03/10/2001 VS Chicago Meeting Notes


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"Beware of little expenses: a small leak will sink a great ship."

…Benjamin Franklin

Milissa, Jerri, Bob, Micky, Louella, Colin, Elisa, Dennis, Tim, Ross, Vicki, Todd, Dave, Jill, Dick, Lenny, Pam, Woodie, Kim, Don, Jon, Gina, Elizabeth and Mike, welcomed Marty, Dave, Jenni, Kathie, Maggie, Pamela and Jim to their first meeting.

After a round of introductions and explanation of the meeting format, the group listed items for open space discussion:

The group reviewed, arranged and combined the items, deciding to discuss three topics concurrently, in two separate sessions. Here are some highlights from the open space discussions…

{From Mike L… Please note -- This meeting was well attended. Energy levels and participation were very high, and the group generated many, many wonderful thoughts, observations and ideas. To summarize them all in this space is difficult. Following is a snap shot of the meeting}


CASUAL INCOME... (hosted and noted by Dave)

The essence is that everyone works, whether you are going to a corporate office or weeding your garden of organic veges, it is still work, the idea is to work where, when and how it suits you best. If you are simplifying your needs/expenses plus bartering for your entertainment then you will need less actual cash. Maybe you could get by on a part time job (to get health care) along with casual income from a couple different hobbies that you want to do anyway.

Books referenced:



VS Chicago INTRANET WEB SITE... (hosted in group gathering by Woodie)

Woodie has joined Lisa, teaming up as co-administrators of our VS Chicago Intranet site. They are currently working to make the site more serving to VS Chicago Participants. Additional information will be available at the April VS Meeting.


VS CHICAGO "FUNDING" (for others and projects)... (hosted and noted by Mike)

BACKGROUND. In a recent trip to Phoenix, Arizona, Mike and Linda toured Frank Lloyd Wright's (FLW) winter home and school, Teliesin-West. They met two young architect apprentices (Fatma & Fabian) who were working to complete their "senior project" => construction of a simple living structure, based on knowledge gained from the many experiential learning's of the school. Several things about the project and school intrigued Mike and Linda:


Fatma and Fabian succeeded in designing and building a structure that

BUT… they had run $400 short of completing the structure and were in process of raising more funds. Which got Mike and Linda to thinking…

What impact, if any, would there be on all the folks who tour Teliesin-West, if they saw a simplicity group listed as a contributor to this project? Mike and Linda liked the considerate design, the attitudes and outlooks of the students, and would like these students and the others that follow, to know there are folks out there who support their ideals -- someone other than traditional supporters like corporations, building suppliers… And to raise $400, simply divided would be $15 from 25 folks. Hum…

But it also raised many, many questions about implications of doing so. This is what Mike brought to the discussion -- could/should VS Chicago, by name, become supporters of various things? If so, how would we do that?? Oh the implications…



      1. Send Mike Lenich a note and he'll post as part of monthly notes
      2. Post at the VS Chicago Intranet site





In addition to the monthly VS Chicago meetings, a Northwest Suburb simplicity group is getting started. Kate Maver is going to be facilitating a simple living group as a continuing ed course at Harper College on April 2 and 9 in the evenings. Kate invites anyone interested in starting up a Simplicity Group in the Northwest Suburbs, to give her a call.



Web sites noted...

~ Chicago Cultural Creatives Group: www.sageheart.com


We closed the space and meeting at 12:35
Recorded by: Mike Lenich)

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