11/11/00 VS Chicago Meeting Notes


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"To live more voluntarily means to encounter life more consciously, and to live more simply is to encounter life more directly", Duane Elgin from the book, 'Voluntary Simplicity'
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"To live more voluntarily means to encounter life more consciously, and to live more simply is to encounter life more directly", Duane Elgin from the book, 'Voluntary Simplicity'

Jill, Linda, Mike, Susan, Ken, Pam, JR, Woodie, Ross, Dick, Laura, Dave, Kim and Lenny, welcomed Tim, Dennis, and Ellisa to their first meeting.


Jill led the group in a brief round of introductions and explanation of the Open Space meeting format. The group then listed the following items for the open space discussion:


After review and discussion, the group arranged the seven items by commonality into five topics. Making use of Open Space's maxim of the "Law Of Two Feet", the group decided to discuss two topics concurrently by forming separate discussion areas. Here are some highlights from the five open space discussions…



Some suggested ways to embrace fitness included:

The discussion then shifted to expectations. The following quote, which hit home for many in the group, was contributed by a group member -- "May all beings be free of the tyranny of my expectations."

The group discussed how expectations (our own about others and others expectations about us) get in the way of our well being and that it takes insight and practice to be conscious of them.

The discussion then focused on looking at things from another person's perspective in an effort to be more accepting of who and where they are.

The group also talked about giving others space (reducing our expectations of them) and the positive effect it takes on our life. An example given was when driving. Instead of seeing a fellow driver who is speeding with judgment, if we instead see it as maybe they are experiencing an emergency or we just let it be without judgment, we are much more at peace. It is like a gift we give ourselves.



With the presidential election still unresolved, a seemingly endless stream of supposition and "what if's" has been proliferating the airwaves. This coupled with continual sales promotions is leaving the mind cluttered with nonsensical and useless information. "Should I turn off the tube?" As JR says, "The answer is in your question". TV is often used as a "friend" -- someone/thing to keep you company. The group discussed alternatives that included using the radio (PBS stations in particular), CD/Tapes, and books on tape as means of stimulating the mind while avoiding useless chatter. Discussion shifted to what to do when your mind is over stimulated => how do you just shut that down? Often spontaneity -- just being in the moment, letting whatever happens come along... -- is a good way to calm over simulation. Secluded walks, meditation and quiet were other methods mentioned.



Many specific steps and ideas were discussed for reducing expenses, simplifying your life and aligning your spending. It seemed a common denominator to them was awareness, which creates alternative solutions/answers. Awareness is gained by briefly asking yourself a question or two, ie, why am I buying this? Why am I spending this money? Do I really need it? Is there another way to meet this need? What am I REALLY supporting when I give this company/organization my money? Brief questioning breaks the cycle of thoughtless and automatic spending habits. Perhaps once upon a time exchanging your money for an item/service was good for you, but maybe a few years later it no longer is as good. It became a habit, where little/no question is made regarding its value to you today. Stop and ask yourself, "Why?"

The group then began talking about ideas to get moving after hitting a plateau in your life. The importance of having goals and things to work towards were discussed. Also mentioned was being at a plateau may not be so bad => after long struggles and hard work, some "time out" may be just the right thing. Perhaps goals and continual striving are just the right thing to do during certain ages of your life, and maybe there are times too when enjoying what's around you and what you have accomplished is just as right.



Conversation included… being able to retire but continuing to work to complete current projects, what happens when one spouse plans to retire while the other continues to work and surrounding issues => what will people think, can they really live on 1 or no salaries, will the other spouse want to retire when the first spouse does, will they be able to afford things they may want to do, what will their identities be once they leaves there jobs. Also mentioned was how your true identity comes out when you discard the corporate mask and issues relating to health insurance.



Chicago area electric utility ComEd, has a program that can automatically cycles off your air conditioner during peak electrical demands. Cycles can run up to 15 minutes per hour, from 3:00pm to 6:00pm. The idea behind the program is to reduce expensive and highly polluting sources of electrical generation during this peak period. By volunteering for the program, ComEd offers a $10/month reduction in your electric bill from May to the end of August. Mike & Linda have participated since 1997, and have save $160 to date over four years. Additionally, significant amounts of Carbon dioxide, sulfur and nitrous emissions have avoided entering our atmosphere. If you would like to reduce your impact on the environment and save a few dollars too, contact ComEd at 1-800-334-7661 or at www.ceco.com/naturefirst



We closed the space and meeting at 12:15

(Posted by: Mike Lenich)


E-mail Mike Lenich at: vschicago@juno.com