02/10/07 VS Chicago Meeting Notes


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Mark, Lenny, Nancy, Dave H, Dave?, Ross, Shirley, Louella, Veronica, William attended the meeting.  After a quick update on individual lives, four topics were posted.

            I.                    Global Education

Louella wanted to discuss ideas of Global Education.

She is an active member of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.  They are a leading independent, nonpartisan organization committed to influencing the discourse on global issues through contributions to opinion and policy formation, leadership dialogue, and public learning.

The following ideas surfaced. 

In Chicago we still have an US versus them attitude (especially toward the Muslim community). 

There is still a strong need for global education on diversity in the world.  Chicago is not really that diverse of a city.  Many stated that in the US you don’t really see the diversity.  A basic lesson is that we are all the same.  However, in the end diversity comes down to basic decision of Choice.  Many people do not always make a conscious choice. 

Lenny commented on the down side of diversity which was a very interesting perspective.  We need to be careful not to lose your ethnic connection.  We do not want to lose our ethnic ties to our heritage (where we came from). 

Veronica made an analogy of diversity is like a salad bar that all things are mixed together but you still can love each bite (something like that). 


Finally, Louella wanted to share with everyone that there ia a lecture on Wednesday, February 28, 2007 05:30 PM with about: Islam:  Image and Reality at the Merle Reskin Theatre, 60 East Balbo Drive Chicago , IL 60605

There will be a town hall meeting to prescreen clips from several of the films, including Richard Perle’s Case for War, followed by a panel discussion and Q & A session.   “America at a Crossroads,” is a series of films exploring the challenges confronting the world since 9/11, will run on Channel 11 WTTW, Chicago’s PBS station, each night from 8:00 -10:00 p.m. the week of April 15 - 20, 2007. 






II.                The only way to get anything is to “Give it Away”

Dave H. wanted to discuss a book called yourownersmanual.com.  He read a book and called the author up and had an excellent dialogue about life and some of the secrets that Burt Hotchkiss the author of book found over his years. 


The following ideas surfaced. 

Simply put, everything is determined not by what you can get from, but by what you can give to a it (or give it away).  Some of Burt’s concepts follow:

"You don't learn anything from what you see or read or hear".

"Your life is governed by what is truth (whether you believe it or not) but your experience of life is governed by what you believe (whether it is true or not)."

That forgiveness is healing cannot be over-emphasized."

In Dave’s discussion with Burt he said for example come to my home and play golf with me on my golf course for free.  It is located in Eugene Oregon -    http://www.fernwood.us/

Lenny talked about a body of research about when you give to non – relatives is can improve your health.


III.       Can we be too simple in our life?

Lenny posted the topic and gave an example of pulling into the parking lot this morning and not having a spot in the free lot.  He was given the option by the attendant to go to another lot and park there for free.  However, he could not find the other lot and then came back to the original lot and paid the $5 because he did not want to miss any more of the VS meeting because he was running so late.  

He wanted to share the VS group his thoughts on being too simple.  He then went into a discussion about patching his pants versus getting new pants.

We talked about asking the question of “what is the purpose” when you have to make a decision.

Next we talked about HMO versus a PPO and which is better the PPO may be more paperwork and more expensive but you get what you need. 

Veronica brought up the example of Taxi versus a Bus>>>  “what is the purpose” 

Lenny summarized by stating that is kind of like trading time for money.  It may take more time but you have flexibility. Another way of stating it was comfort versus cost.

We do have a choice for a simpler life.

We talked about selfish versus generosity. 


IV.              Personal Responsibility

Ross shared a story about a woman who was interviewed by a TV reporter and about her personal comfort during the winter months.  She had to make a choice between heat and economic responsibility.  She was very cold this winter but did not have enough funds for food and heat.....  Much more to the story but we ended the meeting so perhaps, we can pick this discussion up next time.

Dave ? stated that some people actually who get their heat paid for sometimes leave their windows open instead of turning down their heat – what kind of personal responsibility is this.... good discussion.

Ross summarized this topic with a Buddhist saying:  “One must let go of who we are, if we want to become who we can be”. 


Mark mentioned a website named Magnatune.com which is an online music store.  People can pay $5.00 and ½ goes to the musician and ½ goes to fund the web site. 

Lenny, Ross and Veronica all agreed to get involved to help with the promotion of Virtual Simplicity in Chicago. 

Dave will set up a dial in # for all of us to discuss over the next month.  Also the meeting in March will be cancelled because of St. Patrick Day Celebrations at the church.

A quick recap ended the meeting.  

Find these topics interesting?  Have something to say on them?  Have other burning issues relating to simple living you’d like to discuss? 

Then plan to join us in April 14th at 9 AM.