10/13/01 VS Chicago Meeting Notes


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Jenni, Julie, Ruth, Louella, Dave, Jill, Linda, Dick, Don, Elizabeth, Pam, Woodie, Linda, Sandy, Wayne, Ross, Jon, Gina, Kathy and Mike, welcomed Howard, Ann, Roberto and Megan to their first meeting.

After a brief round of introductions, the group began posting topics, creating an agenda for the meeting. Following, is a brief recap of those topics:


9-11 & Post 9-11 Consumerism...
With the dramatic events and developments since our last meeting, the group devoted an entire time slot to this posted topic, forming three discussion groups to allow ample opportunity for all to participate. While each group started with different ideas and focuses, all reached the same conclusion --

Group 1;
While first beginning with a rant against American society, discussion soon began to turn toward a realization that since 9-11, the new drive to consume (to be good Americans) has given folks more consciousness about their spending. Folks seem to be looking more than ever how best to put their spending to use. Before 9-11, we as a society were so focused on us that we didn't notice other countries/cultures. Conversation then moved on to asking what can the individual do (to help those affected/our country)? Volunteering and/or doing something in your community is way of showing patriotism. Seems we have gone from a world view to a view more focused towards what is around us => a view of what can we do here, to help our neighbors, local businesses, and our community.

Group 2;
Experienced similar beginnings, coming around to asking, "What can I do?" to best help our current situation. Should I give money to New York (NY), the Red Cross, United Way,...? Conversation here also reached a realization and conclusion that helping locally is probably the best thing we could do. Ann mentioned she learns best from example. Seeing others doing is a great motivator for her, therefore being an example of someone doing is a great way to help and/or make change happen. Mike led a pre 9-11 scheduled song circle designed to raise money for the local homeless shelter. Folks suggested sending the money to NY instead of the shelter but after discussion, realized the best way for them to help their country was to help their community. Jill asked what could she do for the women of Afghanistan. The group couldn't come up with ideas for direct support but suggested looking locally to give support, perhaps at women's education programs, community shelters. Using meditation and/or prayer is another way any of us can participate.

Group 3;
Reported same experiences and conclusions as other group discussions. Wayne built on Ross' mention of Margaret Mead's quote (small number of folks can change the world) by adding, "...look at how a small number of folks changed the world on 9-11. Those folks were half as many as are in this room right now. We too have the power to change with world." Gina said while she has had a lot of discussion about the events of 9-11 with many different folks, she couldn't wait to get the VS meeting to talk about things with our group.


VS Chicago Table at 2nd annual Earth Save Conscious Living Fair, October 20...
Pam and Woodie led a discussion on staffing a table at this year's fair. Ideas for materials, presentation and message were discussed. Woodie volunteered to put together a "VS Chicago" brochure handout (including list of resources) and present various VS Chicago press/news articles. Mike will also assemble a foam board of press/news articles, and provide various table materials. Jon will be contributing several items for table also. Ross volunteered to staff the table in the morning, Gina and Jon in the afternoon, Mike, Pam and Woodie all day. Mike, Pam & Woodie agreed to split copying/table fee costs. Anyone interested in the fair and/or interested in "helping out", please feel free to stop on by. The fair is being held at Northwestern University at 1845 Sheridan Road in Evanston, Illinois, just north of the Chicago border, Saturday, October 20th, from 8:00am to 6:00pm. See http://chicago.earthsave.org/2001conf/aboutconf.html for schedule of events and for further information.


Your Finances: Living In A Low Interest Rate World...
Don opened the discussion by mentioning Japan's interest rate is now 1/2%. If you had a million dollars in Japan, you'd only generate $10,000 a year in interest. Linda mentioned we have been living in denial, ie, money/jobs/return on investments would always be there. Don said when interest rates were high, we weren't worried about wringing out more money, but now more and more folks are trying to wring out more money from their savings/expenses. Examples: (1) Jon and Gina's home utility bill for August - $9 for gas (use of a solar oven a big help), $18 for electricity (compact florescents and use only what is needed) (2) Don saving $25/year by eliminating annoying call waiting "feature" on his phone (3) Mike and Linda saving $120/year in overall phone bill by switching long and local long distance calls to cell phone (thanks Pam and Woodie for providing the example!).


Long Term Care Insurance/Medical Insurance thoughts, ideas, suggestions...
Dick led the discussion noting life circumstances change -- when you're younger, needs are not noticeable until you age. Discussion included: (1) Long Term Care insurance is expensive -- is it worth the cost - can you afford to be without it (2) various issues with medical insurance => demonstrating prior insurability, Cobra plans, and miscellaneous laws that affect insurability (3) how can simplicity folks living on $500/month afford health care -- do they have health care? $500/month may be ok when you're younger, but what happens when you're older??


National Solar Home Tour...
Woodie reported five homes in Chicago and twelve in surrounding suburbs were participating in today's National Solar Home Tour. Woodie also provided action/tour information. One of the houses included in the tour is VS Chicago's Kathleen Cummings'.


Big and Small Ticket Car Repairs -- Any ideas?...
Julie's been having troubles with a car window that no longer rolls up properly. Lacking experience in taking the door apart herself, she was looking for some ideas and approaches. Mike found his local dealer to be a good source. While their labor rates are higher than local shops, he finds their expertise often results in less overall repair time. Another plus with a good dealer is the integrity of the original design is maintained. Ask around the neighborhood, and ask your local dealers to tell you about their repair shops => "How good are you?" Dealers need their body and mechanical shops to keep their operation going, and most strive to perform well so their customers keep coming back. Also keep an eye out for a local garage that has plenty of business -- are they doing something right? Ask around...


Car Sharing (i-go) program...
Mike reported Kathy Summers from i-go, the Center for Neighborhood Technology's (not for profit) car sharing program, will be at our November 10th meeting. Kathy dropped off survey cards before today's meeting, also noting those interested in the program can visit
www.i-go-cars.com or can call 773-278-4800, x 277.


We adjourned the meeting and closed the space at 12:35pm.
(Reported by Mike Lenich)

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