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About Jane and Quint Reinheimer

Kids and family, stress management, personal development -- all areas of concern that I hope you will let me share with you.

Welcome to my web page. I will be sharing excerpts from previous issues of The Reinheimer Letter. Click on the link "Newsletter excerpts and archives" if you would like to read any of these excerpts. If you have any questions that you would like to ask, please feel free to email me. Also, if you have anything you'd like to share with my readers, I'd really welcome hearing from you! I like to put this type of information on the first page. Hope that you will take the time to read through the descriptions of the booklets that are offered. These booklets are basically material that was written for various workshops and clinics and are in response to requests from workshop participants who ask for material to share with friends.

I have a Master of Arts degree in psychology from Concordia University in River Forest, Illinois; received Roosevelt University's graduate level paralegal certificate. I'm what you academic counselors call a "returning woman" -- that is, I waited until after the kids grew up before going back to college to finish a degree -- actually two majors, one in business administration and one in psychology. One could say there was some degree of indecision there, but in the final analysis, and after completing a masters degree in psychology, I'm glad everything worked out the way it did. My husband, Quint, is a great booster and without his help, it's a safe bet that I would have become frustrated and tired of the rigors demanded of graduate studies.

There were many, many long nights when he would walk over to campus from the train station after commuting from his own job as an analytical research chemist to look things up in journals for research articles and make copies so that I could write the papers to turn in. And then, when classes were over for me, I would join him in the library; we'd stop for dinner on the way home, usually after 10:00 p.m., only to get up the next morning and start over -- both of us working full time while I was taking a full-time student load.

My promise to him was that after we got a counseling practice launched, he would be able to retire early and handle the business mechanics of the practice. With a lot of faith and prayer, that goal has come to bear fruit. Quint was able to retire a year and a half ago. It took nearly seven years for the practice to make it economically possible for him to "quit his day job." We have always made a good team. Our goals are the same for ourselves and for each other. In fact, my advice to married couples who come for counseling is to develop a spirit of teamwork. Support each other. And show each other every day how valuable you think your partner is and how important your partner is to your life. What I love most about our life together is that we have a lot of fun, no matter what we do -- as long as we are doing it together.

We have nine grandchildren -- only one granddaughter -- Heather. Heather will be five years old in September. Our oldest grandson just finished his freshman year of college. The other grandsons are spread out between kindergarten and high school. And we're proud of each one of them! Can you tell?

I am a frequent lecturer on such topics as parenting skills, conflict resolution, anger management, interpersonal relationships, effective communication skills, and during October (which is domestic violence awareness month) I schedule several domestic violence awareness seminars.

I am a member of the Illinois Counseling Association, Illinois Mental Health Counselors Association, American Orthopsychiatric Association (for which I also write book reviews of professional literature), American Association of University Women, the American Psychotherapist's Association, and the American Psychological Association (Associate Member).
