10/14/06 VS Chicago Meeting Notes


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VSC 0ct 14th 2006 Notes on Open Space discussions

VSC 0ct 14th 2006 Notes on Open Space discussions


Bonds vs Other Investments- Lenny

Is YMOYL outdated? Updates on later chapters available on line “Step 9 revisited “


Conscientious investing makes some people reluctant to buy government bonds. Municipal bonds are an alternative.

T Bills currently offer 5%

Balance, diversification and risk

Inflation protected bonds – lower rates but these are tied to inflation rates

Social Security uncertainty means people need to make other plans.

When do you tap in to pensions etc.. Certain plans force you to start taking money out at 70


Avoiding Brain Rot – Maria

Learning and doing new stuff gets slower and more difficult

Balance of accepting natural aging while staying as mentally healthy as possible.

Gingko aids circulation and can improve brain activity

Take classes , explore websites,  go beyond current interest and knowledge and explore out there ideas.

Do different things that are fun and interest

Gildas Center N. Wells. Primarily cancer support but offers many classes and programs

New evidence that new neurons can develop and grew in response to stimuli, contrary to previous belief.


Freganism – Colin

A contraction of Free and Veganism though not all are vegans

Living out a philosophy of protest against society’s wastefulness. Dumpster diving for food clothing etc, living in unused buildings, etc

In / Voluntary homelessness compared to In/Voluntary Simplicity overlaps of ideas.

Safety aspects of sell by dates – fear

Organized groups living together eg DC homeless activists Colin spent time with.

What if everyone did this?

Where does extremism start?

Have we all been there at some point out of necessity?  What differences does ideology vs necessity make?

French movie “The Gleaners and I “ explores these ideas.


Forgiveness – Dave

Keeping energy high and helping self

Traits in others that we don’t like are often because we recognize a reflection of ourselves.

Unity class – non judegement and forgiveness  or love

It doesn’t matter let it go,  create positive situations rather than negative ones.

Energy not used in judging is available for better uses

How handle persistent activity – can you continually forgive and is this positive?

Some forgive but don’t forget. Others censure but don’t let the action affect their own energy.

Forgive but discuss, find ways forward and explanations for actions

Establish trust which leads to opportunity for constructive conflict to resolve issues. Forgivensss clears the ground for this.


Simple vs Responsible – Colin

What is the balance, if any,  between simplifying, saying no, etc and recognizing responsibilities to friends, community etc.

Not talking about guilt.

Etzioni – communitarianism exdplores these ideas



What is our value in society? What is it based on?

How would a less money/paid employment society differ?  Can we see any clues in the retired , FI , etc.

What in our society is done for love?


VS: Process, Practice, Pursuit- Roberto

Looking at YMOYL how relevant is it ?

When do you live your life?

Goals vs habits

How separate the phases of simplicity eg the pursuit of a decluttered home, the practice of manitaining an uncluttered home, the processes that can be employed to achieve bothe these aims.

Pursuit may not necessarily involve immdeiately gaining ground but may involve rewording/rethinking  adaopting an an attitude change.

Why simplicity anyway?





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