return FtLdle FL w/ Sally. Close apt. 12/29/81 Relocate back to DC area. Pinky DeLoe 12/30/81 HSL/MEL 25th Anniversary on 31st 12/31/81 Wash DC. Pinky, CJM and Gradys -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/82 W/ Pinkie DeLoe, Woodner Apts. in DC 01/03/82 Air Florida jet into Potomac River VA 01/22/82 Share Woodner apt. w/ CJM, Wash DC 02/23/82 %R.Fontaine, IntBusMetInc, Wash DC 03/05/82 Joe Jankevicius. A&A project 03/06/82 @1034 York Rd., PnRidge, Towson MD Motel 03/20/82 L-6 MOD400, Mike Myers at A&A Towson MD 04/05/82 Minneapolis MN Analysis. PaulBurke trips 04/14/82 Visit Ted/Joy Stouffer in Manassas VA 04/15/82 GRASP subsystem documented 06/20/82 Buy #74 yellow Mark IV for KKL 06/29/82 Dates w/ Linda. Has leukemia 07/04/82 Stephanie A meets KMD VaBch VA 07/15/82 Living at motel. Working 108 hrs/week 07/26/82 %J.Jankevicius, A&A, Towson MD 08/03/82 @3822 Ravenwood Av., NE Balto MD SELF+ 08/15/82 Psych. treatment at HarBel 09/15/82 Learning Balto City and County 09/20/82 Psych. visits to O.O.O. Center 10/15/82 Several projects w/ M.Whitesel 11/20/82 Frequent Bud Paolino's 11/25/82 Thanksgiving. HSL/MEL stop 12/05/82 RWL is 42 (b1940) 12/25/82 Angel Gautney and John stay 12/31/82 Balto MD. Angel, Wee Hours club -------------------------------------------------- 01/05/83 Snowy winter. House warm 02/28/83 Couter & Couter. Divorce decree 03/16/83 *BEGIN DATING CEJ - Cathy E. Johnson 04/12/83 Kick's Darlene, Jackie and CEJ 05/05/83 Clown, Ted K & Janice Johnson 05/25/83 Visits to 212 S. Highland Ave 06/12/83 Peggy Barr, Ellen, Martin 06/15/83 Trade #77 Merc for #82 Chev Cavalier 06/20/83 Begin study of MD r/e law 07/04/83 Purchase offer 34xx Noble St 07/05/83 Return from Rosslyn VA Ramada 07/20/83 *WIEDEMANN'S & 93 LADIES 08/01/83 AIDS virus not publicized 08/15/83 Mark IV sale. Louie Liggett 09/07/83 List Chapel St with KayHouse 09/15/83 Pass MD state r/e examination 10/12/83 *CHARTERED R/T FLIGHT PORTL ME 10/14/83 Sue Macek, Kim Rosen at Chute Rd 11/26/83 Dated Donna Wearins ( Princess ) 12/05/83 RWL is 43 (b1940) 12/06/83 Onnie. Monique's dogs 12/21/83 Icy. linger at Ravenwood 12/25/83 Christmas. Ted K's daughter 12/29/83 Close Chapel St. deal at KayHouse 12/31/83 Balto MD. LBC, SHR until dawn -------------------------------------------------- 01/15/84 Cherokee Donna, Ed D'Amario 03/10/84 CEJ stays. Jim Johnson, forged check 04/04/84 Get CEJ from Atlantic City NJ 04/07/84 *FL SPRING BREAK W/ CEJ 04/12/84 Disney World, FL. Magic Kingdom 04/20/84 Sunny Court Mobile, NFtMyers FL 04/30/84 Nashville TN - Music City 05/02/84 Indianapls IN. Columbus OH 05/15/84 Return EBalto MD from greatest vacation 06/15/84 Monthly loans from HSL. House pay'ts 07/04/84 #82 Cavalier repossessed by CarCoBank 07/15/84 Ongoing Psych therapy. MsHowell HarBel 08/15/84 Often w/ CEJ at Ginny Holmes' Dundalk MD 09/01/84 @3126R E.Balto St, E Balto MD w/ CEJ 09/03/84 CEJ and Peanut at 3126R shop 09/11/84 *RAVENWOOD HOUSE FORECLOSED 09/21/84 CEJ reunites with Jim Johnson 10/06/84 Fly short R/T to Portl ME 10/22/84 Bob Misner, Columbia MD 11/02/84 Psych. problems serious 11/05/84 CEJ is 19 (b1965). Phyllis' couch 11/20/84 Chris Taylor at 3126R shop 11/21/84 Doug Reds Lyons. Rosecroft Raceway 12/05/84 RWL is 44 (b1940) 12/13/84 Purple Rain. Art K and Pete 12/18/84 PTB and Jeannie at 3126 12/25/84 Christmas. Very warm in 70's 12/31/84 Balto MD. 3 Bands, SHR, Monique -------------------------------------------------- 01/20/85 Freezeout at Shop. Fly to FtMyers FL 02/15/85 Fire at 3126R while RWL in FL 02/26/85 Buy #73 LTD Brown Ford 4 Dr BBranch 02/28/85 HSL at Lee Mem Hosp. Vascular surgery 03/07/85 Back at 3126R Balto MD. Donna Wearins 04/12/85 LBC Bridge frequently 05/07/85 Tandy 16 XENIX study. Psych. high 05/23/85 Drive from Balto MD to KY, OH w/ CEJ 06/03/85 John Blegen, Enoch Pratt CROMEMCO 06/15/85 Sell #73 LTD Ford. Small profit 07/19/85 Date Mercy ( Lisette Pomer ) 07/29/85 *HSL IS 65 (1920). RWL RE-APPLIES SSA 07/30/85 Kingston Trio. Ruth Haines, Sue Malcolm 08/16/85 Abandon 3126R shop 08/17/85 *TRANS-USA BUS/PLANE TRIP-RENO NV WEST 09/02/85 Bill Beck, Wash DC to Columbus OH 09/14/85 Reno Rob. Jeff, Melissa Lewis in NV 10/02/85 Seattle WA, TJ MX, SanDiego CA 11/02/85 Steve/Sue Loveitt's ChulaVista CA 11/04/85 Revisit dog trainer in TJ MX 11/05/85 CEJ is 20 (b1965). Call OH from CA 11/09/85 @21980 Pearl St., Alva, FL w/ HSL MEL 11/10/85 Open up Alva FL house by self 11/18/85 HSL, MEL arrive Alva FL from Windham ME 12/03/85 *SSA DISABILITY AWARD. 11,610.00 RETRO 12/04/85 Steve, Sue Loveitt Bowling FtMyers FL 12/05/85 RWL is 45 (b1940) 12/18/85 KKG calls Alva from CapeCoral FL 12/21/85 Steve, Sue report to Newport RI (USN) 12/29/85 Office Pub on Cleveland Ave 12/31/85 Ft Myers FL. With HSL MEL No car -------------------------------------------------- 01/03/86 *SSA 711.00. FIRST CHECK RECEIVED 01/10/86 Steve L.,Sue split up 01/13/86 Norfolk, VA. Pembroke. 30.00 01/15/86 Cubicle claustrophobia 01/16/86 Fly back to Alva FL. Smoking ban 01/23/86 Roulette on TRS Color Computer 01/27/86 SSA retro received: 11,610.00 to HSL 01/28/86 *SPACE SHUTTLE EXPLODED 02/01/86 Buy Yellow #76 Coupe DeVille from Dixie B 02/11/86 Osman CC Bridge - Dizzy spell 02/24/86 S. Goad's efficiency, LehighAcres FL 03/11/86 Rosemary, Lehigh auditorium 04/03/86 To Balto MD via Fayetteville NC 04/06/86 Janice, Buck - EBank St. Balto MD 04/07/86 See CEJ - Kresson St 04/13/86 Room at PattPkAve, E Balto MD 05/06/86 Chemical spill on Boston St 05/17/86 @23 N Potomac St. EBalto MD w/ Phyllis R 06/20/86 Bill Weise, Hunt Valley Regional 07/04/86 Fireworks at Patterson Park 07/15/86 Many LBC Games. Comfortable 09/02/86 Bill Weise, Hunt Valley Regional 09/15/86 Reds, Art & Pete 10/12/86 *HSL HAS TOES REMOVED 10/28/86 *AMTRAK TO RENO NV - DONALD SMITH 11/03/86 Donald Smith appears 11/05/86 CEJ is 21 (b1965). Call her from NV 11/07/86 Brigham Young Univ., Provo UT 11/11/86 UnivOfVA at Charlottesville VA 12/02/86 Date Bernice at Toler's 12/05/86 RWL is 46 (b1940) 12/07/86 Victor. Coleco Adam Z-80 12/22/86 CramBRIDGE BASIC for Z-80 12/31/86 Balto MD. LBC, SHR -------------------------------------------------- 01/03/87 SSA 726.00. 15 increase 01/15/87 Snow, Phyllis fuss. 02/14/87 *MORE BREAKDOWN. FS KEY HOSP MD LMH FL 02/17/87 Psych. R/T by AmTrak to Okeechobee FL 03/17/87 StPatsDay - Eastside Lounge 03/24/87 Psych. - More serious illness 03/25/87 *RELOCATE (DURESS) TO FTMYERS FL 04/15/87 @3125 Virginia Ave., FtMyers FL 04/21/87 Psych. Illness subsides after 2+ months 05/26/87 SHARP 7000 portable, RF "Bob" Long 05/09/87 *KKG NOW A PLEASANT FRIEND 06/17/87 Find FtMyers quite boring 06/24/87 Jackie Gleason dead 07/04/87 Fourth of July. Joe Davis 07/15/87 Melitta, AmTrak Auto-Train to DC 07/19/87 Phyllis, Little Jo, Reds 07/21/87 *BALTO NABC BRIDGE TOURNAMENT 07/29/87 HSL is 67 (b1920) 08/11/87 CJM returns to DC 08/15/87 Robin at Bud's, E.FM 08/22/87 DAK mother Dorothy Kirk dies 09/14/87 Ordered MIT-PC, printer 09/23/87 Date Donna on Evans St 10/12/87 *BEGIN IBM PC/XT/AT STUDIES, HOBBY 10/14/87 Setup PC Development 10/19/87 KKG is 46 (b1941) 11/05/87 CEJ is 22 (b1965). Card from FtMyers FL 11/09/87 CramBridge 7 for PC 11/26/87 Thanksgiving at home 12/01/87 S.Goad hospitalized at LMH 12/05/87 RWL is 47 (b1940) 12/09/87 Bob Amidon visits FL from VA 12/12/87 KKG, RJG move to Orlando 12/24/87 Christmas Eve MLS, Jeff, Becky, Joe 12/27/87 MEL is 76 (b1911) 12/31/87 FtMyers FL. Donna, Coop, Bud's -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/88 New Years Day - Flat fixed 01/03/88 SSA 735.00. 11.00 increase 02/14/88 Valentine's Day 02/21/88 Bill Weise visits for week 02/29/88 HSL in Alva all March 03/04/88 Second place Men's Pairs 03/06/88 *SHIRL PRATER DIES b(5/3/15) 03/10/88 Second Place FM Senior Games 03/11/88 Stuart Ogilvie visits Alva 04/01/88 Buy 17" Sony color TV 95.00 04/03/88 Easter. KKG no-show 04/21/88 KKG telephones - problems 05/09/88 Door slamming complaints 05/14/88 Moving notice to Mouleart 05/17/88 Virus. Where to move? 06/15/88 Relocate from FtMyers to ME 06/17/88 CJM's in Alex VA 06/22/88 Drive to Windham, ME 06/30/88 #76 Cadi junk. Look at cars 07/18/88 *MEL LOVEITT DIES AT 76 (12/27/11) 07/19/88 Buy #78 TownCar from Magic Motors 07/22/88 Jamie Loveitt Visits 07/29/88 HSL is 68 (b1920) 08/06/88 Steve Loveitt Visit 08/08/88 #78 Linc Town Car Magic 08/22/88 Mitsuba GrSlam at Windham 09/14/88 FJL is 50 (b1938) 10/02/88 Arith Program for Jamie 10/07/88 HSL buys #84 Pontiac Sedan 10/12/88 WORDY word-entry game 10/19/88 KKG is 47 (b1941) 10/22/88 CramBRIDGE sub-programs 10/31/88 Halloween at Windham ME 11/03/88 *RELOCATE TO BALTO MD-PTB HOUSE 11/04/88 @30 So Durham St., EBalto MD w/ PTB 11/05/88 CEJ is 23 (b1965) 11/06/88 Chris Taylor, Katrina 11/07/88 #78 Linc unpacked at PTB's 11/09/88 Complete XT workstation 11/16/88 AM/FM 8-track Value Village 11/18/88 Further CRAM modularization 11/24/88 Thanksgiving. Steve's market 11/30/88 *25TH ANNIVERSARY. DAK (1963) 12/05/88 RWL is 48 (b1940). Chiara 12/16/88 HSL - leg op (2) at Lee Mem 12/25/88 Christmas. Wee Hours. PB 12/27/88 PTB at Reliance Engineering 12/31/88 Balto MD. LBC, SHR -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/89 New Years Day. Ill. KKG calls 01/03/89 SSA 748.00. 13.00 increase 01/16/89 Those Bells of St Michaels 01/27/89 *HSL BACK IN HOSP. LOWER LEG REMOVED 01/27/89 Krystle, Ellen's baby born 01/23/89 Towson, LBC w/ Kathy Feiock 01/29/89 KKG conversation. LBC games 01/31/89 Bleak. No computer work Jan. 02/08/89 PTB ends RELIANCE. 02/10/89 PTB and I both quite ill 02/14/89 Valentine's Day. 02/15/89 CEJ at 30 S. Durham 03/05/89 German Shepherd quelled 03/08/89 Glenda at Penguin CP 03/10/89 Bleak ice storms, cold 03/14/89 CEJ/Ilene Fells Point MD 03/17/89 StPatDay - SHR 03/27/89 Debate Alva trip/relocate? 03/30/89 Stomach distress all March 03/31/89 No more draft beer, eggs 04/04/89 Ilene is 40 (b1949) 04/06/89 PTB begins Armstrong 04/10/89 Back to work on CramBRIDGE 04/17/89 XT downstairs. YH RO work 04/21/89 Shannon (dog) dies at 11 yrs 05/01/89 Dr D W MacDonald AXID meds 05/02/89 PTB is 57 (b1932) 05/16/89 Begin w/ dentist Raim - Koval 05/17/89 CEJ departs BrooklynPk MD 05/18/89 Michelle's baby Nicolettie 05/23/89 See CEJ, Ilene, all week 05/26/89 PTB ends Armstrong 06/01/89 End stomach distress 06/02/89 PTB working PT at Fells Pt 06/09/89 Koval. See Donna Faye 06/15/89 MLS is 68 (b1921) 06/16/89 Atlantic City - Trumps w/ Reds 06/27/89 CEJ at 2014 E. Balto St 07/04/89 Fourth of July. Pat Wilson's 07/13/89 Sarris' Rosslyn, Virginia 07/26/89 Dine with CEJ - Eastern Hse 07/27/89 Fixed disk boot-read problems 07/28/89 Vic packs.Drive to ME slow 07/29/89 HSL is 69 (b1920). Arrive Windham ME 07/30/89 Donat, FJL set up computer 08/12/89 Jamie visits. Pete Morgan Cybron 08/20/89 PTB at Hechingers Store 08/25/89 Return Balto MD. Tired. 09/01/89 CEJ, Margaret snooze 09/14/89 FJL is 51 (b1938) 09/21/89 With CEJ at 30 and SHR 09/27/89 Organize room. 600.00 to PTB 10/02/89 Vic's updated menu. Organize 10/03/89 Reim at Koval Dental. Chilly 10/19/89 KKG is 48 (b1941) 10/20/89 Install CJM's Sperry XT 11/05/89 CEJ is 24 (b1965) 11/10/89 Lancaster PA Nationals NoGo 11/12/89 Quick Menu System. Later LeMENU 11/15/89 HSL breaks hip - at MMC 11/16/89 CEJ ATW DAV Subway sub 11/19/89 Discontinue LBC temporarily 11/23/89 Thanksgiving. SHR 11/29/89 Ilene to K-Mart. CEJ 12/05/89 RWL is 49 (b1940) 12/05/89 Crown tooth fitted 12/06/89 20th Anniv. KKG (1969) 12/07/89 Amtrak to Boston MA. Windham ME 12/10/89 Harry Jackson. Lynn Nadeau 12/15/89 HSL released MMC 12/17/89 Shopping w/ #84 Parisienne 12/20/89 *FES WOULD HAVE BEEN 100 (b1889) 12/21/89 Return to Balto MD from Windham ME 12/25/89 Christmas. SHR 12/26/89 CEJ. Meet John. Ilene's 12/31/89 Arlington VA. CJM at NVBC, CJM's -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/90 New Years Day. CJM's, Throop 01/02/90 Nerves acting up. Respiratory. 01/03/90 SSA 783.00. 35.00 increase 01/04/90 Bill Weise offers FL trip 01/07/90 HSL denies Alva usage 01/09/90 #78 Linc tune, brakes 125K 01/16/90 CEJ/Ilene. Slow, no bridge 01/23/90 CEJ Mustang, Gus'. Pix 02/09/90 Church ER spell. Super Psych. anxiety 02/14/90 Valentine's Day. Hollander Ridge MC 02/15/90 Eldorado Salon. Richard Frey 02/16/90 #78 Linc battery, resonator bypass 02/22/90 CEJ, John Essex Motorcycle Club 02/24/90 Psych. Stress High. 200 mg Mellaril 02/26/90 Sell #78 Linc Town Car to Gough 02/27/90 Arrive Boston via AmTrak. Greyhound 02/28/90 Bruno's Restaurant w/ HSL Portl ME 03/05/90 Purchase #80 Merc XR7 coupe. Magic 03/08/90 *AMTRAK TRIP TO ELPASO TX MX CA 03/11/90 Ar ElPaso/Juarez. Alan. 03/13/90 Bid 40,500.00 on Appaloosa house 03/14/90 Psych. SanFranc CA. Clinic w/ Joe S 03/15/90 Ar Reno, NV. Melissa Jeff Lewis 03/17/90 StPatsDay at Fitzgerald's, Reno NV 03/20/90 Ar Chicago IL late. Board BroadwyLim 03/21/90 Return AmTrak to Balto MD. Sore 03/29/90 AmTrak to Boston MA. Cindy Kelley NH 03/31/90 Windham ME visit. Doris Jordan dies 04/04/90 Ilene is 41 (b1949) 04/08/90 Windham uneventful. Ralph's Tavern 04/15/90 Easter. HSL plans sale of Chute Rd 05/01/90 Sell #80 Merc XR7 for 2350.00 05/02/90 PTB is 58 (b1932) 05/10/90 Buy #84 Cadi Sedan for 3180.00 05/11/90 PTB says move (??!!) 05/13/90 Mother's Day. Plan return trip 05/14/90 Return to Balto in #84 Cadi 05/15/90 Dr Fogelman. Psych. Super CEJ date 06/01/90 CEJ visit. Moving from Sissy's? 06/06/90 Dr Fogelman, Psych. at Koval MD 06/15/90 MLS is 69 (b1921) 06/22/90 PTB borrows Cadi 06/24/90 CEJ date. Double-B Michelle 06/25/90 Again PTB says move. Upset 07/04/90 Fourth of July. No Sheraton 07/08/90 Crystal City. CJM and Fred 07/15/90 Annette Brennan, St Ambrose 07/20/90 Dr.GlennBrynes, Psych. Koval. Tense 07/24/90 Mustang Inn. Ilene, CEJ, Sue 07/25/90 PTB says STAY 07/29/90 HSL is 70 (b1920). 08/04/90 Lotta Lovin' Dance, Towson MD 08/06/90 Power out. ROOTER directory 08/20/90 Intrusion sign. PTB says go 08/22/90 Buy Reds' #76 Buick LeSabre 08/23/90 Koval extract. #84 Cadi to CJM's 08/24/90 Drive w/ Reds to Windham ME 08/25/90 @86 Chute Rd., Windham ME w/ HSL 08/29/90 Valle's. Reds returns via AMTRAK 08/31/90 Buy EGA XT from Steve Palanza 09/01/90 Sue, Steve Miller. Tug Wilson dead 09/02/90 LeMenu 4.1 revised with color 09/06/90 *COMMOSS PROSPECTS BUYING CHUTE RD. 09/14/90 FJL is 52 (b1938) 09/20/90 *COMMOSS SIGN 150,000.00 AGREEMENT 09/22/90 Look at 83 Dodge Van at SeaSide 09/30/90 Present Jamie with XT system 10/07/90 Walk-thru. KKG - wrong number 10/14/90 KKG's financial concern 10/19/90 KKG is 49 (b1941) 10/22/90 Refurbish Mitsuba monitor 10/28/90 Topsham, Maria's - 3rd visit 11/05/90 CEJ is 25 (b1965). Call from ME 11/07/90 Strife with HSL 11/21/90 *CLOSING CHUTE RD AT CLASSIC TITLE 11/22/90 Thanksgiving. SoPortl ME motel 11/23/90 *TRANSPORT HSL FROM ME TO ALVA FL 11/24/90 Lv ME w/ HSL. Bordentown NJ 11/25/90 Stop at Balto CEJ, John, Ilene 11/29/90 Ar. Alva. Bernie gone. Bud's 11/30/90 @21980 Pearl St., Alva, FL w/ HSL 12/05/90 *RWL IS FIFTY (b1940). MLS's 12/18/90 Winning bridge - Osman's, Point 12/23/90 Back shed finally carpeted 12/25/90 Christmas w/ HSL Rudy, Toni Pineda 12/31/90 Alva FL. Bud's. Pizza w/ HSL -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/91 New Years Day. CJM at Alva 01/03/91 *SSA 831.00. 48.00 INCREASE 01/06/91 MLS, Sue, Joe, Becky, Chiara 01/13/91 KKG sells Lake Mary house 01/16/91 War declared on IRAQ 01/23/91 Bought #78 Linc II Towncar 01/23/91 HSL bought #75 Linc Towncar FMLMerc 01/27/91 Consider 43.800.00 on 360 Flamingo Cir. 02/04/91 No more bridge with Joan Dickenson 02/05/91 #78 Linc II - McAllister - Clean Car 02/07/91 Laryngitis. Lungs sore 02/14/91 Val's Day. Letter, pix from CEJ 02/23/91 Visit Stu/Sue Ogilvie at W.PalmBch FL 02/27/91 Toni Pineda's birthday dinner 03/02/91 HSL breaks 9th rib. Lots of pain 03/06/91 MLS lends a hand. Hamms 03/22/91 Password, Shell segment LeMENU 03/26/91 RAS visits Alva. RWL away 03/28/91 Buy Panasonic 25" TV Burns-Alva 04/04/91 Ilene is 42 (b1949) 04/07/91 Buy Seiko Stereo w/ CD player 04/10/91 LeMENU, MIT XT to Ben Cunliff 04/11/91 Move to Grace Snair's, E Ft Myers 04/12/91 @360 Flamingo Cir., EFtMyers FL Effc 04/14/91 PTB says return okay 04/15/91 Funds from HSL for expenses 04/16/91 Buy Scott Hardin's 286-16 04/21/91 Visit KKG, AmTrak to Alex VA 04/23/91 PTB's. With Vic "Mall" movie 04/30/91 Visit KMD, Barb, Hal, Aud VaBch VA 05/01/91 KMD `buys' my #84 Cadi 2800.00 ++ 05/02/91 PTB is 59 (b1932) 05/04/91 Sell #78 Linc II to Reds Lyons 05/06/91 To FtMyers FL w/ Reds via Rich VA 05/07/91 Acquire Reds' #79 Buick Regal 05/11/91 Buy #85 Buick Skyhawk for FJL, Carol 05/12/91 Orlando FL visit w/ KKG, Dee. Deb 05/15/91 Almost buy Hal West's #87 Buick 05/16/91 Ring for Linda Locklear. Philip 05/17/91 CEJ, Michelle, Ilene. Very hot 05/19/91 Visit Mary, James in Topsham ME 05/20/91 Deliver #85 Buick to FJL, SPortl ME 06/08/91 AmTrak A-T. KKG, Lena Sanford FL 06/09/91 Return to Grace's in E.FtMyers FL 06/09/91 Cunliff sells XT. 513.00 net 06/14/91 Uneventful at Ft Myers 06/15/91 MLS is 70 (b1921) 06/18/91 HSL in MEMedCtr - heart ailments 07/02/91 Impact. Look at Marquis Wagon 07/04/91 Fourth of July. Bridge 07/06/91 Sultry, hot Ft Myers. Buds 07/17/91 Grace re-lists 360, Pittsburgh 07/29/91 HSL is 71 (b1920). Card, call 08/08/91 Call Boyle, Georgette dies 08/12/91 Rosie visits at noon 08/19/91 *SOVIET COUP. EMPIRE BREAKUP 08/25/91 Winning streak with Jacob Furst 09/11/91 Stomach, groin pain 09/12/91 Plan Balto MD trip from FtMyers FL 09/14/91 FJL is 53 (b1938). Leave FtMyers FL 09/16/91 Visit Bill Eddy, Ed Gradys, Wash DC 09/17/91 @30 So Durham St., EBalto MD w/PTB 09/21/91 German Joe visit from Merida 09/27/91 Stomach, intestinal cramps 09/30/91 LeMENU 4.5 - Vic MS/DOS 5.00 10/04/91 Recover #78 Linc II, #76 Buick to Reds 10/14/91 Cancel ME trip - Vic, German Joe 10/15/91 James is 12 (b1979). Clock Calendar 10/18/91 Dr. Glenn Brynes, Psych. at Koval MD 10/19/91 KKG is FIFTY (b1941) 10/26/91 Numbness, left hand. Dr MacDonald 10/28/91 Dr.Moran, Psych. Hollander Ridge MC MD 11/05/91 CEJ is 26 (b1965). No visit 11/06/91 Melody. Concern 11/16/91 Jim McGann threatens suicide 11/22/91 Drs Raim, DDS, Weinstein (Opthm) 11/28/91 Thanksgiving. HSL flies to FL 11/30/91 Grace Snair sells 360 Flamingo Cir. 12/05/91 RWL is 51 (b1940) 12/10/91 PTB delivers for Domino's Pizza 12/12/91 Belongings moved to Alva FL shed 12/16/91 Take #76 LeSabre from Reds, sell 12/25/91 Christmas. Fillet mignon 12/26/91 CEJ and John at 30 SDurham St. 12/27/91 HSL having spells 12/31/91 Balto MD. LBC. Bernie, SHR -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/92 New Years Day. Christine on Broadway 01/02/92 Dr Moran. Axid for ulcers works 01/03/92 SSA 861.00 30.00 incr. Molar pain 01/04/92 Barbara quits WHC 01/08/92 CEJ and John at SHR 01/09/92 Best Battery #78 Linc II tune 01/11/92 Depart Balto MD to visit HSL in Alva FL 01/12/92 Selma NC #78 Linc II starter fails 01/13/92 Brunswick, GA. Super-8 Motel 01/14/92 Arrive HSL house Alva, FL late 01/20/92 Auto Row. Offer 2600.00+ Gallman 01/22/92 Banks reject. HSL loans 1980.00 01/23/92 Buy #86 Pontiac Bonne 4dr 62K 2965.00+ 01/26/92 Phone KKG, KMD. #84 Cadi repairs 01/28/92 Olive Garden w/ HSL. CAL 286-16 up 02/12/92 Consign Hammond E-312 to Burns' TV 02/13/92 Depart Alva, FL for Balto MD 02/14/92 Val's Day. On the road again 02/15/92 Selma NC. 25 more cig cartons 02/25/92 Dr. Moran. Blood tests 02/27/92 CEJ & John at SHR 03/06/92 LBC calls locksmith 03/17/92 StPatDay. Ham and cabbage at SHR 03/27/92 Drs Kidwell (Opthm), Raim, DDS 03/30/92 Infection, cold persists 04/03/92 Nicolettie is 3 (b1989) 04/04/92 Ilene is 43 (b1949). Call 04/05/92 Cold. Blood in mucus 04/09/92 CEJ, John then Margaret H 04/11/92 Long phone talk with KKG 04/13/92 Party at WHC. PTB stops 04/15/92 Epstein DDS extracts 3 teeth 04/24/92 *CALL KKG. KNOWN FOR 25 YEARS 05/02/92 PTB is 60 (b1932) 05/07/92 Dawn quits WHC 05/10/92 Mother's Day. WHC Crochett 05/14/92 Lisa beaten. Worrisome 05/17/92 Chat w/ Steve L. Buy ARC XT 05/26/92 SHOP Pascal Graphics 1.1 05/30/92 Buy SEA XT w/ Seagate 20MB 06/02/92 Install MS Cobol 2.0 06/06/92 Install Borland C++ Pro 06/08/92 PTB's #82 Supra engine fails 06/10/92 HSL in Bruns ME hosp. Twice 06/15/92 MLS is 71 (b1921) 06/17/92 Publish LeMENU 4.5 to Cunliff 06/18/92 Drive w/ Vic to Manhattan NY 06/19/92 McBurney, Tad's, Sightsee 06/20/92 Brooklyn, Coney Island NY 06/25/92 Buy Turbo Pascal for Windows 06/26/92 Chest Xray shows a density 06/29/92 Buy GoldStar microwave 06/30/92 Buy MicroSoft Windows 3.1 07/01/92 Health concerns over chest 07/02/92 Union Mem Hosp CT Scan 07/03/92 Ron K. visits. Eat out 07/09/92 Fibrosis in lungs reported 07/18/92 KKG discouraged. CEJ too 07/20/92 PTB wants to rent out house 07/27/92 CEJ over. Cousin Edward dies 07/29/92 HSL is 72 (b1920) 08/05/92 Truck-cab mishap at Sip & Bite 08/11/92 Hunt Valley. See Jim Alexander 08/12/92 PTB says stay. Way behind 08/20/92 Dr. Raim teeth cleaned 08/25/92 Ohmeda needs degree 09/14/92 FJL is 54 (b1938). Sue Ann here 09/20/92 Groin discomfort off and on 09/25/92 SourceOne maybe foreclosure 10/03/92 Frequent WHC. Leona 10/02/92 Vic changes #86 Bonne ATF 70000 mi 10/04/92 Miss KKG. HSL may need kidney dial. 10/09/92 Dr. Luhar, Hollander Ridge MC 10/15/92 James is 13 (b1979). HSL stays in ME 10/19/92 KKG is 51 (b1941). Balto chilly 10/29/92 DAK is 48 (b1944). Call GeorgeKirk 11/05/92 CEJ is 27 (b1965). No visit 11/08/92 PTB pays mortgage arrears 11/13/92 CEJ visits SDurham. Bill Ramsey 11/12/92 *HSL IN HOSP. NEEDS KIDNEY DIALYSIS 11/25/92 JB Cigar, NC from Balto MD LBC 11/26/92 Thanksgiving at Sundance, KKG, KMD 11/27/92 CapeCoral, Alva FL. MarGar gunpoint 11/28/92 HSL released from Regional Hosp 11/29/92 @21890 Pearl St., Alva, FL Alone 12/03/92 Hallandale, Pompano, FL overnite 12/05/92 RWL is 52 (b1940). Alva. Bit ill 12/13/92 HSL may delay/cancel Alva stay 12/16/92 Much bridge w/ VCasey.,GKokenes 12/20/92 FES=103. Smitty's. Offer 39.900.00 12/23/92 KKG accounting problems 12/24/92 HSL in hospital. Chat w/ Steve L 12/25/92 Christmas. Hamms. MLS & cousins 12/28/92 Stan Wise, Betty Poff list Alva 12/29/92 Begin study of FL r/e law 12/30/92 Steve staying. HSL seems better 12/31/92 S.FtMyers FL. Geo.Kokenes McGPBC -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/93 New Years Day. Files. Calls 01/02/93 Major expansion file: EVENTS.bas 01/03/93 SSA 883.00. 22.00 increase 01/04/93 Postpone r/e school at CCoral FL 01/05/93 Kevin Williamson, C Bagans First RE 01/10/93 CEJ calls. Wants ticket to Sebring FL 01/12/93 HSL at ME Medical, starts dialysis 01/13/93 Psych. intake LeeMH Betty Hoagland 01/15/93 Carol LeMoine's letter. Loan concern 01/16/93 Lisa 1 (b1992) 01/23/93 Krystle 4 (b1989) 01/24/93 Lisa Louise Lewis. (b05/02/69) 01/27/93 Krystle is 4 (b1989) 01/31/93 Robt Reese accident NFM. Sore neck 02/01/93 #86 Pont Bonneville is history 02/03/93 Rent #86 Olds 88 from Ro-Lin 14 days 02/09/93 See Dr. Cindy Khalil, neck pain 02/14/93 Val's Day. Auto show. Fred Spohr 02/16/93 Buy #84 Merc Marquis 50K 3055.00 02/23/93 HSL refuses dialysis treatment 02/28/93 RAS visits with HSL in Portland ME 03/01/93 One class at Bagans-First RE School 03/04/93 Dr. Fern LMHC. Mayfair Lounge NFM 03/05/93 McGregPt Vera Casey. Easter card HSL 03/08/93 Amer.States Ins. Claim Misc 290.01 03/09/93 Bill Borden. Janet. Apply State Farm 03/13/93 Cold. Very windy. Car-port damage 03/15/93 Alva FL house sold to Karen Ann Panton 03/16/93 *HAVE KNOWN CEJ FOR TEN YEARS 03/17/93 StPatDay. Cruise about Ft Myers FL 03/29/93 *MOTHER, HSL - HAZEL S. LOVEITT DIES 03/31/93 Call many, AgnesMac, VernPut, AlBarnes 04/01/93 Sign release for American States Ins. 04/03/93 Nicolettie is 4 (b1989) 04/04/93 Ilene is 44 (b1949) 04/05/93 Inspect 24X60 at Palm Lane, EFM 04/12/93 Purchase 4091 Palm Lane at 18,300.00+ 04/20/93 RAS visits Alva from Lake Wales FL 04/23/93 Jeff, Melissa arrive from Lake Tahoe NV 05/02/93 PTB is 61 (b1932). KKG visits Alva FL 05/03/93 RAS, Mimi, Melissa Jeff visit Alva FL 05/04/93 Capt.Bob gets goods from Alva for auction 05/05/93 *SSA. ELIMINATE REPRESENTATIVE PAYEE 05/13/93 Survey, water test 21890 Pearl, Alva FL 05/15/93 Detail alternative Lease/Option Palm Lane 05/27/93 Bob and Ruth Scott at Alva FL. Closings 05/28/93 Two days with MLS, Sue, Tim, Cathy Scott 05/30/93 @4091 Palm Lane, Ft Myers, FL 33905 06/05/93 Leave Ft Myers for Maine. Sebring AmTrak 06/07/93 SBL asleep. Stay w/Cora Verge. W/FJL 06/08/93 Freeport ME. Burrs Cemetery. #75 Lincoln 06/10/93 Baltimore MD. CEJ. Vic. House hunting. 06/11/93 @960 Armistead Walk, Baltimore, MD 21205 06/15/93 MLS is 72 (b1921). Buy #80 Cadi Fltwd 2Dr 06/19/93 Drive w/PAM to Cp.Eliz. ME. HSL burial 06/22/93 Hillman Auto. Sticker. Return Balto MD 06/25/93 Roanoke Rapids, Moyock, NC. Cigs PAM 06/28/93 Set up SEA XT computer at 960. Vic helps 07/02/93 Visit Sue Miller. LBC. WH. Highlandtown 07/04/93 Fourth of July. Restless. LBC game p.m. 07/08/93 Assaulted, robbed at Fell's Point ATM 07/10/93 CEJ, Bill no-show for Disney FL trip 07/12/93 Apply to 1st Colony for 25,000.00 life 07/15/93 Jack Prater 80 (b1913). AmTrak Sanford FL 07/16/93 Visit Aunt Lena Ireland. KKG working. 07/17/93 Arrive Ft Myers FL. Donald Thomas skips 07/19/93 Small Claims suit vs. Don Thomas, Diane 07/29/93 AmTrak to ME. Phil Chapman settles 08/01/93 PAM Portland-Eastern Shore. Bob AmTrak 08/03/93 First Colony Life rejects term 25K 08/04/93 Reds, Atlantic Cty NJ, Arl, VA 08/06/93 ACER Laptop, MD to Orlando FL. Suat 08/08/93 AltamonteSp FL. KKG. Magic Kingdom 08/12/93 FtLauderdale FL, Freeport, GB 08/16/93 Register #84 Merc in Orange County, FL 08/19/93 #84 Merc Marquis Brougham gift to KKG 08/20/93 Goodbye Suat Eder after 14 days 08/21/93 Cypress CC offer. GB. Visit Stu Ogilvie 08/25/93 Fly From FtMyers FL to Washington, D.C. 08/27/93 Francis Scott Key hosp. psychiatric 08/31/93 Sign out AMA FSK Medical Center 08/31/93 Evicted by PAM from 960 Armistead Walk 09/01/93 W/Dee at Dokey's, 2101 Atlantic Av VA 09/02/93 Long day at Rocky Mount, NC 09/04/93 Fix carburetor, manifold on #80 Cadi 09/05/93 AmTrak to Balto MD. Laurel Motel 6 09/06/93 CJM. Busch Gardens. Heather RIC Airport 09/07/93 Reject #86 Olds 98 Regency, Greenbrier 09/09/93 Arrive Orlando FL w/#80 Cadi. KKG 09/11/93 Back at @4091 Palm Ln. Dina at Fly B 09/13/93 Discuss small claims DT w/R.DeBoest II 09/14/93 FJL is 55 (b1938). LMH cafe 09/18/93 *DISCOURAGED BEING AT PALM LN BY SELF 09/25/93 Phone out of service. KKG pay-phone 10/14/93 FPL electric off. Lose vinyl wallet 10/15/93 James is 14 (b1979). Miller 12 10/17/93 Holed up 5 weeks. Call MLS, KKG payphone 10/19/93 KKG is 52 (b1941). Judgement ? 11/01/93 Heavy depression. LMH Dr.Fern leaving 11/04/93 Telephone restored. FPL caught up 11/05/93 CEJ is 28 (b1965). Sent postcard Ilene 11/18/93 RAS calls, invites me to Lake Wales 11/19/93 Don't shave. Three days at home 11/25/93 Thanksgiving. DJ's Saloon. MLS calls 12/02/93 Send 20 Postal Cards. Stop Box 291 12/05/93 RWL is 53 (b1940). KKG MLS call 12/07/93 Maria Garcia & son Richie stop by 12/14/93 Blood pressure okay. More active. 12/20/93 FES-104. Ryans. Card from KKG/KMD 12/25/93 Christmas. Cadi electrical short 12/27/93 AAA. Quality, Rex. Service at 70485 mi 12/30/93 Lena I is 95 (b1898) 31st in Maine 12/31/93 S.FtMyers FL. Ted Joseph McGPBC -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/94 New Years Day. Letters KKG RAS DeBoest 01/03/94 SSA 902. Pay off MCI. Terms to Darlene 01/05/94 Switch banks. SunBank to Nations in EFM 01/12/94 Rentarama. Terry the Pirate 01/14/94 RAS/Ruth/Pepper arrive at Palm Lane 01/16/94 Ft Lauderdale FL Beach, CCCCMHE no 01/17/94 Bill Weise arrives FM. ASHLEY 01/19/94 Freeport GB with Bill. Long day 01/25/94 Cheryl Byrom to LMH, Charter 01/26/94 Bill Weise departs FM. Don Newman 02/04/94 Visit MLS in Naples, FL. Bridge 02/08/94 Lehigh bridge with Chuck Ferry 02/12/94 Tired. Miss Lake Wales party RAS 02/14/94 Val's Day. RAS is 72 (b1922) 02/18/94 Western Auto #80 Cadi hose 02/21/94 Take Ashley to Ryan's for lunch 02/23/94 RAS pays 500.00 to Knudsen 03/01/94 New DAWN from Mayfair. Nice 03/03/94 Visit MLS, Sue, Becky. TATUNG monitor 03/09/94 Long talk SBL. KKG, SBL may visit 03/12/94 KKG Visits Palm Ln with Cookie 03/17/94 StPatDay. Work on LeMENU 5.0 03/20/94 FJL calls. Spend 123.00 Albertsons 03/23/94 LeMENU 5.0 progressing. Dizzy, Call RAS 03/29/94 First anniversary of Mom's death 04/03/94 Nicolettie is 5 (b1989) 04/04/94 Ilene is 45 (b1949) 04/05/94 % Chuck Ferry, Seminole Gaming Palace 05/01/94 * DISCONTINUE DAILY DIARY MAY 1994 05/02/94 PTB is 62 (b1932) 05/08/94 BobG in England. Visit KKG 05/15/94 Sell #80 Cadi to Dee Knieper, Pappy 05/22/94 Begin Ft Laud Beach vacation 05/24/94 Several junkets Nassau, Freeport GB 06/01/94 James Stewart Jr rents 4091 Palm 06/15/94 MLS is 73 (b1921) 06/19/94 Nick, clerk at Merrimac, FtL Beach 06/20/94 Sell Acer Laptop $400.00 06/25/94 Jo Miskell, Tattoo Bob, LaLorraine 07/04/94 Fourth of July. Bermudian, FtL 07/22/94 Mom's Lincoln towed away 08/03/94 SSA. Ed drives me to FtMyers 08/04/94 Fly to Baltimore MD. Phyllis' 08/10/94 Butch's & Doughboy's Taverns 09/14/94 FJL is 56 (b1938) 10/15/94 James is 15 (b1979) 10/18/94 See Ilene, Dawn at Doughboys 10/19/94 KKG is 53 (b1941) 10/27/94 Call attorneys in Florida 11/05/94 CEJ is 29 (b1965) 11/06/94 Stewart in arrears. Darlene evict 11/18/94 AmTrak to 4091 Palm Lane, Ft Myers 11/24/94 Thanksgiving with tenants 12/03/94 Stewart, two friends vacate 12/05/94 RWL is 54 (b1940) 12/06/94 25th Anniv. KKG (1969) 12/24/94 Christmas Eve- Maria, Israel Garcia 12/25/94 Christmas. 4091 quiet 12/30/94 Lena Ireland died in Oct 94 12/31/94 S. Ft Myers FL. Carl Bandtlow McGPBC -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/95 New Years Day. Home alone 01/03/95 SSA 924. 01/04/95 Busses to MPBC and Garden Council 01/05/95 Rides with Bill Schneider to McGregorPt 02/09/95 Buy #80 SedanDeVille from Joe Scott 02/12/95 Norma Davey, Sault Ste Marie MI partner 02/14/95 Val's Day. RAS is 73 (b1922) 02/27/95 Capt. Dave Tinder - much duplicate bridge 02/28/95 Named Player of Month for January 03/02/95 RAS, Sue Miller, Pete Scott visit 03/08/95 Tandy 1000SL 2-floppy XT from Capt. Dave 03/12/95 Visited by Jeff and Melissa Lewis 03/17/95 StPatDay. Clancey's. Bridge w/Dave Tinder 03/21/95 I gave away Pedrito the iguana in 1969 03/29/95 Second anniversary of Mom's death 04/03/95 Nicolettie is 6 (b1989). Miss Balto 04/04/95 Ilene is 46 (b1949). Call north 04/21/95 Some A/C. Patsy and Brtest programs 04/26/95 NFM shopping. Pan, LCD Medana watch, band 05/02/95 PTB is 63 (b1932). Left message 05/06/95 KKG called 1:30 am. Reply to card. Humid 05/25/95 Central A/C problems at 4091 Palm Ln 05/27/95 First overall w/ Dr. John Eichenlaub 05/30/95 Brake work #80 Cadi. May quite hot 06/08/95 First w/ Dr. John. Bridge Pal Program 06/15/95 MLS is 74 (b1921). Telephone MLS 06/18/95 Front teeth loose, painful. Need Raim DDS 06/29/95 Radiator leak #80 Cadi. False alarm 06/30/95 Named Player of Month at McG Pt DBC 07/01/95 Call FJL, Weise, Agnes, MLS, Toni, Foster 07/04/95 Fourth of July. Firecrackers Palm Lane 07/24/95 Bob Graham in hospital for back in Tampa 08/02/95 KKG called. Erin. PT, Robin on crutches 08/03/95 Broke another lower tooth. Waffle house 08/11/95 George Emerson, McGPt. Call Becky 08/31/95 GE refrigerator repaired. Hot 95 degrees 09/11/95 B-Drive problems. Anxious. Bit lonesome 09/14/95 FJL is 57 (b1938). Card, call Maine 09/20/95 Humid. Rotino has 486-DX-4-100 $999.00 09/27/95 Brake booster #80 Cadi. $220.00 10/02/95 Weak, ill. KKG calls next day 10/11/95 Dave Tinder back, calls. Skip bridge 10/14/95 Still ill. DAYCAL calendar program 10/15/95 James is 16 (b1979). Restart daily diary 10/19/95 KKG is 54 (b1941). Kokenes off Ortiz Ave 10/24/95 Lehigh Resort. First return since C. Ferry 11/03/95 Update personal computer files, printout 11/05/95 CEJ is 30 (b1965). MPBC 5th Anniversary 11/19/95 New Okidata ribbon. Return fan 11/23/95 Thanksgiving. KKG calls. Lois Muh plate 12/02/95 K-Mart Penske new oil #80 Cadi. 64.5k mi. 12/05/95 RWL is 55 (b1940). Stay home. Upset 12/21/95 Beginning of 12-day cold spell. Brrrrr. 12/25/95 Christmas. Nixon movie with Geo Kokenes 12/29/95 Cold, 50's. Aches, side, lower back 12/31/95 S. Ft Myers, FL. MPBC Kathy Humber -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/96 New Years Day. GeoK Saturn stolen 01/03/96 SSA 953. Strife w/GeoK at bridge table 01/11/96 Aches persist. Concerned. 01/31/96 Dr. Sewell, Family Health Ctr. Blood 02/14/96 Val's Day. RAS is 74 (b1922) 02/15/96 Strife continues w/GeoK 02/27/96 Toni Pineda is 50 (b1946). Visit 03/17/96 StPatDay. Skip MPBC party 03/20/96 Impersonator has accident in N Fort Myers 03/29/96 Third anniversary of Mom's Death 04/03/96 Nicolettie is 7 (b1989). Smitty's ID 04/04/96 Ilene is 47 (b1949). Refrigerator timer 04/06/96 Foyer repair, PalmLn 260.00, Ed Parker 04/10/96 JeffLewis buys me NEC PENTIUM-120 04/28/96 VistaMar, FtLaud .StuO. Buy #74 Cadi. 04/30/96 Rod Hanscomb, World Auto Wholesalers 05/01/96 Dr. BobLade. TerryShort. CircuitCity 05/02/96 PTB is 64 (b1932) 05/11/96 Jeff returns PENTIUM to CircuitCity 05/13/96 Move to Daytona? Move belongings 05/15/96 Magan. ElMorroco on beach 05/17/96 SeaDip. Barb Newcomer. Unfunded deposit 06/15/96 MLS is 75 (b1921). Baltimore. Will's 06/16/96 Bailey's Xroads. NE DC shelter. Woodburn 06/18/96 Windows of #87 Escort smashed near BWI 06/20/96 Robbed in Balto projects. 3 transvestites 06/21/96 DC tour. Woodburn, BWI, Dulles Airports 06/26/96 Sell #87 Escort to PTB for 900.00 06/27/96 AtlanticCity, Rickshaw. Greyhound to NYC 06/28/96 GrandHyatt. Overwhelmed. Bellevue U-19-N 07/04/96 Fourth of July, Confined, Depakote, Dr.Yu 07/09/96 Arielle Penn. Released.Cab to PennStation 07/10/96 Arrive FtMyers on AmTrak via WinterHaven 08/01/96 Scabies infection, itch. Dr. Sewell 08/15/96 Resume bridge at McGPt. SamSmith,Schneider 09/14/96 FJL is 58 (b1938). Hot,no car. Discouraged 09/20/96 Still behind on utilities, Lois lot rent 09/29/96 Launder clothes at 4091 Palm 10/01/96 Dave Tinder loans me Tandy 1400 portable 10/08/96 Roger, Gudrun Wallace Fri pm Lehigh game 10/09/96 Dr.Sewell. Apply lotion. Laundry. Itch pills 10/14/96 Bill Weise brings ElMorocco stored goods 10/15/96 James is 17 (b1979). Sam McGPt. Bryan fusses 10/19/96 KKG is 55 (b1941), Send card and telephone 11/05/96 CEJ is 31 (b1965). I think she's angry 11/25/96 Steve Loveitt calls, coming to FtMyers? 11/28/96 Thanksgiving. D.Tinder brings plate 12/03/96 Pay Lois. Bills finally caught up 12/05/96 RWL is 56 (b1940). KathyH,Doug at Perkins 12/06/96 CentraCare at LeeM. Anti-biotics. Infection 12/20/96 FES 107. LehiWallace 1st. Sam to McGregor 12/21/96 Call Mimi 25cents. JeffLewis coming in Feb. 12/22/96 Tinder beats Nelsons. PizzaHut 3 pers.pan 12/25/96 Christmas.KathyH,Jacobs rubber bridge. BrPal 12/26/96 Finally unpack ElMorocco.Hope infection goes 12/28/96 KathyH and Doug leave for Arizona. Lehigh 12/31/96 DTinder GC. CentraCare. MrB, PalmTree. Bus ------------------------------------------------- 01/01/97 NewYearsDay. McGPt 2-sessions. TJoseph back 01/03/97 SSA 980. Lehigh-DTinder. Antibiotics. Files . 01/04/97 McGPt TedJoseph. KAREN, DEE CANCEL VISIT. 01/08/97 McGPt nite. Sam - WalMart 240.00, BrPal 01/11/97 McGPt Ted Joseph. Pack for FtL trip 21st 01/21/97 Weather mostly warm.Tinder GC.Eckerd Ammens 01/22/97 Cancel FtL. Sam's 486-80? Classic Wheels 01/25/97 McGPt Alynne. ACBL-36pts. TedJ quits FtL 01/29/97 Together Dating Kay. Harold StJohn, McGPt 01/30/97 Ted Joseph's #85 LeSabre? Cash = $1090.00 02/03/97 Pay nearly $100.00 to Lee County for decals 02/08/97 Infection subsides. Ted Joseph McGPt. Argue 02/09/97 KKG calls,busy. TJ at McGPt 2-session swiss 02/14/97 Val's Day. RAS is 75 (b1922). Call RAS, MLS 02/21/97 Naples BC, One session with Tinder. Fatigue 02/23/97 Ankles raw, butt leathery. TedJ, McGPt Swiss 03/01/97 McGPt Lottie May. Palm Lane boring. Jeff ? 03/08/97 McGpt TedJ 2nd. Return w/Schneider vs Casino 03/09/97 Loiter at WafH, CirK. Runny nose for 4 wks 03/10/97 Small burn LR carpet. CF shows $2050.00 03/14/97 ACBL#4165519 at 512 masterpoints. Lehigh,DT 03/17/97 StPatDay. Blue Monday. Call Eddy, Craven 03/24/97 McGPt RPhillion. CLMC tavern, TedJ abusive 03/25/97 *IBM APTIVA PENTIUM-133 GIFT FROM LEWISES 03/26/97 IBM Aptiva 2176-C32 setup takes 23 hours 03/27/97 Terry Short. Mail SSA Disability Report 03/28/97 LehighResort DT. Baron, Encarta 15 hours. 03/29/97 Fourth Anniversary of Mom's death. Call FJL 03/30/97 Easter Sunday. Where's DT? Catch up on sleep 03/31/97 500+MP name in ACBL Bulletin. Bann.bat music 04/01/97 Walk PalmBeachBlvd car search. DT. 85 88-Olds 04/02/97 Kathy Humber back from West to stay 04/03/97 Nicolettie is 8 (b1989). ChGlade? Begin HIGH 04/04/97 Ilene is 48 (b1949). DT-LA. *AOL/INTERNET/IBM 04/05/97 Buy #86 Ford Tempo-RodHanscom @ 650.00. Holly 04/06/97 DKL left 30 years ago. QuietSunday. DayliteSav 04/07/97 Busiest day in years. LaAuto,glasses,Rod,fixup 04/13/97 All day Sunday on OKbridge.Weather cool, rainy 04/14/97 Restless. Cruise after year away.Financial woe 04/19/97 Receive 275.50 check from Jeff Lewis. Shopping 04/20/97 Tempo dies in Alva. PAP digital opportunity 05/01/97 Tempo struck in rear on E.SunriseBlvd.,FtLaud 05/02/97 M-105-E office lease declined, no fedId,occ-lic 05/02/97 PTB is 65 (b1932). WPB Ogilvie. Return to FtM 05/15/97 Back at 4091. A bit unhappy. Uneventful times 05/29/97 PalmTree at 4091. VeryHot. OkBridge. Sickly 06/04/97 Get another 30day tag from LeeCoTaxColl 06/05/97 Rod back at 13 W. Mariana. Pay 30.00 06/07/97 Dave Tinder E-Mails from Copper Harbor, MI 06/09/97 Dawn from Mayfair visits, wants room 06/10/97 Much OkBridge. Temperature in 90's often 06/15/97 MLS is 76 (b1921). Send card. In bed 06/16/97 Call Mimi. Lissa there. Hot. Sick. 06/19/97 96 Degrees. KKG calls, leaves message 06/25/97 Tempo paid off. Can't get clear title yet 06/30/97 Dawn from Mayfair visits. OS. Sleepy 07/01/97 Letters to Jeff,Ilene and Frank - 2.00 07/02/97 FPL electric bill under 30.00 most months 07/04/97 Fourth of July. OkBridge. Quiet - sleep 07/10/97 KKG has pinched leg nerve 07/11/97 Dawn. OkBridge marathon. 4 cases beer 07/12/97 Anne's Store SanSouci.#86 Tempo tag XAV-56Y 07/17/97 Indian Diane, a Cherokee, visits Palm Lane 07/18/97 FJL calls, reminds me MEL been dead for 9yrs 07/24/97 Much OkBridge. Indian Diane remains at Palm 08/06/97 Seminole Casino. LMH. Library. Betty. DawnHd 08/15/97 Finish Hawaiian book about lifestyles 08/22/97 Call many including Ilene Grimmett 09/05/97 Sick. Fatigue. Still sleeping many hours 09/13/97 KKG visits Palm Lane. Pleasant, dogs 09/14/97 FJL is 59 (b1938). Sent birthday card 09/24/97 #86 Tempo will not start for 12 days 10/01/97 Experience less weariness. Dawn frequents 10/05/97 DTinder, family returns from CH Michigan 10/10/97 Blood tests. Liver (BUN) ok. Chloresterol 337 10/15/97 James is 18 (b1979). Health improving somewhat. 10/19/97 KKG is 56 (b1941). No call. Pleasant day in 70's 10/20/97 MIRC installed. Quebec chat. Dawn disagreeable 10/24/97 Greeting/postcards mailed. CEJ. MLS. Lewises 10/28/97 Terrible bridge game w/ DLT at Osman's. My fault 10/29/97 DKM is 53 today. Haven't seen her in 30 years 10/05/97 CEJ is 32 (b1965). Card,cash. MSInExplorer. Vit-C 11/06/97 Lots of Desktop, Favorites, IE4 optimization 11/10/97 Debbie, Kim visit from Davie FL. Ft Myers Beach 11/12/97 Purchase WD 3.2G harddrive for Aptiva. OfficeDepot 11/18/97 Complete 3.2G/32MB Upgrade - JRotino. Frank Watson 11/21/97 FBW at SemInCasino-loss. Discontinue duplicate clubs 11/24/97 FBW forfeits chips at SemInCasino. Shouting. Lamps 11/27/97 Thanksgiving. FM Mission. Dan. FBW gone 12/01/97 Melissa's Bday. Angelfire/biz/calusoft page. Jesse 12/03/97 More webpage. Shopper? Purchase jumbo AM-FM cassette 12/05/97 RWL is 57 (b1940). 694-9446 in. Jesse Arnold, Staci 12/06/97 Home improvement. Staci helpful. Jesse arrested 12/13/97 Purchase Compaq Presario 486-33. Russel K. Goss here 12/18/97 Upgrade to 586-33, 4.3G, 56KB, LaserPr. Thank JWL 12/19/97 Buy #90 Lincoln TownCar from Town/Country-Dennis 12/20/97 FES 108. Buy IGGIE JR. Telco. Cell-Phone probably 12/22/97 Visit Ted Joseph in Hollywood. Diner, pastrami 12/25/97 Christmas. Ft Myers Mission men. Ray begins 12/26/97 Mike Bess begins. 4044 NW 19th St #302, FtLauderdale 12/28/97 Jesse Airport ordeal. Deputy evicts Staci. Whew 12/31/97 McGregorPt. Kathy Humber, leave early -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/98 NewYearsDay. 01/03/98 SSA 1002.00 02/14/98 Val's Day. RAS is 76 (b1922) 02/21/98 Imperial Pt Hospital 03/17/98 StPatDay. Gradys Pub, Andrews Ave 03/21/98 Ft Lauderdale Hospital ( 3 visits ) 03/29/98 Fifth Anniversary of Mom's death 04/03/98 Nicolettie is 9 (b1989) 04/04/98 Pirate's Hotel. Ray at Hwd Starter 04/04/98 Ilene is 49 (b1949) 05/02/98 PTB is 66 (b1932) 05/26/98 Court, LeeCoTax bad check 06/15/98 MLS is 77 (b1921) 06/18/98 KKG, Bob buy DW mobile home 07/04/98 Fourth of July. 09/04/98 Leave Pirate's. 4091 Palm Ln 09/14/98 FJL is 60 (b1938) 09/18/98 #87 Fleetwood REPO. Ugh 09/27/98 Many rides to McGPt with Sam Smith 10/09/98 Coastal Marine 486. Dave, Vicky, Cathy 10/15/98 James is 19 (b1979) 10/18/98 DT donates ZEOS 486-33 10/19/98 KKG is 57 (b1941). Telephone 10/20/98 FPL shuts off electric 4091 Palm Ln 10/23/98 Ray Akins steals 322.00 10/26/98 JeffLewis proposes guardianship 10/27/98 Electric back on in Jeff's name 10/30/98 Sam Smith misses. Pork chop at WafHouse 11/05/98 CEJ is 33 (b1965) 11/10/98 Bladder, headaches curtail. Very blue 11/18/98 Admitted to CharterGlade Hospital 11/26/98 Thanksgiving Day. Holed up at CharterGlade 11/30/98 35th Anniv. DKL. Released with ROBERT McCLURE 12/04/98 #87 Daytona in yard. McClure on doorstep. 12/05/98 RWL is 58 (b1940). With McClure. 2qts beer 12/12/98 McClure trashes 4091, sets fire, leaves 12/14/98 Admitted Charter Glade. Stay 17 days 12/25/98 Christmas. Prime rib at Charter Glade 12/31/98 Back to 4091. Day game at MPBC. Home evening -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/99 NewYearsDay. KKG declines. Jeff Wilson here 01/03/99 SSA 1059.00. Jeff wants to be repres. payee 01/06/99 Veronica cleans 4091. Ed Moore also here 01/08/99 Veronica back. Unpack, organize belongings 01/10/99 MaryElla to Immokalee three times this week 01/11/99 KKG calls, long conversation. Dee Herb coming 01/12/99 DaveT sick, cancels. Sleep. Waffle House 01/15/99 EdMoore car lots. MPBC Friday evening party 01/17/99 Jenny to Immokalee. Prime rib. Riverdale 01/19/99 Very depressed. DaveT cancels. Stay home 01/31/99 Immokalee Sunday. Disturbing morning thoughts 02/02/99 Rotino Garden Ctr, DT first overall 02/12/99 Get ACER ASPIRE 300mhz from Joe. Mindspring 02/13/99 Download OKBridge. Guest. Disconnect often 02/14/99 Val's Day. RAS is 77 (b1922). Called RAS Mimi 02/15/99 611 fix. Member OKbridge. Acer working okay 02/20/99 E-Mail Jeff. OkBridge. Claudia. CurtisDisa 03/06/99 Kidneys? 2 wks OKbridge. Belt. Publx cab late 03/11/99 EdMoore Win95 Zeos. Bridge, bridge, bridge. 03/17/99 StPatDay. No celebration. OkBridge, smoke 03/19/99 Download Sprint/Earthlink. Jeff. Door open 03/26/99 Practice games with Robin Hillyard in Mass 03/29/99 Sixth anniversary of Mom's death 04/03/99 Nicolettie is 10 (b1989) 04/04/99 Ilene is 50 (b1949) 04/12/99 Talk to KKG. OkB and Rotino game w/Dave 04/25/99 Huge spider visits. Chernobyl computer virus 05/02/99 PTB is 67 (b1932). Telephone call to Patrick 05/05/99 Jeff Lewis here. May go to Baltimore, June 28th 05/25/99 Serzone 150mg. DaveT and I first at JoeRotino's 06/14/99 Serzone ineffective. Dr. Henriquez 06/21/99 Immokalee, rain, primerib. Tired no Publix 06/15/99 MLS is 78 (b1921) 06/28/99 Relocate to Balto via Amtrak 06/29/99 With Jeff Lewis at Motel6 at Woodlawn, MD 06/30/99 *JEANNE HURLEY - HOPKINS BAYVIEW E BALTIMORE 07/04/99 Fourth of July. Inner Harbor. JWL at Ft McHenry 07/06/99 X-Rays, TBTest, Brenda Heideman, therapist 07/08/99 @317 1/2 S. Conkling St, Highlandtown, MD 21224 07/09/99 WalMt. A/C no fit.Tables.JWL leaves. JHur,MJDeMos 07/11/99 Slept thru Saturday. Jeanne, Jesse at artscape 07/16/99 JFKjr, Bessettes die as Piper Saratoga crashes in ocean 07/19/99 Kathy visits (CEJ). Promises to be the best ever 07/23/99 With Jeanne at Enrico's. Pat Boyle stops, not at home 08/17/99 Lonely. Venice Tavern. Pat Boyle visits. MTB 08/18/99 Van late. Velucci. CEJ visits. ATW. Hot dog 09/09/99 Cancel Brenda again. SSA late. Talk w/ Jeanne Hurley 09/14/99 FJL is 61 (b1938). Venice Tavern hotdogs. Deanna 10/06/99 Mike DeMos says lease terminated, must move 10/15/99 James is 20 (b1979). Some cold weather low 40's 10/19/99 KKG is 58 (b1941). Telephone conversation with KKG 10/21/99 Dr. Howard, BrendaH. Begin PAXIL 20mg. Eggs and mashed 11/05/99 CEJ is 34 (b1965), Call Ilene. Nervous about move 11/08/99 Moving Day. Drinking too much. Jeanne Hurley 11/08/99 @3520 Bank St. Unit 6, Highlandtown, MD 21224 11/08/99 Computer, personal effects stored in Eastpoint 11/2x/99 Thanksgiving. Venice Tavern. Crossroads Restaurant 12/05/99 RWL is 59 (b1940). Birthday club at Venice 12/20/99 FES 110. Melissa, black barmaid, at Norm's Place 12/25/99 Christmas. Quiet day alone. Moderately cold 12/31/99 Bus to SHERRY's. Fireworks. Y2K. New Millenium -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/00 NewYearsDay. Norm's, Melissa early AM 01/02/00 Dates below until Nov may be inaccurate 01/03/00 SSA. JWL sending 175.00 weekly 01/15/00 Eagle Non-filters at Genie's 15.99 ctn 02/03/00 Baltimore receives 18" of snow. Date? 02/14/00 Val's Day. CEJ at Norm's and Venice 03/17/00 StPatDay. Irish Pub. Corned beef and cab. 03/28/00 Saga of Joey Palczynski, murderer 04/04/00 Kenny Collins barred from Venice 04/15/00 Laurie Greenstreet, Visits to Cr Alt 04/22/00 Chris, barmaid, morning coffee at VeniceTav 04/28/00 Norm's place closes. Melissa owes me 50.00 05/02/00 Julianne Bethea, Nurse Practioner. Shots 05/18/00 Lucille Tucci Craven died of breast cancer 05/19/00 Paid 1,085.78 to Barnes and Noble, Balto. 05/25/00 Paid 250.00 to Janice Johnson 06/28/00 Third floor room at 3520 hot, sweating 07/04/00 Fourth of July. Miss Having Computer 07/15/00 Larry Mernaugh, therapist at JHopkinsBayview 07/29/00 HSL would have been 80 years old today 08/02/00 Summer has been relatively mild, not hot 08/10/00 Lots of heavy beer-drinking at Venice Tavern 09/14/00 FJL is 62 (b1938). Called South Portland 09/20/00 George Weaver, Towson Ford, shoots pool 09/22/00 See Patrick Boyle (PTB) fairly often at VT 09/29/00 Libido, urological problems. Charlotta Turner 10/10/00 Jarrod Jacobs replaces Laurie Greenstreet 10/12/00 Begin 3-times-weekly bus trips to AtlCity 10/15/00 James is 21 (b1979). Hotmail? 10/19/00 KKG is 59 (b1941). Card, called on 16th 10/25/00 Keno at Bally's AC. 10,77 wager for Theresa 10/29/00 Buy winter jacket in AtlCty. Black vinyl 11/05/00 CEJ is 35 (b1965). Card. Where's Cathy? 11/07/00 New bi-focal lens inserted at Md. Optical 11/10/00 Waist size about 46". Alterations 11/2x/00 Thanksgiving. Jarrod at Sip 'n Bite 11/28/00 Reopen OKbridge and Earthlink accounts 11/28/00 Wayne at CrAlt. Job Offer. Dr. Gilucci 11/29/00 With PTB. Buy 17" ProView Monitor 11/30/00 With Jarrod, Jay. Set up Acer at 3520 12/01/00 Melissa Lewis is 51. Hotmail account 12/02/00 Fix Daycal. Events.bas. VB5 instructions 12/05/00 RWL is 60 (b1940). Atlantic City 12/06/00 JarrodJ here. OKbridge until wee hours 12/06/00 CD's galore. Perry Como. Tom Jones to KKG 12/15/00 Jarrod. BJP2100 printer. Super organize 12/25/00 Christmas. Crossroads. Venice. Kenny Collins 12/26/00 OKbridge. Eastern House. Very cold. Surf 12/28/00 Order DELL DimL 700mhz IntelCeleron 774.75 12/28/00 Tower w/10GBHD, 64MB, CDRW, AltecSpeakers 12/31/00 E.Baltimore. With E D'Amario. Venice ------------------------------------------------ 01/01/01 NewYearsDay. Quiet, bit chilly. EasternHouse 01/03/01 SSA. 1068.00. Jeff leaving for Baja MEX 01/05/01 Rec.Dell Dim.L700cx Wilmer Eye surgery. Jarrod 01/06/01 Eyedrops. Setup Dell with Acer Desktop. Success 01/07/01 SubWoofer. Earthlink5, new Okwin402. 02/05/01 Acer Dell side-by-side. Keyboard. Feeling great 02/10/01 Tons of Web resume submits. CA slow. USB Keyboard 02/14/01 Val's Day. Year since CEJ. Call RAS, ans. machine 02/28/01 OKbridge, Monster, Gridley, Won, Leah. Practice 03/09/01 Lots of Netscape mail from headhunters, spamming 03/17/01 StPatDay. Crossroads, ham and cabbage. Weather mild 03/19/01 CEJ atw at Bank. Loan Ilene 80.00. Richard Frey dead 03/21/01 Margaret "Peanut" Holmes at bank. Venice pitchers 03/22/01 NY strip steak at Crossroads, but mostly chicken soup 03/29/01 Eight years since HSL died. Jarrod. Call Frank. MTB 05/15/01 Dolores Fajinski letter about visitors. Upsetting 05/31/01 Margaret Holmes beaten at Patterson Pk. Hospitalized 06/01/01 Kathy Boone Laster, case-worker Creative Alternative 07/04/01 Fourth of July, Weather fairly pleasant. No A/C 07/15/01 Robinson St.(Ilene's) with CEJ. Chucks. Pleasant time 07/22/01 Some job offers. Milwaukee, Denver, Vancouver, BC 07/24/01 Very hot and humid. OkBridge, SurfBest account 07/25/01 Jeff in Martha's Vinyard. SipNBite with Kathy Laster 07/29/01 Eighty-first anniversary of mother's (HSL) birth 08/01/01 Supposed to move from 3520 Bank Street by end of August 08/05/01 Dena at Venice. Quite charming, father ill. 08/06/01 Roommate search. Oldsaba-Lake Mary, FL house share 08/07/01 *SUSAN JANE MILLER (SJM) DIES AT AGE 55, NAPA CALIF 08/08/01 Impossibly hot humid 101 deg at Bank St. Skin rash 08.12/01 Michael Yaeger (MusicMan) Realty. Rob Kaetzel Remax. 08/16/01 Inspect outside of 303 S Fagley (Rehab). Rick Smith 08/17/01 Cancel SurfBest3. Reset OkB Lehmans. theroommateservice 08/18/01 New eMailBoxes. Geocities WebHost-INDEX EVENTS RESUME 08/19/01 3518 Bank 1stfl available. E-mail from RickSmith. GeorgeW 08/19/01 *UNCLE ROBERT ALVIN SCOTT (RAS) DIES AT AGE 79 08/20/01 Spartan Pizzeria website. Siva. See Deanna (not Dena). 08/22/01 Cheryl-Maid. Robert Dickens. Acer sale? Sign lease 5317 08/23/01 @5317 Eastern Ave, Baltimore MD 21224. Greektown 08/23/01 Move morn w/RDickens. Don Smith does not install jack 08/24/01 Pam Warnick, CA. SipNBite. Library. Mars. Siva Dell, ACup 08/25/01 Email RAS obit. CircuitCity, New Kybd, Mouse, Proview720 08/26/01 Ames housewares. Western Dig 40GB. Siva installs. Win ME 08/27/01 CEJ visits 5317. Marry? RDickens back from OC. Siva here. 08/28/01 Word/Works. Icons. 410-633-1750 in. Siva. cards 08/31/01 RAD pre-approval. 67,000.00. Ames, HDepot with Pam Warnick 09/01/01 RickS declines. Acer keybd, mouse, Buy 256mem, 13"GE TV 09/02/01 Acer up at 2731 Eastern. Marty. Contract unacceptable. 09/03/01 Acer DellNet and SurfBest3. Defragment. 09/03/01 Busy day at 2732 Eastern. Santoni's 90.00. 67H Website. 09/03/01 Accounts. Move Spartan. Shrimp/Lobster. Makeup w/Marty 09/04/01 SIGNATURE DAY: Smith-Dickens. Millie at Neil's. Loan RAD 09/05/01 With Pam, returns at HDepot. Buy #88Taurus?? Siva 319MBram. 09/06/01 With Debbie, Monument ins 138.00 down. Jeff loan? 09/07/01 Payee NV account. Rev agreemant. Buy #88 Ford TAURUS LX 09/08/01 CEJ visits. SipNbite. PTB buys HDD, mem. Tired, rest. 09/10/01 Kmart,CirCity,Santoni's,OfficeDepot. StRita's dinner.CEJ 09/11/01 *TERRORIST ATTACK ON WORLD TRADE CENTER AND PENTAGON 09/13/01 Marty. Drive to DC,VA. Rosslyn. C Jean Mayo. Traffic. 09/14/01 FJL is 63 (b1938). Return TV, Keybd. RAD paid in full. 09/15/01 Drive alone to Portland, Maine. Matty's. Carol. Tucci's 09/16/01 Denny's, gold coin. See RDC, Lucille's Grave. SBL in Bath 09/17/01 Up at 4:30. Portland, Frank. Front Street Deli twice. 09/18/01 Joanne 80.00. Goodbye Maine. Pastor Jeff 50.00. Return Balto 09/19/01 Arrive 4:12am. Nap. TracFone. Louise food,clothes,furn chit. 09/20/01 CEJ 4am. ClubLT. Break-in,cell,cash stolen. Sec-8 Jeff 09/21/01 Upat6am. ClubLT. RAD contacts Ruth Ramsey. No sav deposit. 09/22/01 1995 Exec TownCar 7990.00 AlPacker. Shrimp/Lobster. Siva 09/23/01 1991 Exec RedLeather 4990.00. Truck&Car. Internet Lincolns. 09/24/01 Jeff stalls. 99Escort. 00Lumina. 93Tempo24k. #94 Signature 09/25/01 Another 100.00. RuthR/RAD. Sec8Oct10. Venice. Ponder 09/26/01 90GrMq at Alabama, Dave. Another 270.00. Payoff Taurus. 09/27/01 Upat6am. AutoTrader. CreditAp on 90GrMq. Venice. Jeff 09/28/01 Upat7am. Crossroads. CA-Kathy-Lydia-out. FriendlyIceC 10/02/01 Upat6am. Practically without cash. Venice. Siva 10/08/01 Upat9am. Spent 340.00, Jeff sending 60.00. Ingrid calls. 10/09/01 Upat9am. Crossroads breakfast. Selling #88 Taurus? Nap. 10/15/01 James is 22 (b1979). 175.00. 60 Card for KKG. Crossroads. 10/16/01 KathyL at Crossroads. Pat Wilson's York Rd. Frendly's 99. 10/19/01 *KKG is 60 (b1941).RAD CLOSES ON #303 FAGLEY ST. 10/20/01 Stay put at #5327. Siva to gas station. Tense. Desire. CEJ 10/21/01 *MOVE TO #303 S. Fagley St. Tense about co-occupant. 10/23/01 Jeff Lewis here, staying in Annapolis. CA. Crossrds 6 people. 10/25/01 Jeff meets with WendyS, Wanda. KathyL. Remains as Rep Payee 10/26/01 Get 3mo StateFarm Liability. $400.01 to BofA checking. Taurus 10/27/01 At Mustang Cafe Fri/Sat Ilene/Cathy. Budget woes. Bed early 10/28/01 Begin STANDARD TIME. 303 Dissarray. RAD guests. SipNBite 10/29/01 Up at 8am. Crossroads. Sect-8 inspection at 11a. Madison career 11/05/01 CEJ is 36 (b1965). See CEJ at Mustang Inn. 88 Taurus running ok 11/07/01 Tell RAD unlikely I will remain. Disturbances lessens. Venice 11/08/01 See Dr Gallucci at 11am. Extra 350.00. Kathy and Jay apt search 11/09/01 CA visit twice, Beans and Bread. Fred Faikowski. Four Cutty's 11/10/01 Up at 6:30am. Bonnie here. Xroads with RAD. Laundry. Dell up. 11/14/01 Crossroads Restaurant. Pam Warnick. St Eliz Apts. Carl. Mustang 11/20/01 More peaceful. Venice often. OKbridge. CEJ visits 303 on 15th 11/22/01 Thanksgiving at Venice and RAD at 303. Linger at MustangIlene 11/24/01 Lunch at Eichenkranz inexpensive. Siva visits. Sip/Bite. OkB 11/25/01 CEJ wakes me at 8a. Venice. Cathy sleeps at 303. rad.calusoft. 11/26/01 Continue Eichenkranz. Talk to Jeff. Another 175.00. CEJ visit 11/30/01 DAK anniv. Pam unavailable. Basement work, noise. Venice. OkB 12/05/01 RWL is 61 (b1940). CA with Pam, Friendly's. Wolfe apt. Venice 12/07/01 RAD in Ocean City. CEJ visits, go to venice. Crossroads 12/17/01 KKG sends 50.00. Give to RAD. Hope to move. Watchband problem 12/20/01 FES 112. Rev Ken Savage. Renew Roommateservice. NFM. G&A 12/24/01 Upat 2pm. Pam needs signature. G&A. Venice. CalLinker update 12/25/01 Christmas at 303 Fagley. Quiet. Venice. DietPepsi, WheatChex 12/26/01 Taurus battery dead. 3.33 breakfast. OkB. Roommate prospects 12/27/01 MEL 90. CEJ early 8.00. Jay from CA, gift, inhaler. Sign S-8 12/28/01 Mike installs battery, alternator - 226.00. Eichen, Xroads 12/31/01 Upat5am. OkB. Dead or Alive.Omlette at Eichen. RAD Santoni's 12/31/01 #303S Fagley.Call KKG,TedJ,JeanM,BEddy,KHumber,DVanA,PTB -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/02 NewYearsDay. Casino. Screenshot. Crossroads. Very cold 01/03/02 SSA 1093. Jeff send 400.00 rent plus 150.00. RAD at Eichen 01/07/02 Very cold. Grocery shop w/RAD. CEJ moves to Ohio? NO 01/11/02 CA meet - Wendy,Ruth, KL, Pam. Oyster Stew. Venice, tank up 01/12/02 Upat4am. Oldsaba back online. OkB all morning. Udate trial 01/14/02 Maureen Mushlit NY. Pate Udate fee. Send 45 Udate mails 01/17/02 Cancel DellNet. Install Earthlink 2moFree. RAD OC. 01/19/02 CEJ visits at 4a. 60 Udate mails, no replies. Crossrds. OkB 01/20/02 Upat3pm. Siva visits. No Udate mail. Email from Maureen 01/21/02 OkB early. CEJ visits, affirms love. Mike threat call 01/23/02 Call Ocean City. RAD returns. G&A. Warm. Udate 2nd mailing 01/27/02 Eichen., Venice, BaltoLewis. Taurus amps? enroll KISS. 01/28/02 Pizza. Jean-StuartVA,cynical. FlipDog. Remodeling! Eichen 01/30/02 Up all night. OkB. RAD, Marty converse. RAD warrant. KathyL 02/02/02 CEJ all day. Continued rennovation. Eichen, Crossroads 02/07/02 CEJ all day. Mustang. Orlando business. SenecaNF. 02/10/02 G&A. Venice. Eviction notice #303 Fagley. RAD says no 02/13/02 G&A. StarPower ISP 19.95 after 3 mo. Access4Free 10hr free 02/14/02 RAS80. Valentine's Day. Jean-444. G&A again. No Xroads 02/15/02 Pat Boyle, CEJ at Venice. CEJ stays over. Mild, cool 02/20/02 Miss DrKarin. Mike lvs Ilene's. CEJ. OkB. Tidy up LR 02/22/02 Xroads. CA meds. Pam at Eichenk. 8 ctns Senecas arrive 02/27/02 CA meeting with Ruth Ramsey, Klas, Wendy. Xroads. Cold 03/04/02 Klas gone. quite cold. Noisy. May re-subscribe to roommate 03/06/02 Phone dead, RAD didn't pay. Radio noise. Eichen. Jarrod call 03/08/02 Jeff back. Cancel Earthlink. Renew RoomMate. Bay cafe 03/12/02 R. Ramsey, Mr Wells inspect Fagley. Roommate possibilities 03/13/02 Karin out. Alex, SWbalt, Orl roomies. Disk cleanup 8Gig used 03/17/02 StPatDay at Xroads. Deanna fast asleep in Taurus. Venice 03/18/02 More noise. DVanArman calls. Eichen steak. Techies resumes 03/19/02 Inspect 117 N Decker. Venice. NEW TOLLFREE 1-800-334-1729 03/20/02 Meatloaf Eichen. Venice. Agent, website for Kall-8, CD backup 03/23/02 Calucom start. Kall8, Surfbest, Cognigen. 03/25/02 Orangeville. Omelette. DVanArman at Eichen. SearchEnMetaTags 03/26/02 Value Village, pot, shirts, pants, shorts. Ruth Ram, Karin 03/27/02 Search engine submit Bill Asher. OIL CHANGE. 93TownCar. Siva 03/27/02 1.9. India. Aldi. WlMart. Jeff pays RAD,StFrm 03/28/02 Pat Boyle at Venice. 3.00 washcloth. Add CigarettesAmerica 03/29/02 Nice weather - no coat. See Jarrod. Siva. JoAnn's mom dies 03/30/02 Eichen. Siva visits. Queens Purchase 2br apt 615.00 03/31/02 Easter Sunday. Search internet for PG or NVa apartment 04/01/02 Sunday Post 37.95 results in 1 order. Call apts. King's Park 04/02/02 Decide to move back to #5317 Eastern Av. Jeff/JJ/RAD confer 04/02/02 Order RWL service for 410-633-1750. See Ilene. Ink. 04/06/02 Queen's Chapel Hyattsville w/Siva. Security-handbag. Sock 04/08/02 LD to PG. BenRosen. LisaMcCray. Metro to Rosslyn-Tom Sarris' 04/09/02 Craig calls. Upat2p. Craig Collins at Eichencranz. Sleep 04/10/02 Ruth, Sandy DISTILLERY. Dr Neufeld. Clarendon Court? SipNBt 04/15/02 Mr. Wells, RuthR at #303. Preserve sec-8. Netscape mail down 04/17/02 Doughnuts at Venice. Dr Karin Neufeld. Lethargy. CaptDLT pogo 04/19/02 G&A cheeseburger. 6-mo renew OkBridge. Hot weather. 04/20/02 Trash Juno. Cancel StarPower & AOL. Order MSN. Mike & Erleen 04/21/02 G&A. AccessForLess, Copper.Net. JoAnn calls. Stay up for DORS 04/22/02 Xrds. patboyle@access4less. DORS intake. CA Ruth. Tel PG apts 04/24/02 800 357-4200 729-4321 853-5700 733-5700 866-222-3232 Pogo? 04/26/02 Venice. Aldi 54.00. WalMart BIC. Tom's Bar, see Deanna 05/02/02 Pat Boyle turns 70. Await Sec 8 reapproval. Quiet 05/09/02 Julianne - Toe nails clipped, washed. Jarrod, chest xray 05/13/02 I'm obese-255lbs. Lethargic, short of breath. Lots of OkB 05/15/02 Tooth Abscessed. All day to see Dr. Huey. Tylenol. Pogo 05/22/02 Oversleep, meet R Ramsey at 300 Cathedral. D.O.R.S. 05/23/02 Tooth extracted. BofA ZERO BALANCE. Call Jeff. OkB. CEJ 06/06/02 Cash finally. Rye toast. With Ilene Grimmett at Mustang 06/12/02 Eichencranz. Pam. Dr. Karin Neufeld. Walt Mickens executed 06/25/02 Cut, shampoo at Rick's. 95 degrees. Ilene KFC. Value Vill 06/26/02 Circuit City - Prince "Purple Rain". Lew Schaffner back. 07/03/02 Crossroads. Very hot. Taurus runs great. Venice, Bayliss 07/04/02 Fourth of July. Upat7. Birthday notes thru 2009. Hot 07/08/02 Starpower debits 162.55. CEJ visit, at mom's. Jeff: pay StF 07/09/02 SenecaNF not in production. Order 10 DTC for $133. JWL 07/11/02 Auto insurance quotes. Go with AARP/Hartford under $600 07/17/02 Current StFarm annual $873. Starpower slow to credit. DTC's 07/19/02 Mirror GEOCITIES and FREEWEBS, 26 files, 18 gifs. Pam Eichen 07/20/02 Beef/Broccoli. Mirror NU3.NET 150M ANGELCITIES TRIPOD. Pepsi 07/22/02 Dead battery in Taurus. Mikes Auto. AARP signup 3045000563 07/23/02 Ellen is 34. (b1968). Cherokee Princess is 44. (b1958) 07/24/02 Timonium. Buy 17"Gateway and 19"Dell monitor, 160.00 both 07/25/02 Mirror Acer. Will not connect to internet. MS USB keyboard 07/26/02 Vernon Cook, Acer inop. Compaq Cel-1.2,512MB,DVD/CDRW-$402 07/27/02 Order Compaq1.2GHz, and Deskpro 600Mhz/20GB/64MB-$100 for CA 07/28/02 Copy audio CD's am. Backup Dell C BACK for RAD. Sip n Bite 07/29/02 Construct playlists. Shuffle icons, files. Eichen - Theresa 08/01/01 CompPresario and DeskPro arrive. Load software on both. RAD 08/02/02 DeskPro to CA. 1040.00 deduction. CEJ here. Chicken, Ilene's 08/03/02 BofA overdrawn? Toolbars on Presario. K Rogers/W Nelson 08/04/02 Sunday. Order Presario5000-700MHz,128,20GB,CDRW,W98 -SVillage 08/04/02 Order HP OfficeJet Multifunc Printer, Order ViewSonic 21-inch 08/04/02 Order Columbia 5-DVD's, 12 Audio CD's. Cambridge speakers-RAD 08/04/02 Giant-declined. OfficeDepot. MacDonalds. Jeff in MVinyard. 08/05/02 Sleep Late. 350.00 absorbed. RAD loan? VenT. Talk w/BillEddy 08/06/02 BofA restored +352. Groc CDR's DVD's Cambridge. Order 1.2, 19" 08/06/02 CA. #1993 TaurusGL-Wgn 4200 Will finance 3200 PaulMilem, Mike 08/07/02 Upat10am. Senecas arrive,CambridgeRAD. Tarzan. Pam picks me up 08/07/02 Julianne Bethea, blood work (fasted). CA install Works, Word 08/08/02 Eichencranz, french onion soup, WalMart, watch battery, wallet 08/11/02 Talk with Robert, Karen Graham. Decline computer. Ponder 93Wgn 08/13/02 BWalsh has Compaq 700 and 1.2 and 2 monitors. Bakery. Eichen. 08/17/02 Selwyn says 1.2 HD bad. Lowball offer. Enrico's. See Ilene 08/20/02 Justin buys ViewSonic21-160.00. 40GB HDD GOOD. SetUp KKG,Tony 08/20/02 Kall-Cents, Access4Less on RAD M/C. G55 InkCart. Success! 08/21/02 Presario 700MHz loaded. Tony walks of w/6ctns Senecas, DVD 08/23/02 Prepaid MasterCard - Rite-Aid 25.00. Cant reinstall MSWORD 08/23/02 Playlist, Cher, Croce. BBoys. IleneKFC. CA. Jeff sends 20.00 08/25/02 BofA rep. ReadersDigest. Webshots. Tiger CPQ 15" Monitor $20 ! 08/26/02 Jarrod calls. Sell Dell17 and VS19 to Paul $275. OD CC Enrico's 08/29/02 Xroads. $100 to MyMC. Pam at Eichen. 4 Mags. Order 17"NEC at SV 09/02/02 LaborDay. CirCity 3 50pks Jensen $54. Taurus overheats Pulaski 09/03/02 SWorkFirst assessment, Lisa. Lv car at Mikes, waterpump. Bus 09/04/02 No car. Hartford bill. Call JWL Napa. Beef Stew. Webshots 09/05/02 Water pump installed 260.00. Meat loaf. Jarrod J. stops by 09/06/02 Tarzan moves into 303 Fagley. JWL check arrives. Stay home 09/10/02 BofA. H&S. Pay Mike 150.00. 19 Senecas. Venice. CEJ, Margaret 09/11/02 Sleep late. G&A. Venice 9-11 anniversary of terrorist attack 09/12/02 Jarrod here early. G&A, sirloin. Pam, Taurus not ready. Eichen 09/13/02 G&A. Senecas arrive. Filet M bad Xroads. Venice, nail biting 09/14/02 FJL is 64 (b1938). Leave message with Matty's. Sell 700Mhz? 09/17/02 Gallucci. Jarrod. Venice Margaret. Sound Card? Setup 1.2K 09/26/02 Rain. Call KHumber. Joan Dickerson died June02. Siva no-show 09/29/02 Siva's friend buys 700Mhz for 235.00. Up all nite. Day sleep 10/07/02 Weekend of OkBridge. CEJ stops early Monday. Venice. Tired 10/08/02 Getting extra sleep. Up at 4pm. CEJ here again. Calvert 10/09/02 Aileen Wournos executed in Starke FL. I-75 Female serial killer 10/13/02 Finally check arrives 325.00. E-mail Jeff. Lots of OkBridge 10/14/02 Columbus Day. Mail card, CD's to KKG. 100.00 to Mike at Kal 10/15/02 Order 9+5 Senecas. 7.40 credit. Renew Roommate and OkBridge 10/15/02 James is 23 (b1979). Receive postdated 100.00 checks from JWL 10/16/02 WorkFirst, Jenny. 410-917-0083. Email JoAdams. Email Domain 10/17/02 Bobroom.html from RMService. AmSingles profile. Fix files 10/17/02 Events.html update on FreeWebs, Tripod, 10/18/02 Extend to 8/16/04. 1.2C upda. AARP-Hart cancel! 10/19/02 KKG is 61 (b1941). Card CD's. Call at6pm. 14 Senecas. 10/19/02 JWL sending 200.00. Hartford re-instate? 1.2C runs great 10/21/02 Surprise 395.00. AARP wants 265.00 may not reinstate 10/27/02 Set clocks back. Noisy. Sleeping a lot. RAD congenial Zorro 10/28/02 Reinstated send 583.00. Order Hitachi 21". zevents update 10/28/02 CEJ stops, needs cigarettes. Call Ilene. 200.00 stamps 11/07 10/29/02 Email JWL. DAK is 58. SV handling? Try starting Taurus 10/30/02 Mike's get taurus started loose battery cable. Eichencranz 10/31/02 Hallowe'en. Mirror K1.2GHz. Jarrod calls. 21"Hitachi recd 11/01/02 Flat tire, wont start, vandalized. Set up Hitachi 21" 11/02/02 Weekend without Taurus. OkBridge all day Saturday. No food 11/05/02 CEJ is 37 (b1965). Call Ilene, no answer. Ehrlich elected 11/06/02 SBL left Joanne's home on Nov 1. Email. Singing. WorkFirst 11/08/02 Pam, get Taurus from Mike. Ilene. Wayne 20.00? BofA 325.00 11/09/02 Order 9+7 ctns Senecas. Staples IBM mouse. VinylJacket WalM 11/11/02 Veterans Day. Eichen. Rain. Restart Access4Free-0. ISP's? 11/13/02 Margaret. Sym's Towson. Eastpoint suits. See KATRINA Venice 11/14/02 Groc shop AM. Aldi's. ValueCity. Senecas delivered. Tired 11/15/02 Upat6. Discharged by DORS. BofA. Goodwill. BillEddy. OkBrid 11/16/02 Catch up on sleep. Rainy outside. Create monexp.html 11/17/02 More rain. KMart spoons, 2 shirts. Email to JWL re clothes 11/18/02 Thrift stores, Eastpoint. Corduroy, pants, shirts. Margaret 11/20/02 Telephone calls to DC, Bethesda. Housing sought. Venice 11/21/02 Travel Plaza Best Western CA dinner. Pam. Nap. Venice 11/21/02 Mirror K1.2 to C1.2. Add Access4Free, lemoine/robert 11/22/02 With Pam Warnick, Eichen, ValVilEssex Navy Suit, shirts 11/22/02 Call Phyllis Rebrovich's nursing home 410-766-3460 11/22/02 Address 34 Xmas cards. Talk with brother Frank. Venice 11/24/02 Establish a toll-free INFO and Verizon VMRetrieve 11/25/02 GifWorks Insert Text and Resize ibm.gif, kall8logo.gif 11/26/02 Nice day. Tuna Casserole. word.html -> bobresume@hotmail 11/26/02 Kall-Cents 1 - 8 8 8 - 2 8 2 - 0 0 0 5. Wheres MH and CEJ? 11/27/02 BobDeskTop. Tony knocks. Kellie? Mirror C1.2 to K1.2 11/28/02 Thanksgiving. OnionSoup. 11/28/02 DENA here, Wow! Venice. Mirror all pages except toll-free 11/28/02 First time seeing DENA since August 5, 2001. Ponder 11/29/02 No mail from KKG yet. Fax Compaq. Buy 2 polyester suits 52 11/30/02 39th w/DKL. Buy CC mouse/trckball. Popeyes. File work 12/01/02 Melissa b'day. Call Napa. KKG calls. File wk, mirror KtoC 12/01/02 Sell 2 Sen RAD 28.00. Siva calls. TunaCaserole. Feel OK 12/02/02 Margaret wakes me up. USWEB UWEB signup.Mirror websites 12/04/02 WildGate 888-306-3666. Kall8 877-694-8290. Files Backup 12/05/02 RWL is 62 (b1940). Snow storm. Stay in. No letter from KKG 12/06/02 33rd anniv w/KKG. Stay in. Brooke 24wide. OffDepot agcy 12/07/02 PHarborDay. Buy portable B/W TV for 5.25. Snow melting 12/08/02 SurgeProt. TallPaul has 95TauWgn. Shop internet for cars 12/08/02 Town car would suit me best. 95PkAv=4000 97Saturn=3000 12/08/02 Maybe T-Paul will take 3200 for wagon. Margaret here PM 12/09/02 AlPacker JackDavis. Test drive #96 Olds 98 Regency Elite 12/09/02 4dr white with power moonroof. Fits me like a glove. LT 12/09/02 Receive 325.00 check from JWL plus 75.00. Gift certificate 12/10/02 Take Olds to Mike. RAD declines. Jeff declines. Upset some 12/12/02 PTBoyle assist? Margaret Aldi's 54.00-15.00 food stamps 12/12/02 *CONSULT WITH JEFF ABOUT BUDGET, MOVE. WITH RAD re: RE-ASSIGN 12/13/02 Doctor Baldwin, clean bill of health. MTB. RAD get Olds? 12/14/02 Saturday. Get tailored suits. Negotiate with Jack Davis 12/14/02 *S H A V E, first time in 3 years. Suits fit well. Xroads 12/16/02 Freddie Faikowski visits. Speakers to Jack. Eichen. Kaetzel 12/17/06 Harangue RAD nerve-racking. Rob Taylor 2822 Kentucky. Browse 12/17/02 Venice Lisa. CA-Rhonda, Pamela. RAD promises 98 by Friday 12/18/02 Visit with Jarrod and Dr. Howard. Increase Zyprexa? Kaetzel 12/19/02 Sara Jones. Malvern and Broening. Pricey. RAD nerve-racking 12/20/02 FES 113. OLDS? Pat tries out #88 Taurus. Delays, RE slow 12/23/02 Sell Compaq "K" system for 385.00 to Jack Davis. PB? 12/24/02 Light snow afternoon. Value City boxers 10.00. Venice,Enricos 12/24/02 Advance RAD deposit on Olds 400.00. IRS tax forms. 12/25/02 Christmas. Onion soup. Quiet day. OkBridge w/DVA. Scan Realty 12/25/02 Many phone calls. Have lots of friends and acquaintences 12/28/02 Sat. Margaret. RAD disturbance 10-3. Promises Olds by Tuesday 12/31/02 Tue. Buy #96 Olds 98 Regency Elite 4Dr. Stay home NYEve 12/31/02 Jack Davis promises full-sized spare tire. 9 % Loan fr RAD -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/03 NewYearsDay. Rainy, damp. Stay in house. 01/02/03 Honai RE\MAX Greenbelt. Condos. Olds wipers inoperative 01/03/03 SSA 1105. RAD stop payment? Harangue, irate. Pam visits 01/07/03 Look at houses. Glenn messes with Presario. Annoyances 01/08/03 Call Jack. Liver Eichen. Aldi's 90.00. Farrow & Pucher 01/10/03 *D I A G N O S E D W I T H D I A B E T E S 01/19/03 Aggravation. Housetrash. Where's Cathy? Firearm 01/24/03 Insulin. CA. Get warrant for RAD at 500N Calvert. Chaos 01/30/03 SBL is 47. (b1956). Call Steve in Harpswell 02/05/03 Continued chaos. Debbie from Venice here. 42.00 missing 02/12/03 Joey, Pam at Eichenkranz. CEJ visits - 12 pack 02/14/03 Val's Day. Eichen., FellsPt, Belmar. Call KKG. Xroads 02/15/03 Saturday. RAD at Lois's. Big snowstorm! OkBridge 02/16/03 Sunday. TWO FEET OF SNOW. Stay in. OkBridge 02/17/03 SNOW CONTINUES! 450 Resumes sent. More OkBridge. RAD away 02/18/03 SNOWBOUND. Tarzan talking to himself, Rad back. Marg & Lisa 02/19/03 Trudged thru SNOW to Eichenkranz, Venice. Drew -floor 02/21/03 Re Kall-8. Order 17 Senecas. CEJ, Marg here. Pogo with DLT 02/22/03 CEJ remains overnight. Snoring. Joey has Taurus. 02/25/03 Enrico's no oyster. Eichen. Venice. CEJ, Joey at Venice 02/26/03 SNOWFALL. RAD buys 447 N Linwood. Sleep, OkB Venice 02/27/03 TPineda is 57. (b1946). LIGHT SNOW. Enrico's w/RAD Pizza 02/28/03 CA RAD-Wendy Shepard. Ilene. Donna The Buffalo:SeminoleWd 03/01/03 More Rhapsody. RAD karioke. Playlist. Runaway. CtyNewOrl 03/02/03 Sunday. Eichen. Venice. Restless. OkBridge late afternoon 03/03/03 3-3-3. Prime rib at Enrico's. FREEWEBZ/USAWEB and USWEB 03/03/03 Redirect to calusoft@hotmail and 03/04/03 Playlist erased. Create TWO large playlists on Rhapsody 03/04/03 Tuesday. Oyster, more prime rib. No JWL check In bed noon 03/09/03 Sunday. KKG calls. Margaret calls. Xroads. Wallet missing! 03/10/03 Wallet not recovered. OREO Shih-Tsu euthanized. Marg here 03/12/03 Wallet found with $90.00 missing. No fd stamps. CEJ here 03/15/03 CEJ awakens me. Mustang with CEJ, and mother Ilene. CBandC 03/16/03 HAVE KNOWN CATHY (CEJ) FOR TWENTY YEARS. Visit CEJ Ilene's 03/16/03 Nice anniversary. Call KKG. Venice. Subs at Fillippo's 03/17/03 StPatDay. Wheres Deanna? More CBandC. MF Tyrone! OkBridge 03/19/03 CEJ stays over. Bubble bath. Grill cheese Eichen. OkB 03/19/03 KATHY HUMBER DIES AT 72 FROM HEART DISEASE. Call Doug 3/29 03/19/03 SAM SMITH DIED IN FEBRUARY. Called MacGregor on 3/29 03/20/03 Craig Respipha steals wallet with 165.00. Warrant. Enrico's 03/21/03 Take CEJ to medical appointment. Glenn admits taking cigs 03/23/03 Jeff is 52. (b1951). E-card to JWL. RAD guests plenty. Eich 03/27/03 AT&T phone wet, inoperative. OffDep new phone. 3 ctns gone 03/28/03 Vernon, Essex MD-DMV dup Dr License, Tau reg. G&A pea soup 03/29/03 HSL deceased for ten years. Mourn FM deaths. Happy Day Diner 04/03/03 Nicolettie is 14. (b1989). JWL calls. RAD slow in reimburse 04/04/03 Ilene is 54. (b1949). G&A. Venice. Enrico's oyster stew. OkB 04/05/03 Xroads 99c. Donuts 50c. No cash from RAD. Email re:Angelfire 04/06/03 Sunday: SPRING AHEAD. 36yrs since DKL left. Apartment search 04/07/03 B of A. Rain and sleet. Double H/C omelette. Wallet 04/08/03 Sleep late. Reschedule Bethea appointmnet.Onion soup. RDcash? 04/09/03 GoDaddy: http://TAXFREEMARKET.COM TollFree > 04/09/03 Eichenkranz, onion. Venice. 120.00. Siva here 4/8. Spartan 04/10/03 TAXFREEMARKET up and running. Call RuthS,DaveT,JWL. OkBridge 04/14/03 Call CJM. Marge here 20.00. East Av house 29. Enrico's Venice 04/15/03 Marg no fdstmp. Yeager doesn't call. Onion soup. OkBridge 04/16/03 Renew RoomMateService. East Av sold. Sleep 'til 5:45p. Noodles 04/17/03 Kall8 resolved. 60.00 on MC. Aldi's 66.00. Venice. CEJ calls 04/20/03 Fred Faikowski at Eichenkranz. Drive 1996 Olds. Joey Boulevard 04/21/03 Sleep all day until 6:30pm. Eichen T-Bone. CEJ? Venice, flirt 04/22/03 Another sleepy day. Monster Resumes. Becky Baldanza in Napa 04/23/03 Up early, bfast at Xroads. Try to reach Gary2727. DLT Pogo 04/23/03 Hope to get money to buy 1996 Olds Regency Elite 98. Hope 04/23/03 One week trial MatchMaker. Send 31 letters. Apt search 04/24/03 Xroads. Onion. CA Visit. Get Meds Gallucci/Shepard. 04/24/03 Receive Match replies. May enroll in Orl/Mia Matchmaker 04/27/03 Sunday. UDATE trial specs. Keep checking RoomMateService 04/27/03 With Fred Faikowski. Eichen. G&A. Warm day, 70's 04/29/03 Russian Lady. Nancy. MD Court vs Respitha. OkBridge 50's 04/30/03 Xroads 99c w/Glen Scott. Nancy? OkBridge maintain 50's 05/01/03 Reconnect Siva. CallCard 9.9c to Russia. Galina? 05/02/03 PTB is 71. (b1932). W/PTB at Boulevard and Venice. Warm 05/05/03 Dead battery. Margaret from Venice. LOVE ACCESS. Galina? 05/08/03 Many breakfasts at Xroads. Rain. Foodstamps? Enricos PrRib 05/09/03 Xroads again. Fried baby shrimp. Spend time with DEANNA 05/11/03 Mother's Day. Xroads. Get new IGEN 255.00. 20 Senecas 05/14/03 Xroads self. Shopping with Ilene Grimmett. Rec 20 Senecas 05/16/03 With Ilene again. No check from JWL. Robert Stack dead 05/20/03 Margaret here 19th, 20th. Xroads w/Glenn. POGO CAPTDLT 05/21/03 No JWL check. No cash. Eichenkranz. Rain.Joey annoying 05/23/03 NO JWL CHECK, CALL NV. Refill Glucotrol. See DEANNA 05/24/01 Broken KEY Taurus 99.00. Memorial Day weekend. Sell 1 ctn 05/26/01 Monday MD. Breakfast Eichen. Tire going flat. Pogo, OkB 05/28/01 JWL check here. Margaret visits. MOVE cigs? Call RDC in NH 05/29/03 BOB HOPE IS ONE HUNDRED. Blood work. Xroads for breakfast 06/01/03 Drew 2ctns? IGEN 110.00 Order 4+2ctns. Re Rhapsody 06/06/03 Early Julianne appt. Nap. Ilene errands. VPdamag case 405.00 06/09/03 No JWL check. Monday. Filet Mignon. Venice. CEJ impaired 06/11/03 CEJ leg broken. JWL check BofA. Dinner with Ilene. 25 ctns 06/13/03 Liebowitz, podiatrist. GPeck,DBrinkley dead. Passport photo 06/15/03 MLS is 82. (b1921). Leave message with Becky. No LovAccess 06/16/03 Supermarket with Ilene. Chops. 8 sen to Ilene. CEJ "moves in" 06/17/03 CEJ in stupor. SenNF missing. CEJ goes to mother's. Venice 06/18/03 Upat12. Old room search. Clean keyboard. Discouraged by CEJ 06/20/03 No JWL check. Pat B at Venice 10.00. Total of FIVE Sen NF gone 06/21/03 Rainy, sleepy Sat. Chk here. Who took cigs? Chow mein, Venice 06/25/03 G&A. Receive new IGEN MCard. USFgold extend 6mo for 4.80 06/25/03 Update billing A4L, Kall8, Listen, QwickCon, StoweTel 06/25/03 Order 4 ctn NF Seneca. Add 35.00 to IGEN. Order ISP 06/27/03 Strom Thurmond dead. Taurus flat tire, dead battery. Xroads 06/28/03 Donut spare. Will's closed. Email JWL. Walk to Enrico's Venice 06/30/03 CEJ here. Tire fixed at Wills. Exhaust leak. Call JWL. Cashlow. 07/01/03 G&A. Loud muffler. 4 years in EBalto. IGEN Enrico's. GeorgiaGirls 07/04/03 Fourth of July. Four years in Highlandtown. Enrico's, Venice 07/07/03 Ilene. BofA.Order 11+16seneca. Taurus to Mike's Pulaski. PTB Ven. 07/08/03 Without car. Walk to G&A, Venice. Buddy Ebsen dead at 95 07/09/03 JWL sends check to Mike. Thunder. Marg here. Olds to restaurants 07/10/03 Shop for auto insurance. Geico? Get Taurus 292.00. 40oz steak 07/11/03 GEICO POLICY NO. 4004246767. Butter pecan. T-bone at Enrico's 07/13/03 Sunday. Eichen cheesteak. At Ilene's see CEJ. PTB at Venice 07/17/03 Invite Ilene for chicken dinner at Eichenkranz. Another flat 07/17/03 BofA. WalMart, buy bath mat, lighters, shampoo. Peanut here 07/23/03 Ellen is 35. (b1968). Cherokee Princess 45 (b1958) still alive? 07/25/03 Bethea long wait. Margaret 38th birthday. Eichen with Ilene 07/25/03 Deanna to ATM wants 40.00. Cathy has tooth pulled. Ilene 130.00 07/27/03 Popeyes 6pc to Ilene. DENA HERE. PTB at Venice. Hot weather 90s 07/27/03 BOB HOPE DEAD AT 100, PNEUMONIA. Obituary in 28th SunPaper 07/28/03 Vernon brings diabetic test kit. HSL 83 7/29. Cash AARP check 07/31/03 Stay up. CA at 10am see Dr Galucci. Ed kit info. Dead battery 08/01/03 Freddie at Enrico's. Sherrie's. BofA350+100Ilene. Order 12+17ctns 08/02/03 Saturday. Upat6pm. Bad cheeseburger at G&A. Fairly hot. Venice Tav 08/06/03 MargH here,ripoff. 29ctns arrive. Ilene Eichen. Venice wheres Dena 08/12/03 JWLmalenurse. 100.00 yuk. Ointment MTB. *CEJ SLASHES WRISTS-HOPKINS 08/13/03 New Roommate Serv extensive search, mail, MD DC VA FtL FtMy. Replies 08/15/03 Upallnite. DENA here. Cash 100.00. Heat, hallucinate. LTav. OKbridge 08/19/03 Tuesday. Glenn back, packs missing. BofA. Venice. Michaels closed 08/22/03 Up all night. OkBridge. BofA. G&A w/Freddie. Marg here. Deanna at Ven 08/23/03 Rest. Ilene's phone disconnected. Eichen. Venice. Surplus Vil 220.00 08/25/03 Sleep most of Sunday, Monday. Ilene 249.00. CEJ released JHBayView 08/27/03 Xroads pancakes. Buy 26" Zenith TV for Ilene. 2 rooms SS for 1000.00! 08/29/03 Xroads eggs. Ilene away:CEJ. Siva here. BofA. Renew OkBridge, LoveAcc 09/02/03 Xroads B and Shrimp. Ilene still away. Renew StoweTelCom. RMService 09/14/03 FJL is 65 (b1938). Events.html wiped out. Reload from HDD 09/28 09/22/03 Drive to Carlos' 731 Taylor St NW 20011. Taurus running poorly 09/28/03 Sunday. Victor ColPk. Xroads ham 1.99. See Freddie F. Need loan 09/30/03 RAD loans 440.00. Buy Casio Calculator. CirCity, OffDepot, Walgreens 10/01/03 Post office PASSPORT renew. 202 FAGLEY ST - Lou Cavellero 10/02/03 Fred inspects 202. JWL approves. Enrico's. Search lenders. 10/03/03 W/Ilene Beans and Bread. AlSlitzer sells 202 at 10am. DISAPPOINTMENT 10/04/03 RAD is 57 (b1946). 31 cartons arrive. Hang out at bars to sell Senecas 10/06/03 Drive to BOWIE Staples. Buy 2 Canon i450 printers. CEJ gets 7 ctns 10/07/03 Xroads. Cable, mouse shipped. Venice, wallet stolen. Santoni's w/RAD 10/12/03 Sunday. Xroads Fred Glenn. Give RAD $20.00. Siva i450 $50. AutoTrader 10/13/03 Ham/eggs. AERO #1996 Crown Vic 6k. Paradise #1994 Sable 3k. With Ilene 10/13/03 #1994 SABLE very clean, full power, has only 51200 miles on odometer 10/15/03 James is 24 (b1979). Double Ham Xroads. CA Meds. Ilene's cabbage. Car? 10/17/03 Xroads. With Freddie. Ilene JP's sell Senecas. Ryan-car-loan 10/17/03 *AUNT MIMI, MILDRED LOUISE SCOTT DIES AT 82 (b 6/15/21) 10/19/03 KKG is 62 (b1941). Sunday. Call KKG, try Steve. W/Freddie 10/23/03 240.00 120.00 to RAD. Passport arrives. 14 ctns Senecas in trunk. CHUCK 10/24/03 Max1995(HIT) monitor installed. Great clarity. Sales slow. Fred 10/26/03 Turn clocks back. EST. W/Fred Eichen. Sam. SIX ctns Senecas stolen Venice 10/27/03 No Venice sales. JWL cashier's. Pay RAD 458.00. W/Ilene JP's. Margaret 10/31/03 Halloween. RAD 440.00 Order 31 ctns. Flat fixed. Tarzan gets 4 ctns NF 11/04/03 Upat9. Ilene to bank, xroads. JAllen loan pending. Ilene 165.00 11/05/03 CEJ is 38 (b1965). Receive 31 order 19. Ilene, Fred. Rain. No Loan 11/06/03 Jim at appliance store GE 240.00. CEJ 75.00. Fred G&A pea soup 11/10/03 Xroads ham. Wait for cig, rec 19 sell 8. With Ilene at Enrico's Bar 11/12/03 Xroads ham. With Ilene all afternoon. 31 Sen arrive. Oyster stew at Ilene's 11/13/03 Pick up Ilene at MasonLord. 28 ct MOVE NF 5.99 11/13/03 AndrejsLazdins 3/2 MasterBrmApt in S Orlando. Call KKG. Move Dec8th?? 11/13/03 EMail to JWL, REREG Taurus FrontEnd, Tune, PowSteering $ 463.00 11/15/03 FRANK BARS ME FROM VENICE. Sell 6 ct. Freddie Eichen Dollar General 11/18/03 Alex is 10. (b1993). Ilene to Church, Mothers. Kim/Mary. Damario at Michaels 11/19/03 BARRED FROM XROADS. Fred Eichen. Rain. Move Non-Filters harsh, Fred opts out 11/22/03 Omlette at Ei. With Freddie at Lear's II. FORTIETH anniv JFK assassination 11/26/03 Margaret here at 1am. Alignment, rear strut bolt replace?. Oil chg/airfilter 11/26/03 66.35 to C So. Email to Jeff. Angel 15.00, Fred Matthew's Pizza. 11/27/03 Thanksgiving. KMD is 44 (b1959) Call KKG. ECards to JWL JA JW DLT SydB. Diner 11/30/03 40th anniv DAK. (m1963) CEJ here 29th. G&A, Bayview w/Ilene,Tub. 12/01/03 Melissa is 54. (b1949). Call Melissa. Red Omelette. Ilene haircut. No cig yet 12/02/03 EileenK is 21. (b1982). Call Janice. With Freddie and Ilene. Chuck here 12/04/03 Order 15 FF100. 17 FF sold. Michael's Steak/Lobster, 40oz TBone - Birthday 12/05/03 RWL is 63 (b1940). Chiara is 15 (b1988). Eich. Santoni's. Snow,slush FluShot 12/06/03 63 is great. Snow all day. 34th anniv KKG. No JWL check yet. Ice Cream 12/07/03 Carpet cleaning 7am. 62 anniv Pearl Harbor. Lots of OKBridge, ratings up 12/10/03 Appliance store. Michaels coffee. See Ed Damario. Marg here foodstamps 12/11/02 Creative Alternatives, see Vernon Copeland. Marg/DENA here. Fred Eichen 12/16/03 Saddam arrested. Ilene pays 500.00. Order 37 Seneca. Call many on InterCard 12/20/03 FES 114. Ilene pays 200.00 lottery. Appliance, Sport2000. Regan's Lears II 12/24/03 Mars Folgers, ham. JP's party. Fred no NFCig. 8ctn Cathy. Order 18ctn. Enricos 12/25/03 Christmas. Helping Up Mission with Freddie. Call KKG and many others. Clear 12/26/03 RAD angry. Tarzan 5.00. Taurus wont start. Probably solenoid. Marg here 12/27/03 MEL 92, Upat7am. Freddy calls. Eichen by taxi. Siva visits. Stay home 12/28/03 Sunday. WhiteKnight. Diner. RiteAid pills 66.00.Ilene/Fred.OkB 48+ MP 46+ IMP 12/29/03 Replace solenoid Taurus 69.00. Broadway Mkt Ilene/Fred. JP's. Marg 2.50 12/30/03 Upat 4am. Jimmys, Tugboats, CA w/Freddy. Glenn Agree. Take Ilene to mother 12/30/03 Ilene to Santoni's. DollarGen 45.00 + 20.00 misc. Enrico's crabcake. CVS 12/31/03 Highlandtown. JP's w/Ilene, Cathy. Enrico's w/RAD Chuck. Evelyn 3 ctn FF -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/04 NewYearsDay. Upat7am. Eichen w/Fred. Michaels prime rib, onion soup 01/02/04 Renew Calusoft.Com. W/Fred CA LearsII,SubShop. BigK.Install Canon i450 01/03/04 SSA 1290?? UpAt4am. Walmart wallet, Tylenol. Breakfast at MacDonalds 01/03/04 Take Fred to Eastpoint Mall. Drive to Lutherville Friendly's IceCream 01/04/04 Sunday. With Fred again. Cancelled (Puritan's Pride). Get Ilene at JHH 01/05/04 UpAt5am. Tug/SipNBite. CA w/Fred. 470.00 Order 37 Sen. 1000x50mg Benadryl 01/06/04 Tug/Sip. CA w/Fred. See Nurse Bethea BP 160/82. Marg, Joey here 01/07/04 DENA here. Miss Fred. RAD orders 45 ctns MARLBORO, etc. 30.00 toward Mem. 01/09/04 Tug/Sip. CA w/Fred, Abuterol, BP med. No cash from Ilene. Soprano's Dena 01/10/04 Tug/Sip. Lears II fish sandwich shrimp. RAD MF. Very cold last 2 days 01/13/04 Eastern House w/Fred. Chuck owes $284. DENA visits. Eich TBone. Lears II 01/15/04 W/Fred LearsII breakfast. Ilene to RiteAid. Viva. Chuck gone. Joey's Mom 01/16/04 Lears Chicken soup. Friday. Meet Evelyn at Regans 83.00. OkBridge inhaler 01/20/04 Chest Xray - Lung cancer scare. Negative. Julianne. Fred, Vernon at CA 01/23/04 W/Fred all day. FellsPt 17clams. Blarneystone Pub. Michaels onion soup 01/24/04 Angel gets 2. Dave Clark gets 2. Evelyn gets 6 at Regans. Beef burrito 01/25/04 Sunday. BITTER COLD. Eich., ham and mashed. Nap. Ilene chicken chowder 01/30/04 SBL is 48. (b1956). Forgot to call Steve but left a message later 02/02/04 Jeff sends check, promptly lose it. RAD hyper. Carton sales booming 02/03/04 Pulmonary function Bayview Allegy Ctr 10:30. Ilene's Ma. All 26. 02/04/04 JWL sending repl check. With Freddie Faikowski. Taking Benedryl daily 02/06/04 Podiatry appointment 3:45p JH Bayview Hospital. Pedicure. Eichenkranz 02/10/04 JWL checks delayed. Taurus down 3 days. G&A. Phone problems. BarneyDog 02/14/04 Val's Day Sat. Taurus up temp? Sip&Bite. Ilene grocery BofA. All 15ctn 02/17/04 Eichen RyeToast. Oyster stew lunch. Privacy issue. Roast beef sub Enrico 02/19/04 Sip, Lears, FPS clams. Deli 2 free sandwiches. No privacy. 40ozPrimeRib 02/25/04 JWL 4chks 710.00. 37+12ctns ordered. Int PhoneCard W/Fred. Aytinal 14.99 02/25/04 Call KKG in Winter Springs. *NEW DOG COOKIE 2 8 WEEKS SHIH TSU. Great 02/27/04 TPineda is 58. (b1946). Joey Ashby/Tarzan thefts, disgusting. Chaos 03/02/04 Cathy's grandmother, Frances, dead at 79. Viewing/ W/Fred. Clams 03/07/04 Joey intercepted UPS on Mar 1, stole $385.00 Senecas. Ilene's Ma dead 03/10/04 No RAD reimburse. JWL checks. 24sen. File report w/UPS. Enr-SwissBurger 03/12/04 RAD and Fred both in Ocean City. HamNEggs. Oyster. Rent in escrow. Court? 03/17/04 StPatDay. W/Fred Genies Enrico CB&C 3.17. CEJ Dad Willard Grimmett dead 03/19/04 Fred broke. Return i450 to Staples. Buy HP 3520 at CirCty. 701 Eaton St 03/21/04 Sunday. No JWL check. Fred borrows 26.00. 110 N Janney St - Marty Welsh 03/23/04 Jeff is 53. (b1951)/ Send E-Card to JWL. 37 Senecas replaced by UPS 03/29/04 11th anniversary of HSL death. Call Frank and Steve. SipNBite every day 04/01/04 Tyrone? steals 19 of 37 Sen plus 40.00. Where's Gillian? Meet Ed,O'Connors 04/04/04 Ilene is 55. (b1949). Great weather. *SET CLOCKS ONE HOUR AHEAD 04/05/04 Angel moved, owes 42.00. Ilene pays 100.00. Order 15 then 22 sen 04/06/04 *WIN-XP DOWN FOR 4 DAYS, GET 3 QUICK-RESTORE CD'S FROM COMPAQ. UP BY 4-7. 04/10/04 Glenn and Drew here UGH! Reg Cert stolen. With Fred and Ilene. Order 15sen 04/11/04 Easter Sunday. W/Fred SipNBite and LearsII. Windows XP erratic. Cold 04/12/04 Call HP/Compaq technical support(India!) receive fix for Win32 problem 04/12/04 Order 9 Moves. Multiple calls to HP/Compaq. Problem w/WinXP persists 04/13/04 XP up fairly solid. Return HP3520. Buy LEXMARK Z615 Series Color Inkjet 04/13/04 Subscribed to Access4Less EXPRESS accelerator. Hope it works FAST 04/14/04 Lexmark z615 printer STOLEN, then RECOVERED. Mercy, where's RAD 3hrs 04/15/04 A4L Express Accel down temporarily. MTB, beard removed at Ricks. Gillian 04/15/04 * C E J CALLS, SAYS SHE WANTS TO DIVORCE JIM J. AND MARRY ME !!! 04/16/04 CEJ Visits, stays overnight. Fred knocks on door at 8:15am. CA, SipNBite 04/18/04 RAD in Ocean City. Wynegar sales. With CEJ at Ilene's. Order UNIFY's 20 04/19/04 Barney barking. Monday. 97-98 Taurus on Internet in PA. Renew Bobresume 04/20/04 SipNBite at 12:30p. RAD to Mercy. Install V92 for PCTEL Platinum Modem 04/22/04 Unify's arrive. Ty moving? SipNBite. With CEJ, take Ilene to RiteAid 04/23/04 Unify's to Dan 4. With Fred SipNBite, CA. Vernon. MVA Fred fails test 04/23/04 Tyrone aggresive, didn't pay me ONE CENT. Joey Ashby here (UGH!) 04/24/04 Saturday. SipNBite chop steak, broccoli. WalMart Bic lighters (48) 04/25/04 Freddie knocks on door at 6:30am. SipNBite. Ilene errands, with CEJ 04/25/04 RAD in Ocean City. Three cartons stolen, presumably by Tyrone Hugee 04/26/04 30th JWL check to RAD. SipNBite. Julianne Bethea,30m Actos, insulin? 05/02/04 PTB is 72. (b1932) 05/24/04 Monday Pulmonary Dr Aberegg 1:00pm. 07/04/04 Fourth of July 07/23/04 Ellen is 36. (b1968) 09/14/04 FJL is 66 (b1938) 10/04/04 RAD is 58 (b1945) 10/15/04 James is 25 (b1979) 10/19/04 KKG is 63 (b1941) 11/05/04 CEJ is 39 (b1965) 11/18/04 Alex is 11. (b1993) 11/2x/04 Thanksgiving. 11/27/04 KMD is 45. (b1959) 11/30-04 41st anniv DAK. (1963) 12/01/04 Melissa is 55. (b1949) 12/02/04 EileenK is 22. (b1982) 12/05/04 RWL is 64 (b1940). Chiara is 16 (b1988) 12/25/04 Christmas. 12/31/04 -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/05 NewYearsDay. 01/03/05 SSA 01/30/05 SBL is 49. (b1956) 02/14/05 Val's Day. 02/27/05 TPineda is 59. (b1946) 03/17/05 StPatDay 03/23/05 Jeff is 54. (b1951) 04/03/05 Nicolettie is 16. (b1989) 04/04/05 Ilene is 56. (b1949). 05/02/05 PTB is 73. (b1932) 06/15/05 MLS is 84. (b1921) 07/04/05 Fourth of July 07/23/05 Ellen is 37. (b1968) 09/14/05 FJL is 67 (b1938) 10/04/05 RAD is 50 (b1945) 10/15/05 James is 26 (b1979) 10/19/05 KKG is 64 (b1941) 11/05/05 CEJ is 40 (b1965) 11/18/05 Alex is 12. (b1993) 11/2x/05 Thanksgiving. 11/27/05 KMD is 46. (b1959) 11/30-05 42nd anniv DAK. (1963) 12/01/05 Melissa is 56. (b1949) 12/02/05 EileenK is 23. (b1982) 12/05/05 RWL is 65 (b1940). Chiara is 17 (b1988) 12/25/05 Christmas. 12/31/05 -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/06 NewYearsDay. 01/03/06 SSA 01/30/06 SBL is 50. (b1956) 02/14/06 Val's Day. 02/27/06 TPineda is 60. (b1946) 03/17/06 StPatDay 03/23/06 Jeff is 55. (b1951) 04/03/06 Nicolettie is 17. (b1989) 04/04/06 Ilene is 57. (b1949). 05/02/06 PTB is 74. (b1932) 07/04/06 Fourth of July 07/23/06 Ellen is 38. (b1968) 09/14/06 FJL is 68 (b1938) 10/04/06 RAD is 51 (b1945) 10/15/06 James is 27 (b1979) 10/19/06 KKG is 65 (b1941) 11/05/06 CEJ is 41 (b1965) 11/18/06 Alex is 13. (b1993) 11/2x/06 Thanksgiving. 11/27/06 KMD is 47. (b1959) 11/30-06 43rd anniv DAK. (1963) 12/01/06 Melissa is 57. (b1949) 12/02/06 EileenK is 24. (b1982) 12/04/06 *MD DRIVERS LIC EXPIRES 12/05/06 RWL is 65 (b1940). Chiara is 18 (b1988) 12/25/06 Christmas. 12/31/06 -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/07 NewYearsDay. 01/03/07 SSA 01/30/07 SBL is 51. (b1956) 02/14/07 Val's Day. 02/27/07 TPineda is 61. (b1946) 03/17/07 StPatDay 03/23/07 Jeff is 56. (b1951) 04/03/07 Nicolettie is 18. (b1989) 04/04/07 Ilene is 58. (b1949). 05/02/07 PTB is 75. (b1932) 07/04/07 Fourth of July 07/23/07 Ellen is 39. (b1968) 09/14/07 FJL is 69 (b1938) 10/15/07 James is 28 (b1979) 10/19/07 KKG is 66 (b1941) 11/05/07 CEJ is 42 (b1965) 11/18/07 Alex is 14. (b1993) 11/2x/07 Thanksgiving. 11/27/07 KMD is 48. (b1959) 11/30-07 44th anniv DAK. (1963) 12/01/07 Melissa is 58. (b1949) 12/02/07 EileenK is 25. (b1982) 12/05/07 RWL is 67 (b1940). Chiara is 19 (b1988) 12/25/07 Christmas. 12/31/07 -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/08 NewYearsDay. 01/03/08 SSA 01/30/08 SBL is 52. (b1956) 02/14/08 Val's Day. 02/27/08 TPineda is 62. (b1946) 03/17/08 StPatDay 03/23/08 Jeff is 57. (b1951) 04/03/08 Nicolettie is 19. (b1989) 04/04/08 Ilene is 59. (b1949). 05/02/08 PTB is 76. (b1932) 07/04/08 Fourth of July 07/23/08 Ellen is 40. (b1968) 09/14/08 FJL is 70 (b1938) 10/15/08 James is 29 (b1979) 10/19/08 KKG is 67 (b1941) 11/05/08 CEJ is 43 (b1965) 11/18/08 Alex is 15. (b1993) 11/2x/08 Thanksgiving. 11/27/08 KMD is 49. (b1959) 11/30-08 45th anniv DAK. (1963) 12/01/08 Melissa is 59. (b1949) 12/02/08 EileenK is 26. (b1982) 12/05/08 RWL is 68 (b1940). Chiara is 20 (b1988) 12/25/08 Christmas. 12/31/08 -------------------------------------------------- 01/01/09 NewYearsDay. 01/03/09 SSA 01/30/09 SBL is 53. (b1956) 02/14/09 Val's Day. 02/27/09 TPineda is 63. (b1946) 03/17/09 StPatDay 03/23/09 Jeff is 58. (b1951) 04/03/09 Nicolettie is 20. (b1989) 04/04/09 Ilene is 60. (b1949). 05/02/09 PTB is 77. (b1932) 07/04/09 Fourth of July 07/23/09 Ellen is 41. (b1968) 09/14/09 FJL is 71 (b1938) 10/15/09 James is 30 (b1979) 10/19/09 KKG is 68 (b1941) 11/05/09 CEJ is 44 (b1965) 11/18/09 Alex is 16. (b1993) 11/2x/09 Thanksgiving. 11/27/09 KMD is 50. (b1959) 11/30-09 46th anniv DAK. (1963) 12/01/09 Melissa is 60. (b1949) 12/02/09 EileenK is 27. (b1982) 12/05/09 RWL is 69 (b1940). Chiara is 21 (b1988) 12/25/09 Christmas. 12/31/09 ----------------------------------------------------------- 01/01/10 NewYearsDay. 01/03/10 SSA 01/30/10 SBL is 54. (b1956) 02/14/10 Val's Day. 02/27/10 TPineda is 64. (b1946) 03/17/10 StPatDay 03/23/10 Jeff is 59. (b1951) 04/03/10 Nicolettie is 21. (b1989) 04/04/10 Ilene is 61. (b1949). 05/02/10 PTB is 78. (b1932) 07/04/10 Fourth of July 07/23/10 Ellen is 42. (b1968) 09/14/10 FJL is 72 (b1938) 10/15/10 James is 31 (b1979) 10/19/10 KKG is 69 (b1941) 11/05/10 CEJ is 45 (b1965) 11/18/10 Alex is 17. (b1993) 11/2x/10 Thanksgiving. 11/27/10 KMD is 51. (b1959) 11/30-10 47th anniv DAK. (1963) 12/01/10 Melissa is 61. (b1949) 12/02/10 EileenK is 28. (b1982) 12/05/10 RWL is 70 (b1940). Chiara is 22 (b1988) 12/25/10 Christmas. 12/31/10 ----------------------------------------------------------- 01/01/11 NewYearsDay. 01/03/11 SSA 01/30/11 SBL is 55. (b1956) 02/14/11 Val's Day. 02/27/11 TPineda is 65. (b1946) 03/17/11 StPatDay 03/23/11 Jeff is 60. (b1951) 04/03/11 Nicolettie is 22. (b1989) 04/04/11 Ilene is 62. (b1949). 05/02/11 PTB is 79. (b1932) 07/04/11 Fourth of July 07/23/11 Ellen is 43. (b1968) 09/14/11 FJL is 73 (b1938) 10/15/11 James is 32 (b1979) 10/19/11 KKG is 70 (b1941) 11/05/11 CEJ is 46 (b1965) 11/18/11 Alex is 18. (b1993) 11/2x/11 Thanksgiving. 11/27/11 KMD is 52. (b1959) 11/30-11 48th anniv DAK. (1963) 12/01/11 Melissa is 62. (b1949) 12/02/11 EileenK is 29. (b1982) 12/05/11 RWL is 71 (b1940). Chiara is 23 (b1988) 12/25/11 Christmas. 12/31/11 ----------------------------------------------------------- 01/01/12 NewYearsDay. 01/03/12 SSA 01/30/12 SBL is 56. (b1956) 02/14/12 Val's Day. 02/27/12 TPineda is 66. (b1946) 03/17/12 StPatDay 03/23/12 Jeff is 61. (b1951) 04/03/12 Nicolettie is 23. (b1989) 04/04/12 Ilene is 63. (b1949). 05/02/12 PTB is 80. (b1932) 07/04/12 Fourth of July 07/23/12 Ellen is 44. (b1968) 09/14/12 FJL is 73 (b1938) 10/15/12 James is 33 (b1979) 10/19/12 KKG is 71 (b1941) 11/05/12 CEJ is 47 (b1965) 11/18/12 Alex is 19. (b1993) 11/2x/12 Thanksgiving. 11/27/12 KMD is 53. (b1959) 11/30-12 49th anniv DAK. (1963) 12/01/12 Melissa is 63. (b1949) 12/02/12 EileenK is 30. (b1982) 12/05/12 RWL is 72 (b1940). Chiara is 24 (b1988) 12/25/12 Christmas. 12/31/12 ----------------------------------------------------------- 01/01/13 NewYearsDay. 01/03/13 SSA 01/30/13 SBL is 57. (b1956) 02/14/13 Val's Day. 02/27/13 TPineda is 67. (b1946) 03/17/13 StPatDay 03/23/13 Jeff is 62. (b1951) 03/29/13 HSL deceased for 20 years. 04/03/13 Nicolettie is 24. (b1989) 04/04/13 Ilene is 64. (b1949). 05/02/13 PTB is 81. (b1932) 07/04/13 Fourth of July 07/23/13 Ellen is 45. (b1968) 09/14/13 FJL is 74 (b1938) 10/15/13 James is 34 (b1979) 10/19/13 KKG is 72 (b1941) 11/05/13 CEJ is 48 (b1965) 11/18/13 Alex is 20. (b1993) 11/2x/13 Thanksgiving. 11/27/13 KMD is 54. (b1959) 11/30-13 50th anniv DAK. (1963) 12/01/13 Melissa is 64. (b1949) 12/02/13 EileenK is 31. (b1982) 12/05/13 RWL is 73 (b1940). Chiara is 25 (b1988) 12/25/13 Christmas. 12/31/13 ----------------------------------------------------------- 01/01/14 NewYearsDay. 01/03/14 SSA 01/30/14 SBL is 58. (b1956) 02/14/14 Val's Day. 02/27/14 TPineda is 68. (b1946) 03/17/14 StPatDay 03/23/14 Jeff is 63. (b1951) 04/03/14 Nicolettie is 25. (b1989) 04/04/14 Ilene is 65. (b1949). 05/02/14 PTB is 82. (b1932) 07/04/14 Fourth of July 07/23/14 Ellen is 46. (b1968) 09/14/14 FJL is 75 (b1938) 10/15/14 James is 35 (b1979) 10/19/14 KKG is 73 (b1941) 11/05/14 CEJ is 49 (b1965) 11/18/14 Alex is 21. (b1993) 11/2x/14 Thanksgiving. 11/27/14 KMD is 55 (b1959) 12/01/14 Melissa is 65. (b1949) 12/05/14 RWL is 74 (b1940). Chiara is 26 (b1988) 12/25/14 Christmas. 12/31/14 ----------------------------------------------------------- 01/01/15 NewYearsDay. 01/03/15 SSA 01/30/15 SBL is 59. (b1956) 02/14/15 Val's Day. 02/27/15 TPineda is 69. (b1946) 03/17/15 StPatDay 03/23/15 Jeff is 64. (b1951) 04/03/15 Nicolettie is 26. (b1989) 04/04/15 Ilene is 66. (b1949). 07/04/15 Fourth of July 07/23/15 Ellen is 47. (b1968) 09/14/15 FJL is 76 (b1938) 10/15/15 James is 36 (b1979) 10/19/15 KKG is 74 (b1941) 11/05/15 CEJ is 50 (b1965) 11/18/15 Alex is 22. (b1993) 11/2x/15 Thanksgiving. 11/27/15 KMD is 55 (b1959) 12/01/15 Melissa is 66. (b1949) 12/05/15 RWL is 75 (b1940). Chiara is 27 (b1988) 12/25/15 Christmas. 12/31/15 ----------------------------------------------------------- 01/01/16 NewYearsDay. 01/03/16 SSA 01/30/16 SBL is 60. (b1956) 02/14/16 Val's Day. 02/27/16 TPineda is 70. (b1946) 03/17/16 StPatDay 03/23/16 Jeff is 65. (b1951) 04/03/16 Nicolettie is 27. (b1989) 04/04/16 Ilene is 67. (b1949). 07/04/16 Fourth of July 07/23/16 Ellen is 48. (b1968) 09/14/16 FJL is 77 (b1938) 10/15/16 James is 37 (b1979) 10/19/16 KKG is 75 (b1941) 11/05/16 CEJ is 51 (b1965) 11/18/16 Alex is 23. (b1993) 11/2x/16 Thanksgiving. 11/27/16 KMD is 56 (b1959) 12/01/16 Melissa is 67. (b1949) 12/05/16 RWL is 76 (b1940). Chiara is 28 (b1988) 12/25/16 Christmas. 12/31/16 ----------------------------------------------------------- 01/01/17 NewYearsDay. 01/03/17 SSA 01/30/17 SBL is 61. (b1956) 02/14/17 Val's Day. 02/27/17 TPineda is 71. (b1946) 03/17/17 StPatDay 03/23/17 Jeff is 66. (b1951) 04/03/17 Nicolettie is 28. (b1989) 04/04/17 Ilene is 68. (b1949). 07/04/17 Fourth of July 07/23/17 Ellen is 49. (b1968) 09/14/17 FJL is 78 (b1938) 10/15/17 James is 38 (b1979) 10/19/17 KKG is 76 (b1941) 11/05/17 CEJ is 52 (b1965) 11/18/17 Alex is 24. (b1993) 11/2x/17 Thanksgiving. 11/27/17 KMD is 58 (b1959) 12/01/17 Melissa is 68. (b1949) 12/05/17 RWL is 77 (b1940). Chiara is 29 (b1988) 12/25/17 Christmas. 12/31/17 ----------------------------------------------------------- 01/01/18 NewYearsDay. 01/03/18 SSA 01/30/18 SBL is 62. (b1956) 02/14/18 Val's Day. 02/27/18 TPineda is 72. (b1946) 03/17/18 StPatDay 03/23/18 Jeff is 67. (b1951) 04/03/18 Nicolettie is 29. (b1989) 04/04/18 Ilene is 69. (b1949). 07/04/18 Fourth of July 07/23/18 Ellen is 50. (b1968) 09/14/18 FJL is 80 (b1938) 10/15/18 James is 39 (b1979) 10/19/18 KKG is 77 (b1941) 11/05/18 CEJ is 53 (b1965) 11/18/18 Alex is 25. (b1993) 11/2x/18 Thanksgiving. 11/27/18 KMD is 59 (b1959) 12/01/18 Melissa is 69. (b1949) 12/05/18 RWL is 78 (b1940). Chiara is 30 (b1988) 12/25/18 Christmas. 12/31/18 ----------------------------------------------------------- 01/01/19 NewYearsDay. 01/03/19 SSA 01/30/19 SBL is 63. (b1956) 02/14/19 Val's Day. 02/27/19 TPineda is 73. (b1946) 03/17/19 StPatDay 03/23/19 Jeff is 68. (b1951) 04/03/19 Nicolettie is 29. (b1989) 04/04/19 Ilene is 70. (b1949). 07/04/19 Fourth of July 07/23/19 Ellen is 51. (b1968) 09/14/19 FJL is 81 (b1938) 10/15/19 James is 40 (b1979) 10/19/19 KKG is 78 (b1941) 11/05/19 CEJ is 54 (b1965) 11/18/19 Alex is 26. (b1993) 11/2x/19 Thanksgiving. 11/27/19 KMD is 60 (b1959) 12/01/19 Melissa is 70. (b1949) 12/05/19 RWL is 79 (b1940). Chiara is 31 (b1988) 12/25/19 Christmas. 12/31/19 ----------------------------------------------------------- 01/01/20 NewYearsDay. 01/03/20 SSA 01/30/20 SBL is 64. (b1956) 02/14/20 Val's Day. 02/27/20 TPineda is 74. (b1946) 03/17/20 StPatDay 03/23/20 Jeff is 69. (b1951) 04/03/20 Nicolettie is 31. (b1989) 04/04/20 Ilene is 71. (b1949). 07/04/20 Fourth of July 07/23/20 Ellen is 52. (b1968) 07/29/20 HSL would have been 100 years old 09/14/20 FJL is 82 (b1938) 10/15/20 James is 41 (b1979) 10/19/20 KKG is 79 (b1941) 11/05/20 CEJ is 55 (b1965) 11/18/20 Alex is 27. (b1993) 11/2x/20 Thanksgiving. 11/27/20 KMD is 61 (b1959) 12/01/20 Melissa is 71. (b1949) 12/05/20 RWL is 80 (b1940). Chiara is 32 (b1988) 12/25/20 Christmas. 12/31/20 ----------------------------------------------------------- - FileContains : 2360 lines - FileContains : 1400 Diary Entries 1997 - End of File : EVENTS.bas

Events page was updated by Bob LeMoine. Birthdays thru 2020

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