Chicago Area Your Money Or Your Life Study Groups
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For those interested in the Your Money Or Your Life Program...


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About the Your Money Or Your Life program...
Your Money Or Your Life presents a simple, nine-step plan that will transform the way you think about, earn and spend money. This plan, a whole systems approach based on simple record keeping and your own unique life situation, works for anyone who earns or spends money. Singles and couples (with and without children), retirees and students, big earners and those below the poverty line, have all been successful in doing the program.


Live Workshops…

(New Session Forming => send Mike an e-mail to for details...)

Your Money Or Your Life Audio Workshop

Transforming Your Relationship with Money And Achieving Financial Independence (Audio Workshop)
Times: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Location: Unity Church of Christ
740 River Drive
Hammond, IN 46324
Reverend Geraldine Colvin
Facilitators: Mike & Linda Lenich
Costs: $12 for workbook + Love Offering for the Church
RESERVATIONS: Contact Mike Lenich, VSChciago@JUNO.COM
Contact Name/Address/Phone: Reverend Geraldine Colvin,
Sponsor: New Road Map Foundation Speakers Bureau/Unity Church of Christ
Sponsor Web Site URL:
Learn the principles of saving, getting out of debt, and how to live more consciously so money doesn't just disappear. Listen to best selling author Joe Dominguez' via this audio series, as he explains how to figure out your attitude toward money, what role money plays in your life and how to manage it so you can spend your time and resources doing what you really want to do. Together, we'll listen to all eight audiotapes and do all twelve workbook lessons. We'll then discuss options and arrangements for follow-up sessions.



Linda and Mike Lenich present a series of workshops based on the book, Your Money Or Your Life. The workshops are called Aligning Personal Finances with Values, and are held on an ongoing monthly basis at two churches:


Workshop #1 is an introduction to aligning your personal finances with your values, and is open to anyone interested in finding out what Your Money Or Your Life is about. This workshop concludes with "Tracking" - a tool attendees can use immediately to begin aligning their spending with their real/true values.

Subsequent workshops (#2, #3, #4…) are follow-up sessions. The Leniches facilitate questions and additional Your Money Or Your Life steps, while attendees share insights, struggles and successes. This workshop is available for those who have been tracking their expenses for one month and/or who are already following the Your Money Or Your Life program.

To register for workshops, contact the churches at the above phone numbers.

For further information about the workshops, e-mail Mike at:VSCHICAGO@JUNO.COM

Linda and Mike are members of the New Road Map Foundation Speakers' Bureau -- a nationwide all volunteer organization that routinely presents Your Money Or Your Life concepts, workshops and study guide sessions. Linda and Mike have been using Your Money Or Your Life since 1992, and achieved FI (financial independence) in December, 1999. Their story and experiences have appeared in newspapers (Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times) and magazines (YourMoney, U.S.News & World Report, Time, Hope Magazine, Simple Living Oasis). See for a full profile of Linda and Mike.



On-Line Study Guide Sessions…

Another way to learn the Your Money Or Your Life program is to participate in an on-line, group setting. The Simple Living Network ( offers on going Your Money Or Your Life Study Guide sessions, hosted by experienced Your Money Or Your Life facilitators. For further information, see (
