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January 8, 2000 VS Chicago Meeting Notes


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Ross, Louella, Bob, Jill, Kathleen, Elizabeth, Dave, Lenny, Julie, Brenna, Linda, Jeannie, Bob, Lew, Tom and Mike, welcomed Kate to her first meeting.

Mike opened the session with an overview of the Open Space meeting style the group uses. After a brief round of introductions, the group began posting discussion topics and/or questions. An agenda developed as seven postings resolved into four discussion topics:


With seventeen folks in attendance, to best provide ample opportunity for everyone to participate, the group decided to discuss the first two items in tow, concurrent groups. The remaining two topics would then be discussed when the groups reconvene to summarize and close the meeting. (FYI: For a great explanation and example of Open Space, visit Michael Herman's web site at;

As in previous meetings, the smaller discussion group sizes and openness of the meeting space got everyone quickly involved in discussion. Observations and thoughts offered by participants, led to new and synergistic ideas and insights. Some folks used the "Law of Two Feet" to float freely between the two discussion areas, "pollinating" each with ideas from the other. Lively discussions ensued in both groups...


"What's next (after you have reached a level of financial independence)? Befriending yourself in your free time. Resolving/forgiving yourself with past career/job choices."...

Several folks in the discussion have already reached a level of financial independence (FI). Those who recently achieved FI, shared their changes in lifestyle, attitudes, and observations. Discussion continued on to how to value yourself not in terms of $'s or positions or prestige, but rather in human qualities and meaningful contributions. Questions like, "What's the next 'big project' (now that I've achieved FI)", "What I should be doing?", "Shouldn't I be doing more (ie, more purposeful things rather than just 'enjoying' myself)?", "What does the world/society think about me and 'this behavior'", followed. Some conclusions reached were one needs to be internally driven -- you won't get an outside pat on the back for reaching FI, to then be able to pursue your interests and passions. Also, it's ok to have free time, to read a book, to have nothing to do today -- it's ok.. Ways to become internally driven included yoga, meditation, walks on the beach, sewing... things that offers quiet, reflective, introspective time.


"Career Transitions -- 'Calling'. Work: meaningful verses $'s"...

How do you balance meaningful work, with the best possible income? Is it better to work for more money in a less than meaningful job, so that in a finite period of time, you can reach a level of financial independence (to then be able to pursue meaningful endeavors)? Or do you do meaningful work, and be less concerned about the money (ie, it will all work out)? What happened in your career, that turned you from really liking you job to wanting to leave it as soon as possible? One commonality that surfaced was those who felt good about their work, felt that they were making a difference/helping others/contributing to a greater good. Those feeling less job satisfaction, felt less/no connection to the "greater good".


As discussion of the first two topics began to conclude, the group came together as one to discuss the remaining two topics.


Sources for less expensive healthy foods...

Buy in large quantities when on sale -- soy milk for instance doesn't go bad for a long time, so stock up when on sale. Shop around. Organic foods, while costing more in some cases, can actually save in the long run due to better health. Check out the internet for vegetarian recipes.

What pushed you into finding out about V.S. ...

Concerns over finances, environment, loss of spirituality/internal awareness, wanted to find other like-minded folks.

BOOKS mentioned...


QUOTES... "I am trying to move from Voluntary Complexity, to Voluntary Simplicity."



(Posted by: Mike Lenich)


Helpful web sites...

Retreat Centers:

Meaningful job opportunities:

Help in finding meaning:

Simple Living Network:

New Road Map Foundation:

Financial Integrity Associates (FIA):



Email Mike Lenich at: