
Michael Gams - Biography

I have worked in the arts for over twenty years. Much of this experience has been as an artist and instructor of sculpture . I have a Master of Fine Arts from Indiana University and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. I have been teaching since 1990 and in that time have been an instructor at Indiana University, Jefferson State Community College, The University of Alabama at Birmingham(UAB), and at the University of Montevallo. Presently I am teaching three-dimensional design, photography, ceramics and art appreciation at Jefferson State.

I have been exhibiting my work since 1985 and I have been featured in several juried and national exhibitions . Currently my work deals with various types illumination:

Humankind has always been fascinated with fire . Some fear it, and others revel in its presence. The materials I use have a direct relationship to my present understanding of the modern world within a natural landscape. The human-made materials I work with, glass and metal, etc, are derived from nature, transformed by fire. I integrate these transformed materials with natural objects, e.g. mica or stone, thus reuniting the transformed materials with their past as pure forms of nature. The use of illumination expresses a celebration of this reunification.

Beyond my involvement with academia and desire for personal expression I have many professional clients. Included among these are Doris Schuler Interiors, Harbert International Construction Company, and the architectural firm of Israel and Associates.

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