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Internet Troubleshooter

I've compiled some of my most frequent Windows 95 and Windows 98 internet connection problems and solutions into this document. Hope this helps. For other systems and situations try our free estimate service or return to the On.line Help Page for information on how to send your computer or electronics gear in for service.

Hooking up to the Internet requires several systems to be operational. It is recommended that you read the text file (this link may generate warning messages) provided with Windows95/98 for more information on how to connect another computer to the internet. (Obviously you are connected with the computer you're using now.) The previous link may not work in Netscape. If that's the case you can find the text file in your Windows directory. There is also much helpful information in Explorer Help about this (press F1 while in Explorer)

What seems to be the trouble?

Browser reports JavaScript() errors

I can't hear online MIDI music

Can't find Explorer, Netscape or other web browser.

Netscape Explorer loads, but modem doesn't dial.

Modem is not responding.

Errors reported by web browser upon starting up.

Computer locks up or is too slow.


Browser reports JavaScript() errors

  1. You are using an earlier version of Netscape/Explorer
    1. Visit Microsoft or Netscape and downlaod the latest browser.
  2. The site you are visiting is under construction or has errors...

I can't hear online MIDI music

Either you...

  1. don't have a sound card in your computer
    1. have us install a sound card for you
  2. need to adjust the volume control on the back of your computer, speakers or within Windows
  3. have unplugged the speakers power or signal cable(s)or have the speakers turned physically off
  4. have a malfunctioning sound card or speaker system
  5. are using an earlier version of Netscape or Explorer
    1. Visit Microsoft or Netscape and downlaod the latest browser.
  6. have misconfigured midi settings in Control Panel (This link will generate warnings.)
    1. From control panel select Multimedia and then the MIDI tab. Make sure MPU-401 (external music device) is not selected.

Can't find Explorer, Netscape or other web browser.

The browser has either been

  1. Uninstalled or never installed to begin with.
    1. Install or Re-install the browser.
      1. Insert installation disk in drive
      2. Click on the Start Menu and choose Run or hit Win-R on the Windows95/98 keyboard.
      3. Type a:install or if this doesn't work try a:setup
      4. Press Enter
  2. the icon was sent to the Recycle Bin
    1. Restore from Recycle Bin (only works if Bin hasn't been emptied)
      1. Double-click on Recycle Bin
      2. Click on the icon and chose Restore from the File Menu or right-click on the icon and choose restore from the right-click menu.
    2. Find with Windows95 Find Command
      1. Click on the Start menu
      2. Choose Find
      3. Select Files or Folders
      4. In the Named box enter either Explorer or Netscape or the name of your browser...
      5. In the Look In box enter C:
      6. Press the Find Now Button
      7. If you find your browser listed here, you can re-create the icon on your desktop
        1. Right-click on the browser icon
        2. Drag the file to your desktop using the right mouse button instead of the left.
        3. Release the right button and choose Create Shortcuts Here.
      8. If you do not find your browser listed here, it has been uninstalled. You can install a browser by locating the installation disk(s) for that particular piece of software and following the installation procedure in step 1.1.1 of this outline.

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Netscape Explorer loads, but modem doesn't dial.


  1. Modem is not responding or, if it is...
  2. Dial-Up Adapter not functioning or not installed:
    1. Double Click on the My Computer icon on the desktop
    2. There should be a Dial-up Networking Folder in there somewhere.
      1. If not, you need to install Dial-Up Networking:
        1. Click on the Start button
        2. Choose Settings - Control Panel
        3. Open the Add/Remove Programs icon
        4. Select the Windows Setup tab
        5. Select Communications
        6. Click on the empty box next to Dial-Up Networking
        7. Press OK. Now restart the computer if asked to do so.
      2. Now open up your Dial-up Networking Folder in My Computer.
        1. In the Dial-up Networking folder, choose Make New Connection
        2. Enter the information from your internet provider into the appropriate boxes.
        3. The new connection icon you've created can have a shortcut placed on the desktop if desired for instant logon to the internet. You can tell your browser to use this connection to dial up automatically whenever it loads. Consult your browser's documentation or help menu for this.
          1. To create a shortcut on your desktop
            1. Right-click on the icon
            2. Drag the icon to the desktop using the right button
            3. Release on the desktop and choose Create Shortcut(s) Here

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Modem is not responding.

Did you recently install new software?

Sometimes new software installations add new hardware drivers which can interfere with your current modem settings or dial-up account preferences. Many times simply uninstalling the offending software will not fix the problem. In many cases, people think their modem is not working, when in fact it is working perfectly but the Dialup Adapter settings under Windows just need to be set up again or re-configured. To test this open up Control Panel and choose Modems. Click on the Diagnostics tab. Select your modem from the list and click on the More Info button. If you see a list of information in the window with a bunch of ATI's and responses, your modem is working perfectly and you need to check your Dial-up Adapter settings.

If your modem usually works fine but is just not working today, try shutting down your system for a few minutes. Modems are like a primitive computer all in themselves. Sometimes they need to be reset like a computer does. If this fixes the problem for a while but the problem comes back, consider replacing your modem.

If you have purchased your system used or have lost your system documentation or are having trouble installing a new modem there are a few minor things you should know: Windows95, Windows98, several versions of NT and other operating systems have something called Plug & Play. This confuses people who are used to setting IRQ numbers and port numbers manually.

Often times when you install a new modem, it will try to use a port and IRQ that are reserved by the system's BIOS, such as COM1 or COM2. This causes a conflict or contention for system board resources which could cause your computer to lock-up or you modem to not respond. You can often get into the BIOS and change your system's built-in peripheral settings to work around this. Methods of getting into the BIOS vary depending on your machine.

Chances are if you don't know what I'm talking about it's probably a better bet to send your computer in for service but you can try to break into the BIOS by using common key combinations such as DEL, F1 or CTRL-S as your system is booting up. Also, you can look for the words Press .... to enter setup... on your screen when you first turn on your computer. If your BIOS doesn't provide for a means of changing the IRQ address of your existing COM ports, you can consult your modem documentation to see how to change its built-in assumptions about port and IRQ settings under Windows. Try selecting either COM3 or COM4.

Choose a port that has a different IRQ than your mouse (COM3 if mouse is COM2, COM4 if mouse is COM1) or you could lose control of your mouse when using the modem. Not good for internet surfing! For this and other reasons it is a good idea to learn how to use the keyboard under Windows. Believe it or not, a good keyboard user can do everything with a keyboard that you can do with a mouse. Read the file called General.txt located in your Windows directory. It contains many useful keyboard shortcuts and key combinations that do various things. It's also a good idea to read the other text files in your Windows directory. They are pretty informative. That's where I got most of my information!

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Errors reported by web browser upon starting up.

Syntax errors can occur when your internet provider has installed an incorrect address into your browser's start page directory. Consult your browser's documentation on how to enter a custom homepage address. I use Explorer 4.0. In there you just click on the View menu and go to Internet Options. Enter to make our page your Internet Start page! You can set your browser up so that it goes to any web page you choose upon startup. I sometimes like to set mine to my favorite search engine.

Other errors include not being able to find your homepage or internet start location. This is a problem with the server or homepage address in your browser and not in your configuration or internet settings. You can still navigate the internet by manually typing in the address or URL.

General Protection Faults and the infamous "Blue Screen of Death" errors are common to Windows95 and even Windows98 is not immune to them If they happen once in a while when surfing the net, don't worry. This is common. The fix is to install a later version or patch for your browser. If they happen when you first load the browser, try reinstalling the browser or internet connection software. If this doesn't work, look for hardware errors.

Computer locks up...

Lock-ups in the form of General Protection Faults (GPF's), Exceptions and unknown freeze-ups stem from many different sources. Indeed, several sub-systems are operational within each and every computer system. Mostly the fault can be placed on either the RAM chips, or the Hard Disk Drive. Sometimes a malfunctioning card can cause random GPF's to occur. This is because every card is hooked directly up to the CPU without any sort of error correction protocol. Thus an intermittent malfunction in your scanner or modem card can make it seem like your hard drive or memory is at fault. This becomes evident if you replace the hard drive or RAM chip with a new one and you keep getting the error. These are common things any competent computer professional should check for when upgrading or repairing a computer. I routinely perform this and other more thorough checks and preventive measures when building, upgrading or repairing computer systems.

I recommend at least the following minimum requirements of an Internet computer. You can sometimes get by with less, but you are asking for trouble if you don't upgrade. No. I don't sell parts. I'm telling you this because it's the truth. Just about all new home computers sold today exceed these specs by a large margin. In most cases, upgrades cost less than buying a new computer. When you send in a computer to be upgraded, include the information provided with your internet account and we will pre-configure and test your internet connection at no extra charge to you.

Hardware Recommendation
Processor 100 MHz or faster
RAM 32 MB - 64 MB
Hard Drive 240 MB or larger
Modem 14.4 KBPS or faster


Free Estimates

If your computer is not up to these specifications, it could be classified as a "Dinosaur" and is definitely in need of an upgrade. Email us now for a free upgrade estimate. Be sure to include detailed information about your system's speed, the amount of memory and Hard Disk Drive Available as well as exactly what you want to upgrade to. This will speed up the estimate process because it will save us having to ask you additional questions.

We don't make money on parts. Instead we charge you a flat rate for the labor plus the price we pay for parts. The estimate is determined by how long we think it will actually take to perform the required work and whether you want to use new parts or used parts that have been tested good and warranted against defect. All new and used parts come with original factory warrantees, if applicable. Just like anybody else that sells you something, we warrant our labor to be free from defect for 30 days. We can't warrantee parts because we do not stock or sell parts. These are bought for you from resellers in our area or bought by you at a location of your choice.

There are many benefits to upgrading. Manufacturer's warrantees on new parts usually exceed warrantees on new computer systems by months or years. In most cases, the cost of buying a new computer exceeds the cost of upgrading by a significant margin. We think our upgrades are superior to new systems in usability and functionality since none have been returned to us with defects and we have had no requests for refunds or dissatisfied customers to-date.

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