8/14/2004 VS Chicago Meeting Notes


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Celia, Dave, Lenny, Nancy, Roberto, Ron, Vicki, and Victoria welcomed Heidi who was visiting her brother Dave

The group collectively opened the space with a brief round of introductions. The group then created the following list of discussion topics:

  1. Friendship & Challenges of Sustaining Meaningful Relationships (Vicki/ Victoria)
  2. Keeping Simple While Working (Vicki)
  3. Book discussion: Radical Simplicity: Small Footprints on a Finite Earth by Jim Merkel (Heidi)
  4. Book discussion: God-Man/Neo-Think by Mark Hamilton (Dave)
  5. Book discussion: Havens: True Stories of Community Healing, co-authored by VS member Lenny Jason (group request)
  6. De-cluttering Envy – My Sister Finished Decluttering… Why Can’t I? (Celia)


Friendship & Challenges of Sustaining Meaningful Relationships (Vicki/ Victoria)…
This was a discussion about the different aspects of friendship, especially the problem of friends who 1) resist making commitments to get together after expressing initial interest, 2) after making a specific commitment, don’t follow-up on requests to set a time/place, or 3) agree to meet and cancel at the last minute. Here are excerpts from the discussion:


Keeping Simple While Working (Vicki)…
A few people noted that they were better able to live simply and track expenses when they weren’t working. The group discussed how to continue this practice after returning to work

The discussion shifted to how to add personal care to one’s life.


Book discussion:
Radical Simplicity - Small Footprints on a Finite Earth by Jim Merkel (Heidi)…
This book talks about the need to radically change our living habits to achieve sustainability. Humans are endangered There needs to be a focus on air, food, and water in order for human beings to continue on this earth.


Book discussion:
God-Man/Neo-Think by Mark Hamilton (Dave)…
This book asserts we can achieve happiness, success, and romantic love by following our passion. For more info, visit www.neo-tech.com/finalevo/

The discussion evolved to the rejuvenation of small businesses and problems associated with large corporations. A documentary called, "The Corporation," is currently playing and was highly recommended.


Book discussion: Havens: True Stories of Community Healing,
co-authored by VS member Lenny Jason (group request)…
This book grew out of one person’s need to find a supportive place to live while recovering from a chronic illness. There are few inexpensive places for the chronically sick to heal. There was also the desire to find alternatives to traditional institutions.

(From Mike Lenich’s previous email: In the foreword, Thomas Moore points out that the communities described in this book are not only physical homes, but also shelters for the soul, places to find the deepest kind of security. "Here you will see concrete ways imaginative leaders help those in trouble find themselves rather than become dependent on institutions. It is a new and promising imagination of how social healing works: not by setting up more programs, but by treating people in trouble as human beings, with certain emotional and social needs. This book teaches how to re-imagine this whole process, and now, in an increasingly technical and lonely world, we need this precious wisdom more than ever.")


De-cluttering Envy – My Sister Finished Decluttering… Why Can’t I? (Celia)…

We ran out of time before getting to this topic.


We closed the meeting and space by noon (thanks again Lenny), and departed to enjoy the unseasonably cool, yet sunny and still delightful August day.


(Recorded by Celia)

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