Brykitys Persians Contract...
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Brykitys Persians & Himalayans

This Contract covers the sale of the kitten/cat described below:

Sex: _______
Date of Birth:__________
Color: ____________________

The above described Persian kitten/cat (hereinafter called cat) is being sold to___________________________________ as a PET/BREEDER/SHOW quality cat, upon the terms and conditions described below. Brykitys makes no warranties or representations other than those expressly set forth in this agreement.

1. Brykitys agrees to sell you the above described persian cat for the sum of $__________. A supplemental Payment Option Form is attached to this contract. Buyer agrees to provide carrier and shipping charges if required.

2. Brykitys will provide the Buyer with full and accurate pedigree information and all papers and documents necessary to register the cat with CFA.

3. Brykitys strives to provide a healthy cat free of disease and parasites. At the time of purchase, this cat is believed by the Seller to be in sound body and good health, and free from communicable disease as far as possible to ascertain. The Buyer will be furnished with any necessary test results and immunization records at the time of transfer. The Buyer agrees that 3 working days will be allowed, for the Buyer to take the cat to the vet of their choice. If the Vet certifies that the cat has an undisclosed or untreatable health problem the cat may be returned and the full purchase price of the cat may be refunded, the cat may be replaced, or any medication prescribed for the cat may be paid for by the Seller. The Seller will not pay for any office visit charges, tests, x-rays, surgery, dips, or baths.

4. Brykitys requires all PET persians to be altered prior to your receiving the registration papers. Buyer has agreed to neuter/spay this cat prior to it turning 9 months of age. If purchased as an adult PET cat, within 30 days of receiving said cat. Buyer guarantees that this cat will not be used for stud or breeding. Seller agrees to provide registration papers upon receipt of a Veterinarian’s Certificate of Spay/Neuter.

5. Brykitys guarantees all BREEDER persians as follows and requires the Buyer to comply with the following conditions: The above described cat is being sold as a Breedable cat. If the above described cat is medically unable to conceive or sire a litter by the time it is three (3) years old, it will be replaced by the Seller with a cat/kitten of like value, after receipt of a medical report. This will be done at the Seller’s earliest opportunity. The Buyer agrees to notify the Seller prior to transferring this cat to another Breeder.

6. Brykitys guarantees all SHOW persians as follows and requires the Buyer to comply with the following conditions: The above described cat is being sold as a Grandable cat. Therefore the Seller guarantees that the cat has no disqualifying faults under Show Persian Guarantee....(continued from page 1) the existing standard of CFA. Seller guarantees that the cat will at least Champion and has the potential to Grand if shown in proper weight and condition. If the above cat develops a disqualifying fault before obtaining its Grand Championship, or if sold as a kitten and it does not develop into its expected potential by the age of eighteen (18) months, the Buyer, with the concurrence of the Seller, will have the above cat altered and placed in a loving pet home, may opt to keep the cat as a family companion, or may use the cat for breeding purposes. After submitting proof of the fault, the cat will be replaced by the Seller with the first possible cat available of the same value, unless the cat is used for breeding, then by mutual agreement a decision will be made as to what would be fair to both parties. If the Buyer has used the cat for breeding without the knowledge of the Seller, all replacement agreements are void. Buyer agrees to exhibit the above cat in at least six (6) shows, in good weight and proper show condition. The Buyer agrees to make every effort to Grand the cat and to supply the Seller with a professional photograph suitable for publication. Upon Granding the cat the Buyer agrees to send a picture of the cat to the Grand Parade for publication in the CFA yearbook of that show year. Buyer agrees to notify the Seller when the cat grands.

7. Buyer agrees to assume full responsibility for the cat. From the time of delivery of the cat to the Buyer, all medical expenses incurred or other expenses, if any, directly or indirectly related to the cat will be the sole responsibility of the Buyer.

8. Willful negligence or gross mistreatment of the cat, as determined by the Seller will result in the repossession of the cat by the Seller, with no recourse and with no refund of any or all of the purchase price, and could lead to stronger action.

9. SPECIAL TERMS: If for any reason this cat is no longer wanted by the Buyer, the Seller has first right of refusal in buying it back at the original purchase price.

This agreement is made for the mutual protection and satisfation of both Buyer and Seller, and especially for the protection and well-being of the Cat.

Buyer_________________________________ Dated ____________________

Seller_________________________________ Dated _____________________

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