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"Simple Holidays, Happy Holidays"


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Good Day!

Following are some items from the 11/21/98 "Simple Holidays, Happy Holidays... How Can We Have Both This Year?" gathering, hosted by the Chicago Simplicity group.

A special thank you to Michael Herman for facilitating the Gathering using Open Space Technology, and to Old St. Pat's for the gracious use of their 2nd floor meeting area. And thank you for your participation and support!


"Simple Holidays, Happy Holidays... How Can We Have Both This Year?"

With the above theme, Michael Herman opened the gathering with a brief explanation of Open Space-a meeting style that allows space (time) for everyone to express their thoughts, ideas, and observations, while simultaneously generating synergistic creativity and actions.

Following the opening, Michael encouraged everyone to write topics or questions (relative to the theme), they wished to discuss or seek answers. Using blank sheets of paper, the group generated 14 topics/questions and posted them on an empty wall. They narrowed the topics to nine by combining similar thoughts/ideas. They then decided to convene three, one-hour discussion sessions, with three topics in each session. Here's a list of the topics that were posted:


The sessions then began with Michael sharing Open Space's basic principles-"sign-up" for one or more of the discussions, those that posted the topic convenes the discussion, whenever the discussion starts is the right time to start, when the discussion is over it's over (i.e., don't need to use the whole hour/may need more than an hour), it's ok to move freely from discussion to discussion (i.e., be a Bee and pollinate each discussion, or float from one to another like a Butterfly), who ever comes to the discussion is the right one to come, whatever happens is the only thing that could happen.

Many wonderful, wonderful thoughts and ideas were shared and created in the three hours that followed. Of the three discussions that convened during each session, some concluded quickly while others continued. Everyone moved freely from one discussion to another. Sometimes, there were five discussions going on (three in the meeting room and two in the hallway), while at others, the entire group convened on a topic. Here is just a sampling of some of the issues, ideas and solutions...


Some actions for making the holidays simpler and thus happier...


PS: The Center for a New American Dream has a pamphlet available on "Simplifying the Holidays". You can receive one by contacting the Center at:

6930 Carroll Avenue

Takoma Park

MD, 20912


1-877-NU-DREAM or 301-894-3683


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