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1/9/99 VS Chicago Meeting Notes


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Louella, Carole, Mary, Jill, Elizabeth, Joel, JR, Jerrod, Ben, Linda and Mike welcomed Lucy her first meeting.

The meeting began with a brief round of introductions. Interest in attending included attaining financial freedom, purpose, ideas for balance, getting together with others who share same/similar philosophy and philosophical values/views of Simplicity.

Mike opened the meeting space with a review of the Simplicity Group's meeting style -- a very open and informal discussion, with topics evolving at the meeting from those in attendance. This "Open Space" style of discussion, was taught to us by Michael Herman. Mike explained Open Space;

(1) write a topic/question/issue of interest

(2) tell us who you are and what your topic/question/issue is

(3) post your topic/question/issue on the wall [Mike had created a "matrix" on a blank wall => "A" "B" "C" down the side and "I" "II" "III" across the top-which creates space for three sets of three simultaneous discussions]

(4) talk with others posting topics... combining like items... and arrange topics around the wall

(5) everyone then can "sign up" for one, several, or all of the topics...

(6) convene in areas of the room designated as "A", "B", "C"

(7) use the conventions of Open Space

~ Whenever it starts is the right time to start

~ Whenever it ends the right time to end

~ Whoever is here are "the "right ones to be here"

~ Use the Law of "Two Feet"

~ Be a Butterfly and/or a Bumble Bee

(8) reconvene as a whole group after the discussions for a review/share insights


Topics/questions/issues posted arranged themselves into three discussions:

[1] Purpose

[2] Clutter

[3] Your Money Or Your Life Study Guide Sessions


The Group decided to discuss each topic as a whole, rather than forming subgroups. Also, JR was heading into work, and since JR has been coordinating the Study Guide Sessions, the Group decided to began with this topic...



After discussion of what the Study Guide Sessions are like, how they relate/differ from "simplicity"/The Simplicity Circle study guide, the Group decided to begin a new YMOYL Study Guide Session (SG-5) at the February monthly meeting. The Group also decided to use the newest version of the YMOYL-SG subtitled, "Money & Spirit" (there are three versions; Groups, Contemporary Christians, Money & Spirit).

Anyone wishing to join in on the YMOYL-SG session beginning next month is welcome. Simply obtain a copy of "Your Money Or Your Life Study Guide for Money & Spirit" from the Simple Living Network at 1-800-318-5725. Cost is $5 + S&H.



Discussion around "purpose in life", "feeling stuck in discovering by purpose" followed. Many insights and observations evolved-doing things that made one "feel good" seemed to be a common denominator; perhaps there is more than one single purpose in life; doing things that bring joy and fun. Many books on the subject of purpose were mentioned, including books by the authors of "Die Broke", "Jonathan Livingston Seagull", and "Conversations with Moray". (FYI: "purpose" prompted the Group's decision to use the YMOYL-SG version, "Money & Spirit", as this guide encompasses purpose in addition to working the first five steps of YMOYL).



At 11:10, the Group decided to table the discussion on clutter until next time, and begin to close the meeting space.



As the Group began to close the meeting space with a review of the day, a new topic emerged-not getting caught up in/buying into things expected of us by others (ie, buying certain clothing, cars, houses, ...). This is a topic often mentioned by those newest (ie, just coming out of school...) to the work place.

Three questions surfaced:

(1) if you've already "bought in", how do you buy out?

(2) if you're just starting out and haven't bought in, how do you keep from being consumed into buying in?

(3) if you started out awhile ago, and haven't yet bought in but are struggling to avoid doing so, how can you keep your perspective/follow your inner senses and avoid buying in?

 A wonderful discussion followed in the forty minutes that remained: finding work that generates "enough" income while avoiding the pitfalls of more, bigger, better, retire at 65...; how just by asking these questions, how really different we are from family and friends in our thinking; how nice it is to have a place (ie, monthly meetings) where we can talk and discuss these things.


We concluded our discussions and meeting at 11:50.

Our next meeting is Saturday, February 13, 1999, 9:00 AM to 11:50.


~ Topics Generated using Open Space

~ YMOYL SG-#5, Opening Session


"To live more voluntarily means to encounter life more consciously, and to live more simply is to encounter life more directly."

--- From the book, Voluntary Simplicity, by Duane Elgin


Be simple as you can be and you will be astonished how wonderful life can be.

-- Paramahansa Yogananda



