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2/12/2000 VS Chicago Meeting Notes


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Don, Mike, Ron, Louella, Jill, Dave, Ross, Tracey, Linda, Lisa, Elizabeth, Bob and Mike, welcomed Woody, Pam, Gail, Dick, Jan, Micky and Bob, to their first meeting

Don, Mike, Ron, Louella, Jill, Dave, Ross, Tracey, Linda, Lisa, Elizabeth, Bob and Mike, welcomed Woody, Pam, Gail, Dick, Jan, Micky and Bob, to their first meeting.

Mike opened the session with an overview of the Open Space meeting style the group uses. After a brief round of introductions, the group began posting discussion topics and/or questions. They developed an agenda as six postings resolved into four discussion topics:

With twenty folks in attendance, to best provide ample opportunity for everyone to participate, the group decided to discuss the topics in two, concurrent groups. Using Open Space's "Law of Two Feet", folks could freely move about from one topic to another. When a discussion was over, the group moved on to the next topic (Open Space => "...whenever it starts, is the right time for it to start; whenever it ends, is the right time; whoever shows up are the right ones;...").

The smaller discussion group sizes and openness of the meeting space got everyone quickly involved in discussion. Observations and thoughts offered by participants, led to new and synergistic ideas and insights. Some folks floated freely between the two discussion areas, "pollinating" each with ideas from the other. Lively discussions ensued in both groups...

As discussion drew to conclusion, the group came together as one to share highlights, observations, "Ah-ah's...", and insights:

We concluded the meeting at 12:15, looking forward to continued discussions next month.

(Posted by: Mike Lenich)


Helpful web sites...

Retreat Centers:

Help in finding meaning:

Simple Living Network:

New Road Map Foundation:

Financial Integrity Associates (FIA):

Open Space examples: ************************************************************************

