04/09/05 VS Chicago Meeting Notes


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"The world is to much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;
Little we see in Nature that is ours;"
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!…"

-- William Wordsworth
(p133, Cosmo Dogwood's Urban Almanac)



April 9, 2005 VS Chicago Meeting Notes

Victoria, Gerry, Joe, Tom, Cindy, Jill, Linda, Lenny, Ross, David, Nancy, Mark, Julie, Mike and others welcomed Andy, Martha, Mary, Pat and Glen to their first meeting.


Mike opened the space with a round of introductions, and we quickly began posting discussion topics.
* Simplicity Conference in Colorado (Joe)
* Spiritual Simplicity (Dave)
* Ideas for decluttering, offer for hands-on help (Martha)
* US energy independence by 2010 (Ross)
* HB750/SB750 Modernizing IL's Tax Structure good for simple lifers? (Mike)
* Networking for cheaper housing options/housesitting... (Cindy)





Joe asked if anyone has attended any simplicity conferences. A Congress of simplicity leaders (The Simplicity Forum) will be held in Colorado this year. Other Simplicity conferences will be held in Seattle (Take Back Your Time), LA, and San Francisco. Topic discussion included how attending conferences affects/impacts/inspires. Lenny just returned from a conference in Japan on fatigue, and relayed experiences of immersion in foreign cultures and being among colleagues. Overwork is a real problem in Japan. This creates stressful life environments that result in fatigue. Joe said his brain "fires with ideas" when attending conferences. Mike has been a member of the Simplicity Forum since its founding in 2000 and finds similar experiences => lots of ideas, inspiration and motivation. He also finds the energy and passions created at conferences can easily lead to over commitment. Regarding the Simplicity Forum, the purpose of the Forum is to honor and promote simple, just and sustainable ways of life for all. This year's Congress will focus on; Framing and Strategies for Simplicity, Simplicity and the Peace Movement, and Simplicity and Ecology.


Is there such a thing as spiritual clutter? How does one simplify the many approaches to spirituality?? Discussion included noting we are all on our own path. Daily yoga/mediation helps some, doesn't help others. Remember to spend time in the moment. Pessimist vers. Realist to simplify. Go with what is in front of us. Life offers us a spiritual buffet - Jill suggested taking what you need and leave the rest. Our spiritual teacher will show up when we are ready. Yoga could delay the aging process - Ross commented your age is determined by the flexibility of your spine. Trust and accept. Stop reacting to chaos and think before you act. Guidance is always there but may not be easy in the beginning to tap into and understand its subtle communications. Books mentioned included Jane Fonda's "Third Chapter of My Life" and Carl Sagan's "Contact". Love, acceptance, accountability, resist reacting. Basic spiritual path runs through it all.


Martha came to the group seeking help in decluttering her apartment. TV shows mentioned included Clean Sweep and Life Laundry. When going through things, ask yourself, "Would I take this item if I were moving?" And what do you do with your extra stuff? Many web sites are available to help you find new owners for your stuff;
www.flylady.net, www.chicago.com, www.freecycle.org, www.craigslist.com, and there's always eBay. Clutter is interesting. It kind of sneaks up on you. Things you need, you keep. Twenty years later you find yourself asking, "When was the last time I used this?" Then there are the emotional attachments to many things - things your kids used, remembrances of things from passed on relatives and friends, gifts you never used, clothes, books ("Maybe I'll read that one AGAIN... someday..."), "I paid so much for this I can't get rid if it", ... The good news about clutter is once you've gotten rid of some, your life feels soooo free. As they say, "You can't take it with you" - might as well enjoy the freedom of not being weighed down by "stuff."


Oh wouldn't that be nice, an energy independent USA by 2010? Just how many more years can we continue to pump fossil fuels from the earth and spew their spent by products into our environment? Some folks say not much longer. Some folks say it's not a problem. Other folks say it's too late. Books mentioned in discussion included Thomas Freeman's "The Earth IS Flat", and others - "Commodities" and "Investment Biker". As we continue to export jobs and import goods, we continue to send our money overseas. Ross mentioned China has become a holder of our receipts while we have become a nation of debt.


Mike attended a local forum on pending legislation to modernize Illinois' income tax structure. The forum was presented by the "Center for Tax and Budget Accountability" (CTBA) (
www.ctbaonline.org - a bipartisan think tank of economists/political experts), and hosted by Village of South Holland. Many details, questions and debates where shared during the forum, and many of same came up during topic discussion. In brief, the legislation looks to restructure how IL collects taxes.

The current method is based on a 1920's model => taxing industry (a then rapidly growing sector). Things are different today. Industry is on the decline, Services are rapidly growing. Economic theory is to tax what's growing and guess what? Under the current mode, IL doesn't tax services. CTBA's plan is to tax services, increase personal income tax 2% (and make it progressive), increase corporate income tax to 8%, and eliminate corporate tax expenditures. This would generate $7.2 billion in new revenue. What's the good news? Property taxes would decrease $2.4 billion (25%), $900 million personal income tax relief to bottom 60% of IL taxpayers (those earning $50k or less), $1.6 billion to education, $1.5 billion to eliminate state deficits (making state solvent and enabling school funding reform), and $800 million to higher education.

What MAY be good for VS folks is most wouldn't be affected by increase in personal income tax, property tax/rent should stabilize, and more stabilized neighborhoods/communities as school systems become more stable. Will it work? Will it get passed? If something doesn't change, things will continue on their current path. IL already ranks at the bottom in revenue collected and school funding, and amazingly, ranks near the top in efficient spending.


(This topic never convened)



We closed the meeting and space at 12:00pm with an announcement by Julie this was her last meeting. She wishes to thank everyone for all their help and inspiration these past years. Julie said she's learned a lot which made VS Chicago a "must be place". She will miss us all. Well we will miss you too Julie, and we thank you for bringing your heart and spirit to every meeting. Your participation contributed to our collective discovery and application of choosing to live more consciously by encountering life more directly. We wish you and your soon-to-be hubby well as you begin your new life in Oklahoma. Take good care, and continued success to you both! ^_^
(Recorded by Mike)

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