12/9/2000 VS Chicago Meeting Notes


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"To live more voluntarily means to encounter life more consciously, and to live more simply is to encounter life more directly", Duane Elgin from the book, 'Voluntary Simplicity'

Mike, Linda, JR, Lenny, Laura, Lou, Louella, Ross, Dick, Woodie, Joel, Pam, Colin, Tim, Kim, Martha, Don, Jill, Micky, Bob and Ken, welcomed Jon, Gina and Michele to their first meeting.


After a brief round of introductions and explanation of the meeting format, the group listed items for open space discussion:


The group reviewed and arranged the items, deciding to discuss three topics concurrently, in two separate sessions. Here are some highlights from the six open space discussions…


Alternative currencies were discussed as means of creating local skill/talent exchanges. Colin talked about his experiences in the UK with "Leafs" -- one could do plumbing for another and instead of receiving money, receive a set amount of "leafs". The plumber could then exchange those leafs for services needed. Linda relayed her experiences from the June, 1999 Alternative Currencies conference held in Chicago. The UK Leafs sound similar to Ithaca Dollars (ID) in use now in upstate New York. A board administrates the ID's and sets value, ie, so many ID's per hour of certain services. Time Dollars (TD's), was a system Linda found most useful (
http://www.timedollar.org/). Instead of a board and setting of value, all work is valued the same => an hour of a lawyer's time is equal to an hour of a baby sitter's time. The exchange would be one hour of law for one hour of sitting. Setting everyone's time equal opens tremendous opportunities. One example given was a person who could only do praying. He would pray for someone for one hour, receive one TD, then exchange that TD for a service he needed. Also, the TD system also works with children and folks of all ages. TD's are tracked via computer, and members can go on-line and look up available services as well as post their own services. Income Tax implications were next discussed. Questions also came up about using the VS Intranet web page to post items for exchange, ie, someone could post, "I have two CD's I don't listen to -- anyone want to trade/exchange something for them?"


Joel had the opportunity and pleasure of taking an extended trip through the Netherlands, France, Paris, Prague, Poland, Spain and then on through South American (if you haven't seen Joel at VS meetings the past few months, that's why... ). Questions followed. Among many things, Joel was surprised to learn just how little he needed during his travels. That realization carried through when he got back -- he was surprised at how much stuff he has at home. Joel has been on "stuff reduction" for the past few years now, and was still surprised at how much he had compared to how much he had been living from the previous months. Joel also said he learned a lot about himself, and is facing questions of what he should do next.


Discussion involved whether it was possible to be both mindful and dealing with issues of reducing materialistic tendencies at the same time. Most agreed that once one began trying to make consumer changes in behavior, it was natural to also become more mindful and ecological as well. One person felt that being mindful might not be the same as having a personal connection with a god, and that this connection and relationship was the context for all other changes that might occur in someone. Another relayed a beautiful Indian story -- when one looks out into the world, one sees affluence and despair. When one looks inside, one sees depression. And when one looks at god, one's mind becomes quiet.


In November, Mike received a phone call from a Chicago Tribune reporter who was wondering if the VS Chicago group might be a part of "new" culture identified by authors Paul Ray and Sherry Ruth Anderson in their book, "The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People Are Changing the World (Harmony, 2000)" (
http://www.culturalcreatives.org/book.html). Discussion centered on what is a Cultural Creative (CC), how the term came about, and if there are any next steps. Mike read a list of statements from the CC web site (http://www.culturalcreatives.org/questionnaire.html) that according to the authors, can give you an idea if you're a CC by choosing the statements that you agree with. Validity of the data (ie, where did it come from, how was it collected...), strong feelings of disliking being "labeled", and the potential of being marketed to were some of the topics discussed.


Lisa found a CC group that has been meeting the 2nd Friday of the month for one year in Chicago => Laurie Pentell is founder of Sageheart Alliance, which is all about and for cultural creatives:

Laurie Pentell (lpentell@earthlink.net)
Sageheart Alliance
ReVisioning What Life and Livelihood Can Be


A couple of people talked about influencing their own kids, and we all expressed a desire to be a different kind of example to kids in a consumer culture. It's hard to exert any influence over kids that are not our own, and kids that ARE our own we must expect to rebel at points, but they can also be supportive as they get older. A suggestion was made to do one significant holiday gift rather than lots of smaller ones, in a move away from excess. Finding activities that connect kids with nature and offer little or no opportunity to BUY something (e.g. horseback riding) are a good idea for kids who seem to require a purchase to validate an experience.


What do you do with the annoying telemarketing calls you get? Practical solutions, snappy comebacks and reminiscence from TV's Seinfield were discussed. Point was made too that many telemarketers are just trying to make a living, and this job may be their best chance to do so. Regarding anti-consumerism, JR pointed out we all consume things. Mike added a point made clear from the New Road Map Foundation -- the work isn't about anti-consumption, but rather about conscious consumption. Be conscious about what you are doing and its impact.


Gina and Jon mentioned a web site for a natural foods/organic foods company that ships in bulk. Jon reports, "There are lots of products that they have that are great deals and we think they're a great way to save money on organic foods. They will UPS to your door. Try the raisins; they're four times the size of Sunmaid and super sweet". Here is the web site:



We closed the space and meeting at 12:15


(Posted by: Mike Lenich)

Questions, comments, suggestions...? E-mail Mike Lenich at: vschicago@juno.com

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