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Color Codes Adding Background Images Resizing Graphics [Images]

There is a saying that a picture paints a thousand words.....
I believe that picures are the most universal form of communication......
for although there are {sadly} people who may not be able to read due to various reasons....
most people can interpet a picture with little difficulty.....
and therefore able to open the communiacation barrier that sometimes prevents us from understanding one another....
Below if some useful tips on how to add Color and Images to your HTML.

Colors, background images, plus a few other features are controlled by the <BODY>tag.
To control the color of the background, text, and links in your homepage use the <BODY> tag.
To control colors, the <BODY> tag is written like this :


*NOTE: You need to substitute a color value for the #OOOOOO in the sample above.

You may include any of these items (bgcolor, text, link, vlink or alink)in your body background command line, or leave any of them out. The chose is entirely yours.

Below is an example to set the color of the background, text, link, visited link, or active link.
*note: Do not forget to place spaces between each item or ("") around the color codes.

Below is a list of the basic color codes you may find useful while you learn the varying color codes.....

Color Codes

Adding Background Images
To use an Image background instead of just a color then use the command below:

<BODY BACKGROUND="image.img">
*note: Insert the name of file you wish to use in place of {image.img}.
Now you are able to construct the BODY BACKGROUND command line the same as shown at the top of this page.....

Before you add a graphic [image] to your page you need to determine where you would like the picture and what size it needs to appear......
But lets get the graphic [image] on the page first......
Below is an basic command line for inserting a graphic [image] to your page....
<IMG SRC="image.img">
*note: As before relace the {image.img} with the name of the file you are using.
If you are wondering why this command seems familar then it is because in a way it is.......
It is the same basic command you used to insert an Image as your backgound......
The difference between the two commands refer to the size and position of the image........
An Image used as a background is often enlarged or looped to cover the screen while viewing the finished document...this is an automatic feature in most HTML language's....
The graphic [image] command line enables you to view the image on the page at the position you place it......

Resizing Graphics [Images]
Below is some samples of sizing graphics [images] to your page......
<IMG SRC="boo.gif" Height=25 Width=25>===
<IMG SRC="boo.gif" Height=25 Width=75>===
*note: Always place a space between the HEIGHT and WIDTH of a graphic [image].

*note: this page does not offer links to all areas available to this site....
to view links available please return to the main page.....
Thank You
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