The Boys Underwear Web Circle
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The Boys Underwear Web Circle

Welcome to the Boys Underwear Web Circle!! The purpose of this simple site is to ask anybody who has pictures of boys modelling underwear to email those pictures to us. Every month a selection of your pictures will be made available to all who apply in order to encourage picture swaps! It's as simple as that! ABSOLUTLELY NO PORNOGRAPHIC IMAGES PLEASE - WE WILL TRASH THEM AND REMOVE YOUR NAME FOREVER FROM OUR LISTS IF YOU SEND US SUCH STUFF. All pictures sent (preferably in JPEG format) must be 100% legal! There is nothing wrong with pictures of boys modelling underwear. Scans from home shopping catalogues welcomed. We look forward very much to recieving your contributions. They will not be posted on this website. We will let you know where to find them. PICTURES WANTED FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD - EUROPE ESPECIALLY. Thank you all very much indeed for your help.
