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Here is why IBS has Been Defined as the "Entrepreneurs Dream"

You can start your 900 number business at home, part time. There's no need to rent expensive office space or hire employees.

Start on a shoe-string budget. It requires no capital investment!

IBS is recognized as the finest business offer available!

Our 900 number business offer requires no security deposit, no investment, no monthly fees, and no hidden fees -- ever!

The 900 Number Success Manual that we provide you with makes it easier than ever to start!

No equipment to buy or maintain. No direct sales or talking to people, our 900 number computer handles all the calls. You simply receive a monthly check for managing your 900 number.

IBS provides everything to guarantee your success. You don't need any experienc e or special skills!

Just a few hours a week can generate more money for you than most make in a lifetime, allowing you to enjoy all the luxuries of life including real estate, luxury cars, boats, planes, college educations, dream vacations, cash and investments -- true financial freedom, along with plenty of free time to enjoy it!

You can manage your 900 number business from anywhere, whether it be from home, the side of a pool, in a spacious office, or from a vacation spot in the Bahamas!

Enjoy numerous tax benefits and business write-offs! and much, much more.

People who fail all their life are often compared to a ship without a rudder. If you don't want to drift aimlessly through life you need to set financial goals. Goals are simple dreams with deadlines. Ask yourself "will this program bring me closer to my goal?". If so, try it, if not, don't try it. As I always tell my self, "You can try and fail, but its much worse to fail to try!" If you do decide to try it, the first step is to get your 900 number, along with the secrets of starting a successful 900 number programs from the people already doing it. All this, and more is available for you in your 900 number Success Manual for only $39.95 plus $3.00 for postage and handling. The Success Manual is your key to 900 number wealth! It contains everything you need. All of our managers started with the exact same manual. Why do I charge money for this Success Manual? When I send you a manual, and give you a 900 number, I then have a financial interest in whether or not you become successful because you've cost me money. I charge a small fee for this manual so I know you're serious about becoming successful. After all, it's not a $39.95 decision, it's a quality of life decision! Once I know that you're serious, I'll refund the cost of your manual by adding it to your first monthly royalty check simply by taking it out of IBS's royalties, and giving it back to you. I assure you , this program will take you where you want to be. I'll even guarantee it...

One Year, No Risk Guarantee

If you're serious about becoming wealthy, I want ot give you the opportunity to see your dreams come true! I'll take out any worries or skeptical feelings you may have by letting you try your new 900 number for a full year at the complete risk of IBS. Order your 900 number Success Manual today. If you're not fully satisfied, return it within one year for your money back -- no questions asked! I offer you this to gain your trust, and because I know for a fact that once you have a 900 number, you won't want to part with it. You can make so much money, it's hard to explain, you have to see it to believe it. I'll give a full year to decide for yourself. So, now you have nothing to loose, and everything to gain. As Babe Ruth said "Never let the fear of striking out get in your way." This 100% unconditional guarantee takes the fear and risk out of trying. You can only benefit!