12/09/06 VS Chicago Meeting Notes


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Mark, Lennie, Nancy, Colin, Dave H., Jill, Maria, Tom, Don, Joe, Roberto, Kath, Gerry and Bridget (Roberto¡¦s friend) attended the meeting. After a quick update on individual lives, four topics were posted and we commandeered another room so that two healthy conversations could occur simultaneously.

I. Circle Pines
Colin wanted to discuss ideas of how to sustain the Circle Pines Center in Michigan. It is a member-owned not-for-profit center for cooperative education and recreation founded in 1938 by the Central States Cooperative League. The aim of the Center is to demonstrate cooperative alternatives for economic and social issues and to teach cooperation as a way of life. Web site is http://www.cpines.org/ The following ideas surfaced. They could market via several publications in the Chicago like Conscious Choice, The Reader and Craig¡¦s List. We wondered what their approach was to marketing. Have they identified target groups? Would it fit corporate or not-for-profit and activist group retreats. They are also looking to strengthen their summer camps for kids. We talked about nature deficit disorder as childhood becomes more sanitized and more of a skill building and technology based experience. People referred to the loss of sites such as Morton Arboretum. Once wild escapes from city life ¡V now Disneyfied and geared for big events. The boy scouts are still woodsy, city groups are struggling but suburban groups are doing fine. We also discussed other places to go for inexpensive lodging in the Chicago area; The girl scouts rent out their camps near Valparaiso and on the Easter Shore. Joe said he knew of a book called the Sanctuaries and Retreats Centers. Joe also knew of a place North of Phoenix called Arcosanti in Arizona website it http://www.arcosanti.org/. In 1970, the Cosanti Foundation began building Arcosanti, an experimental town in the high desert of Arizona, 70 miles north of metropolitan Phoenix. When complete, Arcosanti will house 5000 people, demonstrating ways to improve urban conditions and lessen our destructive impact on the earth.

II. Green Ideas for Builders and Developers
Bridget wanted to discuss ideas about a newsletter / pamphlet or a reference guide for builders / developers that can provide them information about how to be more environmentally conscious (Green) when they build new homes. She knows there is a need and wanted to discuss organizations that may want to buy advertising in the publication. Joe knew of two places that are making attempts to grow buildings from a green aspect ¡V on is called the Emerald on Green Street in Greek Town. We came up with a number of other references / ideas: Green Maker Supply off Pulaski; Center for Green Technology; Solar Services and Mayor Daily¡¦s Green Commissioner himself Sabhu Johnston. Another point of reference is Meetup.com and a person named Hans.

III. Kitchen Planning*
Tom posted the idea of for helping him to redesign his kitchen. ƒæ Design for your use - keeping in mind resale ƒæ Floors - no bamboo or pergo - linoleum is popular ƒæ Laminate counter tops are good value ƒæ Granite not a good value / maintenance issues ƒæ No garbage disposals ƒæ Dishwasher good for resale ƒæ Ikea is a good source ƒæ Good value cabinets (don¡¦t use the to install this is where they make their big profits) ƒæ Free down loadable 3d planning Software (on Ikea site) ƒæ Use name brand appliances for resale and tech support (GE) ƒæ Storage is important - wine rack is a nice touch ¡V use for water even if you don¡¦t drink ƒæ Electric range preferred over gas ¡V ƒæ Gas appliances affect people with chemical sensitivities ƒæ Gas not as renewable as electric

IV. Law of Attraction
Dave led a discussion about the Law of Attraction which is from a new movie called The Secret (which is the secret to unlimited joy, health, money, relationships, love, youth: everything you have ever wanted). In the video many of the world's leading scientists, authors, and philosophers will reveal The Secret that utterly transformed the lives of every person who ever knew it... Plato, Newton, Carnegie, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Einstein. http://thesecret.tv/behind-the-secret.html We started the discussion by a statement (You become what you think about). Some of the other ideas Ask, Believe and be open to Receive (and be aware when the universe offers it to you ¡V you need to willing to take the risk and go for it). Many of the group talked about the ability to be grateful and how important it is to be grateful (Today I am grateful for ______________). Joe shared a story about when he used to walk to work while working as a Park Ranger in the Grand Canyon and he would spend time thinking through SPECFIR which is a review of the things he is grateful for (Spiritually, Physically, Environmentally, Culturally, Financially, Intellectually and Relationship) = SPECFIR Jill shared a beautiful story about asking for $1,000 and within a couple of days she had the $1,000 from various sources (extra money and free vacations.... ) next time she will make the ask of a greater amount. Other various thoughts follow: More Positive Less Negative thinking (Be careful not to let Negative thinking over take you.) Hope in itself has meaning Can¡¦t look back the past is over Everyone has different reasons to work We had a very active dialogue and all agreed it was a good subject and in the end we tied it back way in which we can simplify our minds. A quick recap ended the meeting. Find these topics interesting? Have something to say on them? Have other burning issues relating to simple living you¡¦d like to discuss? Then plan to join us on January 13th at 9 AM.

P.S. Laura hosted a VS holiday luncheon with a Grab bag and happy holiday video for Mike and Linda. Special thanks to Mike and Linda for all their years of dedicated service to the VS Chicago. We miss you both and all the best in 2007! You can always be a bee or butterfly and come visit us any time.

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