Alopatek Verilog (tm) Vhdl C Unix (tm) Consulting

Hardware contracting:

Alopatek provides Verilog(tm), VHDL, ASICs, and simulation models. We supply cores with Verilog source code or VHDL source code. Alopatek can develop custom software or hardware in a joint venture situation with you or provide consulting in hardware, ASIC design, gate array, synthesis, standard cell, or full custom integrated circuit design consulting. Also, SRAM, EEPROM, or ROM circuit simulation and design or debug. As a verilog (tm) contractor and spice contractor, Alopatek has designed many blocks of custom and/or high volume standard integrated circuits.

Software contracting:

C, and Unix(tm) consulting for clients like Sun and Hewlett-Packard.

Resume of our lead VLSI design engineer.
Resume of our lead UNIX development engineer.
Verilog (tm) blocking verses non-blocking assignment

Hardware consultant:

Alopatek has experience in:
Gigabit Ethernet phy and mac, chip architecture, PCI master, PCI slave, IEEE 1394 Firewire (tm), IEEE 1194.1 JTAG boundary scan core, networking, disk drive, CPU design, CPU architecture, chip architecture, and many other logic design, verification or Synopsys synthesis consulting projects. We would like to partner with a large company in development of standard intellectual property cores for ASIC's.

Software development consultant:

Unix (tm) and C are other areas of expertise. We can provide expert consulting in the Unix internals, Unix library calls, Unix source coding of utilities, and other Unix consulting.

Trademarks are owned by their owners. Verilog is a trademark of Cadence.

Contact: Alopatek, Inc, Sunnyvale, CA, Julian Fields (408)773-8197(home phone 9am-9pm Pacific time)
Email: julianfields AT sbcglobal DOT net

Due to the amount of junk email, phone if you do not get a reply by email.

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