1/8/2005 VS Chicago Meeting Notes


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"You pay for what you don't know."

-- Niena's Mom...




Jill, Vicki, Jessica, Kath, Joe, Shirley, Tom, Julie, Seowa and Mike opened the space with a round of introductions and posting discussion topics.




"Living Simply in the City". Jill is forming a Northside VS Group based on this theme. The first meeting will be January 22nd at 6:00pm, with conversation on topic of the Fulfillment Curve as discussed in the book, Your Money Or Your Life. Bring an anecdote about something that has exceeded (or not) your expectations for the amount of life energy you traded for the experience or thing. Bring a dish to share and your ideas and stories. Place setting and simple beverages provided. Contact Mike at VSChicago@juno.com for further information.


On the far south side, Mike & Linda Lenich are coordinating a one day workshop on the audio tape series, Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence (the forerunner to the book, Your Money Or Your Life). The workshop will be at the Unity Church of Christ, 740 River Drive, Hammond, Indiana (just south of Interstate 80 at the Calumet Ave Exit => about two miles east of the Illinois/Indiana border). The date is February 5, 2005, from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Cost is $11 for the course workbook plus a love offering for the Church. Phone the Church for registration at 219-931-5284. For further information, contact Mike at VSChicago@juno.com.


To continue his plan on biking to work during the Chicago winter, Joe recently bought a great mountain bike at the Chicago Police Department Auction. The next auction is February 19th, at 2800 S. Western. Viewing is from 8:30am to 10:00am, bidding immediately following.



In several recent passing conversations, Mike was surprised at the number of folks commenting their Christmas' were unusually quiet. Everyone was happy (Mike among them), but a little surprised that staying at home or being with a few friends instead of a big gathering was so nice => there was something about this year that made having a very low key holiday seem just fine. Was this unusual, or just the way things have always been? Discussion followed...

Lenny commented R.D. Lang talked about this in the "Divided Self", where shock often occurs when we have a loss of a job or loss of a spouse or some other great tragedy. With so many tragedies occurring today in the external world, it is not hard to find one that would shake us to our core. Could fear, arising from these events, have taken the place of hope and possibility?

Jill mentioned a friend of hers said "...you can feel a cosmic relief now that Christmas is over". Linda thought perhaps this "quiet Christmas/stay at home thing" might be a sort of push back on hard Christian symbolism - a subtle protest to election or war results. Mike didn't feel like singing or performing any traditional Christmas songs this year. Others mentioned having wonderful Christmas events with family and friends, no different then in years past. Discussion continued...

 Vicki said the holidays give structure - a prescribed time - to do things that might not normally have opportunity. Joe said Fay Popcorn (ie, "The Popcorn Report") sited a recent trend in cocooning => a trend to stay more at home. Mike noted Tricia Alexander's comments at a recent concert => Tricia was tired of being driven by fear based accounts in newspapers and TV. Instead, Tricia was choosing possibility, "... fear and possibility can not exist in the same place at the same time, so instead of fear, I'm choosing possibility - what is possible? "To minimize fear based inputs, Seowa often listens to BBC Radio over the internet. In addition to different views of world events and excellent reporting, Sewoa said the BBC features many different and entertaining shows/programs throughout the day (check out www.bbc.com).

So... was this Christmas season unusual, or just the way things have always been? Not sure yet.



A great discussion on learning how to weed through the tons of information hurled at us each day, so we might be able to make contact with who we really are, and become more of that 'person'.

Vicki said, the real issue is being able to listen to your inner voice, "When I tune in to this voice, things are better."
What are some tools folks use to tune into the inner voice, to connect with that inner voice?

What is common to the suggestions above? Reflection - taking a moment to stop and listen to yourself. When you do, you make contact with your inner self, your inner voice.



Kath and Jim will be celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary this year and thought a trip to Europe would be a great way to celebrate. With current exchange rates, Europe is more expensive this year. Any ideas on having a great time without needing to spend a lot of money?

Be open to destinations, accommodations, food, travel time and sightseeing. Round trip air to Amsterdam recently has been as low as $200. Eat what locals eat. Travel groups may be an option - if you like hiking, biking, music... there may be a group you could accompany. Hosted tours might be expensive. Foreign travel offices have a lot of useful information and guides => Linda and Mike stopped at the French travel office in Chicago and got a wonderful walking tour map of Paris. They spent five days taking the map's tours, seeing almost the entire city.



We closed the meeting and space at 12:00pm with no further reports of Segway riders in bike lanes going full speed while talking on their cell phone, and the wonders of "Four Foot Drive".
(Recorded by Mike Lenich)