12/11/99 VS Chicago Meeting Notes


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Mary, JR, Brenna, Art, Bob, Joel, Ross, Lenny, Bob, Don, Julie, Tina, Jill, Mike, Linda, Mike, Elizabeth, and Bob, welcomed Tracy, Mike and Lew to their first meeting
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Mary, JR, Brenna, Art, Bob, Joel, Ross, Lenny, Bob, Don, Julie, Tina, Jill, Mike, Linda, Mike, Elizabeth, and Bob, welcomed Tracy, Mike and Lew to their first meeting.

Mary (and Carole) opened the session with a celebration of Linda & Mike achieving financial self-sustainabilty (FI) -- after faithfully doing the nine steps outlined in the book, Your Money Or Your Life for the past 89 months, Linda and Mike's interest income from their savings has exceeded their expenses, and Mike's last day on the job is 12/14. (A note from Linda and Mike: Thank you so much Mary and Carole for the wonderful card, balloon, and sweet rolls and muffins, and to everyone for the celebration!!)

A brief round of introductions followed, and the group began listing discussion topics and/or questions. An agenda developed into four items:


Given the large size the day's group, to best involve everyone, the group decided to make use of Open Space Technology (see, http://www.globalchicago.net/mha/openspacetech.html) and discuss two items concurrently. Discussions began with, "Having Stamina to live your values..." and, "How to fit the holidays into simplicity…".

Illuminating, thought provoking, and lively discussions followed. Some folks used the "Law of Two Feet" to float freely between the two discussion areas (pollinating them "like a bumble bee"). The open space nurtured and allowed of a high level of involvement, resulting in high energies and great discussions. So much evolved, it is hard to summarize. As someone said when asked how the discussion went in the other group, they replied, "You had to be there..."

As discussion of the first two topics began to conclude, the group came together as one to discuss the remaining two topics.

Study Groups South...
No groups yet have been formed south of the city, i.e., in Northwest Indiana/South Suburbs (Note: anyone who would like to get one started, Mike & Linda would be glad to lend a hand-let us know)

North Side Group New People...
The next North Side meeting is 1/16/00, beginning 6:00pm, at the home of Joel Guzman. After completing Cecil Andrews' simplicity guides, the group is ready to start anew-bring your thoughts and ideas. Contact Joel at:

In what ways does taking care of Mother Earth fit into living Simply...?
Mention of Chicago not recycling #5 & #6 plastics prompted the group to list other recycling centers-Hammond, IN; one at the exit of 119th Street & I57; Naperville Firestation #4 accepts household cleaning materials for recycling. Reducing consumption and eating wisely as a result of living a simple life were also discussed, followed by more meaningful holiday gifts (ie, less junk) and automobile pollution. Eat close to the earth and use none/less meat. Drive less, sparingly, or not at all. Mexico City has purchased a new fleet of compressed air vehicles (see,
http://www.zeropollution.com/zeropollution/about_us.html). A Chicago chapter of Earth Save is coming.

What Are You Doing For New Year's Eve...?
The Buddhist Temple at 827 Roscoe in Chicago has a wonderful celebration. Check you local area-some are having simple gatherings in local municipal centers.


Some of the good reading materials mentioned during the meeting were... "Unplug the Christmas Machine: A Complete Guide to Putting Love and Joy Back Into the Season" (Jo Robinson & Jean Coppock Staeheli)


As usual, time flew by, and we wrapped up the meeting at 11:55 with a suggestion for a Christmas Gift/Unused Item Swap (From Mike: what do you think => would you like to try a swap? Let me know...).


(Posted by: Mike Lenich)


Helpful web sites...

Earth Smart Cars: http://www.nrdc.org/earthsmartcars

Simple Living Network: www.slnet.com

New Road Map Foundation: www.newroadmap.org

Financial Integrity Associates (FIA): www.fiassociates.org



Email: vschicago@juno.com